Select Publications
Book Chapters
2016, 'A Sydney Social Hub: The Australia Hotel and the Commercial Travellers' Association of NSW', in O'Callaghan J; Hogben P; Freestone R (ed.), Sydney's Martin Place: A Cultural and Design History, Allen & Unswin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, pp. 139 - 154,
,2016, 'Introduction', in Sydney's Martin Place: A Cultural and Design History, pp. xi - xiii
,2014, 'Double Modernity: The first international hotels', in Hogben P; O'Callaghan J (ed.), Leisure Space: The transformation of Sydney 1945-1970, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney,
,2014, 'Leisure in Sydney during 'the long boom'', in Hogben P; O'Callaghan J (ed.), Leisure Space: The Transformation of Sydney 1945-1970, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, pp. 14 - 29,
,2012, 'International Comparison as Critical Strategy', in Stead N (ed.), Semi-Detached: Writing, Representation and Criticism in Architecture, Uro Media, Melbourne, pp. 197 - 210
,2009, 'The Spectre of the Skyscraper: An Exploration of Images', in Skyplane: What effect do towers have on urbanism, sustainability, the workplace and historic city centres?, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 108 - 121
,2007, 'Architectural Enclosure: A Prologue to Topophilia', in Ruan X; Hogben P (ed.), Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections of Twentieth-Century Human Habitat, Routledge Press, London, pp. 1 - 11
,Edited Books
O'Callaghan JM; Hogben P; Freestone R, (eds.), 2016, Sydney's Martin Place: A cultural and design history, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW,
O'Callaghan JM; Hogben P, (ed.), 2014, Leisure space: The Transformation of Sydney 1945-1970, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney
Ruan X; Hogben PE, (ed.), 2007, Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections of Twentieth-Century Human Habitat, Routledge Press, London
Journal articles
2022, 'Coal, Steel and the Holy Cross: Post-War Churches and Chapels of the Hunter Region, NSW', Fabrications, 32, pp. 246 - 271,
,2022, 'Imagining Manila's future: Advertising's ideals for postwar reconstruction', Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 53, pp. 277 - 308,
,2021, 'From Colonial Revival to Architectural Regionalism: Representational Alteration in the Case of Australia's Head of Mission Residence in New Delhi', FABRICATIONS-THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, 31, pp. 235 - 259,
,2018, 'James Green ("De Libra") and 'Sydney Architecture Aesthetically Considered'', Fabrications: the journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 28, pp. 375 - 400
,2012, 'Architecture and Arts and the Mediation of American Architecture in Post-war Australia', Fabrications, 22, pp. 30 - 57
,2011, 'The Tender Information Economy of the Colonial Building Press in Australia', Fabrications. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 20, pp. 108 - 127
,2004, '100 Years of Advertising', Architecture Australia, 93, pp. 20 - 23
,2004, 'Rhetoric and Tone', Architecture Australia, 93, pp. 26 - 30
,2001, 'Maintaining an Image of Objectivity: Reflections on an Institutional Anxiety', Architectual Theory Review, pp. 63 - 75
,2000, 'Marketing fever', Fabrications. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 11, pp. 79 - 95
,2000, 'Nationalism in Australian architectural history, 1890-1920: a discourse analysis', Architectual Theory Review, 5, pp. 94 - 111
,2000, 'The look of expertise, towards a history of building product advertising', Transition, pp. 30 - 39, 173
,1999, 'Managing An Image of Objectivity: Architecture in Australia During the 1960s', InSite, 1
,1999, 'The Commercialization of Architecture in Australia, 1975-1980', Fabrications. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, pp. 53 - 67
,Conference Papers
2022, 'Financing Civic Improvement: The Community Amenities Funding Scheme of the Joint Coal Board', in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand., Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, presented at Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, 25 November 2022 - 27 November 2022,
,2021, 'The Making of a Newcastle Modernist: The Early House Designs of Sydney C. Morton', in Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand., Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, presented at Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, 10 November 2021 - 13 November 2021,
,2020, 'Unlocking Newcastle’s Modernist Domestic Architecture', in Hislop K; Lewi H (ed.), Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand: 37, What If? What Next? Speculations on History’s Futures, Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Perth, Western Australia, and online, pp. 111 - 123, presented at 37th Annual SAHANZ Conference, Perth, Western Australia, and online, 18 November 2020 - 25 November 2020,
,2018, '“An index of real effect”: Early Photographic Reproductions in Australia’s Building Press', in Merwood-Salisbury J; Dudding M; McDonald C (eds.), Historiographies of Technology & Architecture: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians of Australia and New Zealand, SAHANZ, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 232 - 246, presented at Historiographies of Technology & Architecture, Wellington, New Zealand, 04 July 2018 - 07 July 2018
,2016, 'Explaining the Equitable's Australian Buildings', in Brennan A; Goad P (ed.), Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, SAHANZ, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, pp. 288 - 297, presented at GOLD: The 33rd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 06 July 2016 - 09 July 2016,
,2013, 'Leisure Capital: Sydney and the Post-war Leisure Boom', in Brown A; Leach A (ed.), Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 30, Open, Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, Queensland, pp. 125 - 137, presented at The 30th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, Queensland, 02 July 2013 - 05 July 2013,
,2011, 'Edward Bernays, Public Relations Consultancy and Architectural Discourse', in Audience: Proceedings of the 28th International SAHANZ conference, edited by Anthony Moulis and Deborah van der Plaat, Brisbane, SAHANZ, Brisbane, presented at Audience, Brisbane, 07 July 2011 - 10 July 2011
,2007, 'Advertising to Architects: Creating Desire and Establishing Credibility in the Case of Aluminium', in Techniques and Technologies; Transfer and Transformation: 4th International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia, Sydney, presented at Techniques and Technologies; Transfer and Transformation: 4th International Conference of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia, Sydney, 27 September 2007 - 29 September 2007
,2006, 'Gentlemanly Discourse and Architectural Spectatorship: Spectacular American Eyes, 1893-1916', in XXIVth International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, Freemantle, Australia, presented at 23rd International Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Freemantle, Australia, 29 September 2006 - 02 October 2006
,2003, 'The Aftermath of Pleasures: Untold Stories of Post-Modern Architecture in Australia', in TASA 2003, Faculty of Architecture University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, presented at TASA 2003, Faculty of Architecture University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 03 October 2003 - 05 October 2003
,2002, 'Making the Profession Speak: Political Lobbying for Architects', in Additions to Architectural History, Brisbane, Qld, presented at Additions to Architectural History, Brisbane, Qld, 04 October 2002 - 07 October 2002
,2000, 'Sociological strains in the analysis of the architectural profession', in Formulation fabrication: the architecture of history, Wellington, New Zealand, presented at Formulation fabrication: the architecture of history, Wellington, New Zealand, 13 November 2000 - 17 November 2000
,1999, 'The Profession of Architecture and the `Gospel fo Service`', in 16th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, Launceston and Hobart, presented at 16th Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand, Launceston and Hobart, 28 September 1999 - 01 October 1999
,Conference Proceedings (Editor of)
O'Callaghan JM; Hogben P, (ed.), 2015, 'Architecture, Institutions, Change. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand', SAHANZ, Sydney, presented at 32nd Annual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, 07 July 2015 - 10 July 2015,