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Select Publications
2014, Love and Marriage in Globalizing China, Routledge
,2014, Love and Marriage in Globalizing China, Routledge
,2023, 'Violence against Women: Can the Law Help?', in Jaivin L; Sunkyung Klein E; Luman Ren A (ed.), China Story Yearbook 2022: Chains, ANU Press, http://dx.doi.org/10.22459/CSY.2023
,2023, 'From patriarchal call to digital hunt: transforming “arranged marriages” in China’', in Berta P (ed.), Arranged Marriage: The Politics of Tradition, Resistance, and Change, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, http://dx.doi.org/10.36019/9781978822863-009
,2022, '(Wo)men’s voices, rights, and the vision of the state', in China Story Yearbook: Contradictions, https://www.thechinastory.org/womens-voices-rights-and-the-vision-of-the-state/
,2021, 'WOMEN’S BODIES, INTIMATE POLITICS, AND FEMINIST CONSCIOUSNESS AMID COVID-19', in Crisis, ANU Press, pp. 74 - 90, http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1m9x316.13
,2021, 'Women's bodies, intimate politics and feminist consciousness amid COVID-19', in Golley J; Jaivin L; Strange S (ed.), China Story Yearbook 2020: Crisis, ANU Press, http://dx.doi.org/10.22459/CSY.2021
,2020, 'Love in China (1950-now)', in International Handbook of Love: Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Springer Nature, pp. 955 - 973, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45996-3_50
,2020, 'International romance: changing discourses of Chinese–foreign intimacy in the decades of economic reforms', in sun W; Yang L (ed.), Love Stories in China The Politics of Intimacy in the Twenty-First Century, Routledge, https://www.routledge.com/Love-Stories-in-China-The-Politics-of-Intimacy-in-the-Twenty-First-Century/Sun-Ling/p/book/9780367224691
,2019, 'Foreign nationals and Chinese-foreign marriages in cosmopolitan China: statistics, state policies and media discourse (2000–2012)', in Kochhar G (ed.), Modern China Society, Culture and Literature, Taylor & Francis, https://www.routledge.com/Modern-China-Society-Culture-and-Literature-1st-Edition/Kochhar/p/book/9781138589902
,2018, 'Millennial Meirenyu: Mermaids in 21st Century Chinese Culture', in Scaled for Success: The Internationalization of the Mermaid
,2017, 'Foreign-related Marriages in Contemporary China (1979–2013)', in Handbook on the Family and Marriage in China
,2017, 'Pathways to legalizing same-sex marriage in China and Taiwan: Globalization and “Chinese values', in Global Perspectives on Same-Sex Marriage A Neo-Institutional Approach, Palgrave Macmillan
,2017, 'Mermaid-like a while”: Juvenile Mermaids and Aficionado Culture', in Making a Splash Mermaids (and Mer-Men) in 20th and 21st Century Audiovisual Media, Indiana University Press
,, 2014, 'Television talk shows and Chinese–foreign marriage', in Love and Marriage in Globalizing China, Routledge, pp. 168 - 187, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315775890-15
Wang P, (ed.), 2024, Challenges in Multicultural Marriages and Families, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/genealogy/special_issues/3O5I5OPWRV
2024, 'Invited. Book Review. 2023 Sun Wanning, Love Troubles: Inequality in China and Its Intimate Consequences.', The China Journal, 91, pp. 141 - 143, http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/728160
,2023, 'Is sex lost in translation? Linguistic and conceptual issues in the translation of sexual and reproductive health surveys', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1 - 17, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2021.2016975
,2022, 'The cultural economy of Xiangqin: an analysis of the “intimate business” on Chinese television, date-renting sites and mobile phones', Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10304312.2022.2045253
,2022, 'Going Solo: An Analysis of China’s ‘Single Economy’ through the Date-renting Industry', Asian Studies Review, 46, pp. 1 - 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10357823.2021.1929068
,2022, 'Love during China’s Cultural Revolution: evidence from a ‘sent-down’ couple’s private letters 1968–1977', History of the Family, 27, pp. 370 - 390, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1081602X.2022.2033296
,2021, 'Lonely hearts look for love in China’s revolutionary dating landscape', East Asia Forum Quarterly, 13, pp. 19 - 23, https://www.eastasiaforum.org/quarterly/
,2021, 'Chinese–international intimate relations: An Australian case study of migrant marriage and divorce', Journal of Sociology, 57, pp. 898 - 915, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1440783320978701
,2021, 'Using Videoconferencing Focus Groups in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research With Chinese Im/Migrants in Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 2757 - 2769, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/10497323211043823
,2020, 'Reporting and combating the health crisis: an analysis of the PRC media during the COVID-19 pandemic (2019–2020)', Media Asia, 47, pp. 152 - 161, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01296612.2020.1847995
,2020, 'Struggle with multiple pandemics: Women, the elderly and asian ethnic minorities during the covid-19 pandemic', PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 17, pp. 14 - 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.5130/pjmis.v17i1-2.7400
,2018, 'Invited. Book Review: WIVES, HUSBANDS, AND LOVERS: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China ( Edited by Deborah S. Davis and Sara L. Friedman)', Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific, https://pacificaffairs.ubc.ca/book-reviews/wives-husbands-and-lovers-marriage-and-sexuality-in-hong-kong-taiwan-and-urban-china-edited-by-deborah-s-davis-and-sara-l-friedman/
,2017, 'Inventing traditions: television dating shows in the People’s Republic of China', Media, Culture and Society, 39, pp. 504 - 519, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0163443716648493
,2015, 'Media Presentations of Cross-Strait Marriage in Contemporary China', China Media Research, Vol. 11, pp. 46 - 57
,2014, 'Invited. Book Review: Domestic Violence in Asia: Globalization, Gender and Islam in the Maldives (by Emma Fulu)', Asian Women, 30, http://www.e-asianwomen.org/_common/do.php?a=full&b=21&bidx=255&aidx=3069
,2013, 'The rise of Chinese-foreign marriage in mainland China, 1979-2010', China Information, 27, pp. 347 - 369, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0920203X13492791
,2019, 'Love in China', presented at the 9th Asian Conference on Cultural Studies and the 9th Asian Conference on Asian Studies, Tokyo, 24 May 2019 - 26 May 2019
,2009, 嫣然一笑 (sweet smile), https://xueshu.baidu.com/usercenter/paper/show?paperid=67ce5d4af223545f411314fa05a17f59&site=xueshu_se
,2018, ABC News The World, http://www.abc.net.au/news/programs/the-world/2018-04-20/dating-in-china-is-a-family-affair/9682990
,2016, Television dating shows China’s new matchmakers, http://asaa.asn.au/television-dating-shows-chinas-new-matchmakers/
,2023, Divorce as a “certificate of happiness” in modern China, East Asia Forum, https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2023/06/16/divorce-as-a-certificate-of-happiness-in-modern-china/#
,2022, Violence against women: Gender relations, rule of law and social morality, https://www.thechinastory.org/violence-against-women-gender-relations-rule-of-law-and-social-morality/
,2022, Navigating the tug-of-war: (wo)men’s voices, their rights, and the vision of the state, https://www.thechinastory.org/womens-voices-rights-and-the-vision-of-the-state/
,2021, Lonely hearts look for love in China’s revolutionary dating landscape, East Asia Forum, https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2021/12/23/lonely-hearts-look-for-love-in-chinas-revolutionary-dating-landscape/
,2021, PRC Migrants in Australia: Marriage and Divorce, https://www.thechinastory.org/prc-migrants-in-australia-marriage-and-divorce/
,2019, Same-sex marriage in Taiwan: Democratic Institutions override popular conservatism, but wither marriage equality, Australian Outlook, https://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/same-sex-marriage-taiwan-democratic-institutions-popular-conservativism/
,2018, Celebrity Chinese-foreign Marriages and divorces through the prism of race, gender and class, https://www.wagic.org/blank-2/2018/05/21/Celebrity-Chinese-Foreign-Marriages-and-Divorces-Through-the-Prism-of-Gender-Race-and-Class
,2018, WIVES, HUSBANDS, AND LOVERS: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China | Edited by Deborah S. Davis and Sara L. Friedman, https://pacificaffairs.ubc.ca/book-reviews/wives-husbands-and-lovers-marriage-and-sexuality-in-hong-kong-taiwan-and-urban-china-edited-by-deborah-s-davis-and-sara-l-friedman/
,2017, Prospects for Same-sex Marriage in the PRC, https://cpianalysis.org/2017/10/02/whither-same-sex-marriage-in-the-peoples-republic-of-china/
,2016, How TV Dating Shows Helped Change Love and Marriage in China Forever, https://theconversation.com/how-tv-dating-shows-helped-change-love-and-marriage-in-china-forever-60594
,2014, Domestic Violence in Asia: Globalization, Gender and Islam in the Maldives : Emma Fulu. London & New York: Routledge, 2014., Sookmyung Women's University, http://dx.doi.org/10.14431/aw.2014.