Select Publications

Journal articles

Brown P, 2018, 'Rebellious art: pushing back against the nuclear state', Unlikely: journal for creative arts,

Davison A; Brown P; Pharo E; Warr K; McGregor H; Terkes S; Boyd D; Abuodha P, 2014, 'Distributed leadership: Building capacity for interdisciplinary climate change teaching at four universities', International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 15, pp. 98 - 110,

Brown P, 2014, 'Ecological knowledge in community theater', CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, 16,

Barnes R; Ashbolt N; Roser D; Brown P, 2014, 'Implementing sustainable water and sanitation projects in rural, developing communities', Waterlines, 33, pp. 71 - 88,

Brown P, 2014, 'Environmental ethics: Potent foundational knowledge or inert scholarship?', Metascience, 23, pp. 131 - 136,

Pharo EA; Davison A; Mcgregor HV; Warr K; Brown PF, 2013, 'Using communities of practice to enhance interdisciplinary teaching: Lessons from four Australian institutions', Higher Education Research and Development, 33, pp. 341 - 354,

Barnes R; Roser D; Brown PF, 2011, 'Critical evaluation of planning frameworks for rural water and sanitation development projects', Development in Practice, 21, pp. 168 - 189,

Rae I; Brown P, 2009, 'Managing the intractable: Communicative structures for management of hexachlorobenzene and other scheduled wastes', Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 1583 - 1592,

Hillier (OAM) N; Gennissen J; Pickering B; Smolenski R; with an introduction by Paul Brown , 2009, 'Our battle with hexachlorobenzene: Citizen perspectives on toxic waste in Botany', Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 1605 - 1612,

Brown P; Benn S, 2009, 'Toxic risk and governance: The case of hexachlorobenzene', Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 1557 - 1558,

Brown P, 2009, 'Toxic waste in our midst: Towards an interdisciplinary analysis', Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 1559 - 1566,

Brown PF; Benn S; North-Samardzic A, 2009, 'A commentary on decision-making and organisational legitimacy in the Risk Society', Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 1655 - 1662

Brown PF; Rae I, 2009, 'Managing the intractable: Communicative structures for management of hexachlorobenzene and other Scheduled Wastes', Journal of Environmental Management, Online, pp. 1 - 10

Brown PF; Hillier N; Gennissen J; Smolenski R; Smolenski B, 2009, 'Our battle with hexachlorobenzene: Citizen perspectives on toxic waste in Botany', Journal of Environmental Management, Online, pp. 1 - 8

Brown PF, 2009, 'Technoaesthetics and the nuclear uncanny', Metascience, 18, pp. 223 - 232

Brown PF, 2009, 'Theatre, ecological sanity, and finding Baz Kershaw', Performance Paradigm, 2009

Brown PF, 2009, 'Toxic Waste in our Midst: towards an interdisciplinary analysis', Journal of Environmental Management, Online, pp. 1 - 8

Brown PF; Benn S, 2008, 'Toxic Risk and Governance: the case of hexachlorobenzene', Journal of Environmental Management, pp. 1 - 2

Brown PF; Crittenden X, 2007, 'Nature Moves Centre Stage: Eco-Centrism in Community Theatre', About Performance, 7, pp. 99 - 116

Brown PF, 2006, 'British Nuclear Testing in Australia: Performing the Maralinga Experiment through Verbatim Theatre', Journal and Proceedings of Royal Society of New South Wales, 139 pts1&2, pp. 39 - 50

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