Select Publications
Book Chapters
2022, 'Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Prospects', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 229 - 257,
,2022, 'Deep Reinforcement Learning for Secure Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 203 - 213,
,2022, 'Digital Forensics in Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 113 - 130,
,2022, 'Federated Learning for Privacy-Preserving Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 215 - 228,
,2022, 'Internet of Things Security Requirements, Threats, Attacks, and Countermeasures', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 67 - 112,
,2022, 'Internet of Things, Preliminaries and Foundations', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 37 - 65,
,2022, 'Introduction Conceptualization of Security, Forensics, and Privacy of Internet of Things: An Artificial Intelligence Perspective', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 1 - 35,
,2022, 'Semi-supervised Deep Learning for Secure Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 181 - 202,
,2022, 'Supervised Deep Learning for Secure Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 131 - 166,
,2022, 'Unsupervised Deep Learning for Secure Internet of Things', in Deep Learning Techniques for IoT Security and Privacy, pp. 167 - 180,
,2021, 'A Systemic IoT–Fog–Cloud Architecture for Big-Data Analytics and Cyber Security Systems', in Secure Edge Computing, CRC Press, pp. 41 - 50,
,2020, 'Security and Privacy in 4G/LTE Network', in Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1265 - 1271,
,2018, 'A Network Forensic Scheme Using Correntropy-Variation for Attack Detection', in Advances in Digital Forensics XIV, Springer, Cham, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2018,
,2018, 'Security and Privacy in 4G/LTE Network', in Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer, Cham,
,2017, 'Big Data Analytics for Intrusion Detection System: Statistical Decision-making using Finite Dirichlet Mixture Models', in Carrascosa IP; Kalutarage HK; Huang Y (ed.), Data Analytics and Decision Support for Cybersecurity, Springer, Cham,