Select Publications

Journal articles

Santini NS; Lovelock CE; Hua Q; Zawadzki A; Mazumder D; Mercer TR; Muñoz-Rojas M; Hardwick SA; Madala BS; Cornwell W; Thomas T; Marzinelli EM; Adam P; Paul S; Vergés A; Munoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Natural and Regenerated Saltmarshes Exhibit Similar Soil and Belowground Organic Carbon Stocks, Root Production and Soil Respiration', Ecosystems, 22, pp. 1803 - 1822,

Bortolus A; Adam P; Adams JB; Ainouche ML; Ayres D; Bertness MD; Bouma TJ; Bruno JF; Caçador I; Carlton JT; Castillo JM; Costa CSB; Davy AJ; Deegan L; Duarte B; Figueroa E; Gerwein J; Gray AJ; Grosholz ED; Hacker SD; Hughes AR; Mateos-Naranjo E; Mendelssohn IA; Morris JT; Muñoz-Rodríguez AF; Nieva FJJ; Levin LA; Li B; Liu W; Pennings SC; Pickart A; Redondo-Gómez S; Richardson DM; Salmon A; Schwindt E; Silliman BR; Sotka EE; Stace C; Sytsma M; Temmerman S; Turner RE; Valiela I; Weinstein MP; Weis JS, 2019, 'Supporting Spartina: Interdisciplinary perspective shows Spartina as a distinct solid genus', Ecology, 100,

Stone J; Mitrofanis J; Johnstone DM; Falsini B; Bisti S; Adam P; Nuevo AB; George-Weinstein M; Mason R; Eells J, 2018, 'Acquired Resilience: An Evolved System of Tissue Protection in Mammals', Dose-Response, 16,

Adam P; McDonald T, 2018, 'Environmentally engaged research: An interview with Paul Adam', Ecological Management and Restoration, 19, pp. 14 - 23,

Adam P, 2017, 'Can ideas be dangerous?', Australian Zoologist, 38, pp. 329 - 374,

Calver M; Adam P; Van Dooren T; Rose D; Wallis I; Banks P; Hochuli D, 2017, 'Dangerous Ideas in zoology: Plenary session 2', Australian Zoologist, 38, pp. 414 - 421,

Lunney D; Calver M; Adam P; Eby P; Recher H, 2017, 'Plenary Session 2 on the value of protected areas for fauna conservation', Australian Zoologist, 39, pp. 272 - 279,

Adam P, 2017, 'The world heritage list and New South Wales rainforest - Reflections on the events of 30 years ago', Australian Zoologist, 39, pp. 228 - 256,

Gurgel CFD; Wernberg T; Thomsen MS; Russell BD; Adam P; Waters JM; Connell SD, 2014, 'Shared patterns of species turnover between seaweeds and seed plants break down at increasing distances from the sea', Ecology and Evolution, 4, pp. 27 - 34,

Kodela PG; Adam P; Wiecek BM, 2014, 'Lysimachia mauritiana (Primulaceae) on seacliffs in the eastern suburbs of Sydney: a newly naturalised record for Australia', Cunninghamia, 14, pp. 89 - 95,

Adam P, 2014, 'Reducing the impacts of development on wildlifeJamesGleeson and DeborahGleeson, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 2012. xii + 234 pp. Price AUD $ 89.95 (paperback). ISBN 9780643100329.', Ecological Management & Restoration, 15,

Ross PM; Adam P, 2013, 'Climate change and intertidal wetlands', Biology, 2, pp. 445 - 480,

Bonser S; De Permentier PJ; Green J; Velan GM; Adam P; Kumar RK, 2013, 'Engaging students by emphasising botanical concepts over techniques: innovative practical exercises using virtual microscopy', Journal of Biological Education, 47, pp. 123 - 127,

ADAM P, 2013, 'Tropical Rain Forests. An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison, 2nd Edition by Richard T.Corlett and Richard B.Primack. Wiley‐Blackwell, Chichester, 2011. x + 336 pp. Price AUD$67.95. ISBN 978‐1‐4443‐3255‐1 (paperback, also available in hardback).', Austral Ecology, 38,

Adam P, 2012, 'Royal National Park -lessons for the future from the past.', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 134, pp. B7 - B24,

Adam P, 2011, 'The Energetics of Mangrove Forests', AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, 36, pp. E18 - E19,

Miller GN; Friedel MH; Adam P; Chewings VH, 2010, 'Ecological impacts of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) invasion in central Australia - Does field evidence support a fire-invasion feedback?', Rangeland Journal, 32, pp. 353 - 365,

Adam P, 2010, 'Letting nature take its course', Australasian Plant Conservation, 19, pp. 3 - 4,

Adam P, 2009, 'Ecological communities - the context for biodiversity conservation or a source of confusion?', The Australasian Journal of Natural Resources Law and Policy, 13, pp. 7 - 59

Adam P, 2009, 'Going with the flow? Threatened species management and legislation in the face of climate change', Ecological Management and Restoration, 10

Adam P; May E, 2009, 'Linnaeus: King of natural history.', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 130, pp. 245 - 250

Griffith SJ; Bale C; Adam P, 2008, 'Environmental correlates of coastal heathland and allied vegetation', Australian Journal of Botany, 56, pp. 512 - 526

Huon GF; Spehar B; Adam P; Rifkin WD, 2007, 'Resource use and academic performance among first year psychology students', Higher Education, 53, pp. 1 - 27

Adam P, 2005, 'Peat mining: the collapse of Wingecarribee Swamp.', Stapfia, 85, pp. 425

Adam P; Horwitz P, 2005, 'Temperate coastal peatlands in Australia.', Stapfia, 85, pp. 413 - 415

Preston BJ; Adam P, 2004, 'Describing and listing threatened ecological communities under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW): Part 1- the assemblage of species and the particular area', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 21, pp. 250 - 263

Preston BJ; Adam P, 2004, 'Describing and listing threatened ecological communities under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW): Part 2 - the role of supplementary descriptors and the listing process', Environmental and Planning Law Journal, 21, pp. 372 - 390

Griffith SJ; Bale C; Adam P, 2004, 'The influence of fire and rainfall upon seedling recruitment in sand-mass (wallum) heathland of north-eastern New South Wales', Australian Journal of Botany, 52, pp. 92 - 118

Adam P, 2003, 'Measuring success: Evaluating the restoration of a grassy Eucalypt woodland on the Cumberland Plain, Sydney, Australia.', Restoration Ecology, 11,, pp. 489

Kemp E; Adam P; Ashford AE, 2003, 'Seasonal changes in hair roots and mycorrhizal colonization in Wollsia pungens (Cav.) F.Muell. (Epacridaceae)', Plant and Soil, 250, pp. 241 - 248

Whinam J; Hope GA; Buxton RB; Alspach PA; Adam P, 2003, 'Sphagnum in peatlands of Australasia: Their distribution, utlisation and management', Wetlands Ecology and Management, 11, pp. 37 - 49

Adam P; Griffith SJ; Bale C; Wilson R, 2003, 'Wallum and related vegetation on the NSW Coast: description and phytosociological analysis.', Cunninghamia, 8, pp. 220 - 252

Adam P; Clarke PJ, 2002, 'Distichlis distichophylla (Labill.) Fassett, a new coastal record for a saltmarsh grass in New South Wales.', Wetlands (Australia), 12, pp. 13 - 15

Adam P, 2002, 'Rarity, rare plant species and the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act - conservation opportunities and challenges.', Cunninghamia, 7, pp. 651 - 669

Adam P, 2002, 'Saltmarshes in a time of change', Environmental Conservation, pp. 39 - 61

Adam P, 2001, 'A role for restoration ecologists in endangered community conservation ?', Ecological Management and Restoration, 2, pp. 165 - 166

Adam P; Williams G, 2001, 'Diocey, self-compatability and vegetative repoduction in Australian subtropical rainforest trees and shrubs', Cunninghamia, pp. 89 - 100

Adam P, 2001, 'Dioecy, self-incompatibility and vegetative reproduction in Australian subtropical rainforest trees and shrubs.', Cunninghamia, 7, pp. 89 - 100

Mokany K; Adam P, 2001, 'The biogeographical attributes of the threatened flora of New South Wales', Cunninghamia, pp. 873 - 892

Williams LG; Adam P, 2001, 'The insect assemblage visiting the flowers of the subtropical rainforest Pioneer tree Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Reiss. Ex Benth (Rhamnaceae)', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 123, pp. 235 - 259

Williams GA; Adam P; Mound LA, 2001, 'Thrips (Thysanoptera) pollination in Australian subtropical rainforests, with particular reference to pollination of Wilkiea huegeliana (Monimiaceae)', Journal of Natural History, pp. 1 - 21

Adam P; Mokany K, 2000, 'The biogeographical attributes of the threatened flora of New South Wales', Cunninghamia, 6, pp. 873 - 892

Williams G; Adam P, 1999, 'Pollen sculpture in subtropical rain forest plants: Is wind pollination more common than previously suspected?', Biotropica, 31, pp. 520 - 524,

Adam P, 1998, 'History and Ecology of rainforest diversity', Trends in Plant Science, pp. 287 - 288

Williams GA; Adam P, 1998, 'Pollen loads collected from large Insects in Australian subtropical rainforests', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 120, pp. 49 - 67

Adam P; Auld T; Benson D; Catling P; Dickman C; Fleming M; Gunning R; Hutchings PJ; Kemp D; Sheilds J, 1998, 'The 10 Lords of the Universe respond to Lim', Pacific Conservation Biology, pp. 319 - 321

Adam P, 1997, 'Absence of creeks and pans in temperate Australian salt marshes', Mangroves and Salt Marshes, 1, pp. 239 - 241

Adam P, 1997, 'Introduction to the Botany Bay Symposium', Wetlands (Australia), 16, pp. 1 - 3

Adam P; Williams GA, 1997, 'The composition of the bee (Apoidea:Hymenoptera) fauna visiting flowering trees in New South Wales lowland subtropical rainforest remnants.', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W., 118, pp. 69 - 95

Adam P; Auld T; Benson D; Catling P; Dickman C; Fleming M; Gunning R; Hutchings P; Kemp D; Shields J, 1997, 'The New South Wales Threatened Speies Conservation Act. A response to Cardew.', Australian Planner, 14, pp. 204 - 207

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