Select Publications

Journal articles

Munro PG, 2024, 'The City Electric: Infrastructure and Ingenuity in Postsocialist Tanzania', SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; Kearnes M; Paisley C, 2023, 'The right to repairable energy: A political ecology off-grid solar repair in Zambia', Political Geography, 106, pp. 102962,

Agwor A; Melo Zurita M; Munro P, 2023, 'Underground Urbanism in Africa: splintered subterranean space in Lagos, Nigeria', Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies, pp. 004209802311749,

Munro PG, 2023, 'Past Environments and Plant Use in Holocene Southern Africa: A Study of Charcoal and Seed Remains from the Late Stone Age Sites of Toteng (Botswana), LeopardCave and Geduld (Namibia)', AFRICA, 93, pp. 435 - 436,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; Hansen UE; Kearnes M; Bruce A; Cross J; Walker S; Zalengera C, 2022, 'Towards a repair research agenda for off-grid solar e-waste in the Global South', Nature Energy, 8, pp. 1 - 6,

Munro P; Samarakoon S, 2022, 'Off-Grid Electrical Urbanism: Emerging Solar Energy Geographies in Ordinary Cities', Journal of Urban Technology, 30, pp. 127 - 149,

Manwaring K; Kearnes M; Morgan B; Munro P; Pala R; Samarakoon S, 2022, 'What does a right to repair tell us about our relationship with technology?', Alternative Law Journal, 47, pp. 179 - 179,

Paudel G; Carr J; Munro PG, 2022, 'Community forestry in Nepal: a critical review', International Forestry Review, 24, pp. 43 - 58,

Samarakoon S; Munro P; Zalengera C; Kearnes M, 2022, 'The afterlives of off-grid solar: The dynamics of repair and e-waste in Malawi', Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 42, pp. 317 - 330,

To LS; Bruce A; Munro P; Santagata E; MacGill I; Rawali M; Raturi A, 2021, 'A research and innovation agenda for energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories', Nature Energy, 6, pp. 1098 - 1103,

Munro P, 2021, 'Energy political ecologies in the South Pacific: the politics of energy transitions in Vanuatu', Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 14, pp. 361 - 378,

Hawken S; Avazpour B; Harris M; Marzban A; Munro PG, 2021, 'Urban megaprojects and water justice in Southeast Asia: Between global economies and community transitions', Cities, 113, pp. 103068 - 103068,

Samarakoon S; Bartlett A; Munro P, 2021, 'Somewhat original: energy ethics in Malawi’s off-grid solar market', Environmental Sociology, 7, pp. 164 - 175,

Munro PG; Samarakoon S; van der Horst GA, 2020, 'African energy poverty: A moving target', Environmental Research Letters, 15, pp. 104059,

Munro P, 2020, 'On, off, below and beyond the urban electrical grid the energy bricoleurs of Gulu Town', Urban Geography, 41, pp. 428 - 447,

Macpherson-Rice B; Munro PG; de Rijke K, 2020, 'Energy solution or future pollution? Applying an energy justice perspective to coal seam gas in New South Wales', Australian Geographer, 51, pp. 69 - 85,

Munro PG; Bartlett A, 2019, 'Energy bricolage in Northern Uganda: Rethinking energy geographies in Sub-Saharan Africa', Energy Research and Social Science, 55, pp. 71 - 81,

Munro P; Schiffer A, 2019, 'Ethnographies of Electricity Scarcity: mobile phone charging spaces and the recrafting of energy poverty in Africa', Energy and Buildings, 188-189, pp. 175 - 183,

Munro PG; Bartlett AL; Dhizaala JT; Laloyo SA; Oswin SO; Walker S, 2019, 'International fieldschool reciprocity: using a whole-of-university approach to create positive change in Northern Uganda', Higher Education Research & Development, 38, pp. 1461 - 1474.,

Melo Zurita MDL; Munro PG, 2019, 'Voluminous territorialisation: Historical contestations over the Yucatan Peninsula’s subterranean waterscape', Geoforum, 102, pp. 38 - 47,

Kirksey E; Munro P; Van Dooren T; Emery D; Kreller AM; Kwok J; Miller M; Morris K; Newson S; Olejniczak E; Ow A; Tuckson K; Sannen S; Martin J; Lau K, 2018, 'Feeding the flock: Wild cockatoos and their Facebook friends', Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1, pp. 602 - 620,

Melo Zurita M; Munro PG; Houston D, 2018, 'Un-earthing the Subterranean Anthropocene', Area, 50, pp. 298 - 305,

Silva Ontiveros L; Munro PG; Melo Zurita M, 2018, 'Proyectos de Muerte: Energy justice conflicts on Mexico’s unconventional gas frontier', Extractive Industries and Society, 5, pp. 481 - 481,

Melo Zurita M; Cook B; Thomsen DC; Munro PG; Smith TF; Gallina J, 2018, 'Living with disasters: social capital for disaster governance', Disasters, 42, pp. 471 - 589,

Melo Zurita M; Thomsen DC; Holbrook NJ; Smith TF; Lyth A; Munro PG; de Bruin A; Seddaiu G; Roggero PP; Baird J; Plummer R; Bullock R; Collins K; Powell N, 2018, 'Global water governance and Climate Change: Identifying innovative arrangements for adaptive transformation', Water (Switzerland), 10, pp. 29,

Kirksey E; Munro P; van Dooren T; Emery D; Kreller AM; Kwok J; Lau K; Miller M; Morris K; Newson S; Olejniczak E; Ow A; Tuckson K; Sannen S; Martin J, 2018, 'Feeding the flock: Wild cockatoos and their Facebook friends (Sept, 10.1177/2514848618799294, 2018)', ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING E-NATURE AND SPACE, 1, pp. NP1 - NP1,

Samarakoon S; Christiansen A; Munro PG, 2017, 'Equitable and Quality Education for All of Africa? The Challenges of Using ICT in Education', Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 16, pp. 645 - 665,

Munro P; van der Horst G; Healy S, 2017, 'Energy justice for all? Rethinking Sustainable Development Goal 7 through struggles over traditional energy practices in Sierra Leone', Energy Policy, 105, pp. 635 - 641,

Munro PG; van der Horst G, 2016, 'Contesting African landscapes: A critical reappraisal of Sierra Leones competing forest cover histories', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34, pp. 706 - 724,

de Rijke K; Munro P; Melo Zurita MDL, 2016, 'The Great Artesian Basin: A Contested Resource Environment of Subterranean Water and Coal Seam Gas in Australia', Society and Natural Resources, 29, pp. 696 - 710,

Munro PG; van der Horst G; Willans S; Kemeny P; Christiansen A; Schiavone N, 2016, 'Social enterprise development and renewable energy dissemination in Africa: The experience of the community charging station model in Sierra Leone', Progress in Development Studies, 16, pp. 24 - 38,

Munro PG, 2015, 'Book Review: Global Population: History, Geopolitics and Life on Earth', Australian Journal of Politics and History, 61, pp. 476 - 477

Munro PG, 2015, 'Geza Teleki and the Emergence of Sierra Leone’s Wildlife Conservation Movement', Primate Conservation, 29, pp. 115 - 122,

Munro PG, 2015, 'Book Reviews: Global Population: History, Geopolitics and Life of Earth, By Alison Bashford"', Australian Journal of Politics & History, 61, pp. 450 - 483,

Kemeny P; Munro PG; Schiavone N; van der Horst G; Willans S, 2014, 'Community Charging Stations in rural sub-Saharan Africa: Commercial success, positive externalities, and growing supply chains', Energy for Sustainable Development, 23, pp. 228 - 236,

Jacobson C; Hughey KFD; Lynch AJJ; Nursey-Bray N; O'Connell M; Munro PG; Vella K; Whiley D; Dovers S; Carter, R RW, 2014, 'Twenty years of pacifying responses to environmental management', Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 21, pp. 143 - 174,

Munro PG; Melo Zurita MDL, 2011, 'The Role of Cenotes in the Social History of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula', Environment and History, 17, pp. 583 - 612,

Munro PG, 2011, 'Africa's Turn? A Boston Review Book', PROGRESS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, 11, pp. 260 - 261,

Munro PG; Hiemstra-van der Horst G, 2011, 'Conserving exploitation? A political ecology of forestry policy in Sierra Leone', AUSTRALASIAN REVIEW OF AFRICAN STUDIES, 32, pp. 59 - 78

Munro PG, 2011, 'BOOK REVIEW: Emma Christopher. A Merciless Place: The Lost Story of Britain's Convict Disaster in Africa and How it Led to the Settlement of Australia', The Australasian Review of African Studies, 32, pp. 152 - 153

Munro PG; Hiemstra van der Horst G, 2011, 'Conserving exploitation? A political ecology of forestry management in Sierra Leone', The Australasian Review of African Studies, 21, pp. 59 - 72,

Hiemstra-van der Horst G; Munro PG; Batterbury S, 2011, 'Les réseaux illégaux du pillage: La demande globale de bois et la (re)commercialisation des forêts d’Afrique de l’Ouest', Écologie & Politique, 42, pp. 47 - 58

Munro PG; Melo Zurita M, 2009, 'Aprendiendo del pasado: Impactos históricos de intervenciones en la agricultura de Sierra Leona', Ecología Política, 38, pp. 92 - 95

Munro PG, 2009, 'Deforestation: Constructing Problems and Solutions on Sierra Leone's Freetown Peninsula', The Journal of Political Ecology, 16, pp. 104 - 124

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