Select Publications

Book Chapters

Hart N; Kriesler P, 2024, 'On the compatibility of post-Keynesian, Sraffian and evolutionary economics', in Post Keynesian Economics: Key Debates and Contending Perspectives, Edward Elgar, pp. 14 - 28,

Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2022, 'The endogeneity of the money supply in The General Theory', in Monetary Economics, Banking and Policy: Expanding Economic Thought to Meet Contemporary Challenges, pp. 133 - 143,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2022, 'Polish Marxism: Kalecki', in Research in Political Economy, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 77 - 87,

Lavoie M; Kriesler P, 2022, 'Capacity Utilization, Inflation, and Monetary Policy: The Duménil and Lévy Macro Model and the New Keynesian Consensus', in Post-Keynesian Growth Theory:Selected Essays, pp. 184 - 196

Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2022, 'Key elements of post-Keynesian economics', in Classical Economics, Keynes and Money: Essays in Honour of Carlo Panico, pp. 115 - 125,

Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2021, 'Kalecki and Marx Reconnected', in Kalecki and Kaleckian Economics, Routledge, pp. 118 - 128,

Kriesler P; Harcourt G; Halevi J, 2020, 'Central Bank Independence Revisited', in Bourgine H; Rochon L-P (ed.), Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies in Post-Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 209 - 222,

Kriesler P; Nevile J, 2019, 'The Coming of Keynesianism to Australia', in Hegeman H; Dimand R (ed.), The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 626 - 632

Kriesler P, 2019, 'Exchange value', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 38 - 40,

Kriesler P, 2019, 'Harcourt, hicks and lowe: Incompatible bedfellows?', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 244 - 260,

Freedman C; Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2019, 'Has the long-Run phillips curve turned horizontal?', in Halevi J; Harcourt G; Kriesler P; Nevile J (ed.), Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 87 - 105,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2019, 'Keynesianism in Australia', in The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes, pp. 626 - 632,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2019, 'Marx or hicks? Structural proportions and crisis: The transition from the first to the third volume of capital', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 165 - 174,

Kriesler P, 2019, 'Partial equilibrium analysis', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 33 - 37,

Halevi J; Harcourt GC; Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2019, 'Preface', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. ix - x

Kriesler P; Lavoie M, 2019, 'The new consensus on monetary policy and its post-keynesian critique', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 388 - 407,

Halevi J; Hart N; Kriesler P, 2019, 'The traverse, equilibrium analysis, and post-keynesian economics', in Post-Keynesian Essays from down under Volume IV: Essays on Theory: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 261 - 286,

Kriesler P; Harcourt G; Nevile J, 2018, 'The attacks on The General Theory: How Keynes’s theory was lost', in Dow S; Jespersen J; Tily G (ed.), The General Theory and Keynes for the 21st Century, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 44 - 56,

Kriesler P; Lavoie M, 2016, 'A critique of the new consensus view of monetary policy', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 61 - 68,

Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2016, 'Asia, Japan and the internationalization of effective demand', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 281 - 299,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Australian economic growth: A structural perspective (a preliminary report)', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 164 - 173,

Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2016, 'Corporatism in Australia', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 174 - 196,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW; Harcourt GC, 2016, 'Exchange rates and the macroeconomy in an era of global financial crises, with special reference to Australia', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 48 - 60,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2016, 'History, politics and effective demand in Asia', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 300 - 314,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2016, 'IS-LM and macroeconomics after Keynes', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 69 - 80,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2016, 'Macroeconomic impacts of globalization', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 32 - 47,

Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2016, 'Political aspects of “buffer stock” employment', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 100 - 109,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Structural change and economic growth', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 197 - 208,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2016, 'The changing patterns of accumulation and realization in East Asia since the 1990s', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 340 - 354,

Kriesler P, 2016, 'The current financial crisis: Causes and policy', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 69 - 78,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2016, 'The effects of the immigration of low-skilled workers on unemployment', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 258 - 266,

Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2016, 'The enduring importance of the general theory', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15 - 33,

Nevile JW, 2016, 'The stability of warranted growth', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 309 - 318,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Tools of choice for fighting recessions', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 15 - 31,

Nevile JW, 2016, 'What Keynes would have thought of the development of IS-LM', in Harcourt G; Kriesler P; Halevi J; Nevile J (ed.), Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, pp. 50 - 68,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Why keynesian policy was more successful in the fifties and sixties than in the last twenty years', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 209 - 225,

Kriesler P, 2016, 'Why privatize airports?', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics: Theory and Policy in an Historical Context, pp. 267 - 277,

Kriesler P, 2016, 'Answers for Steedman', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 216 - 223,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2016, 'Dynamic Keynesian Economics: Cycling Forward with Harrod and Kalecki', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 287 - 302,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2016, 'Economic Perspectives on Workers’ Rights', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume III: Essays on Ethics, Social Justice and Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 151 - 156,

Harcourt GC; Kriesler P; Langmore J, 2016, 'Faith, Works and Talents Entwined: Driving Forces Behind John Nevile’s Contributions', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume III: Essays on Ethics, Social Justice and Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 13 - 23,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Full Employment, a Neglected, but Indispensable and Feasible Human Right', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume III: Essays on Ethics, Social Justice and Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 202 - 219,

Kriesler PR; Freedman C; Harcourt GC; Nevile J, 2016, 'How Friedman became the Anti-Keynes', in Cord R; Hammond JD (ed.), Milton Friedman: Contributions to Economics and Public Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 607 - 630,

Halevi J; Harcourt G; Kriesler P; Nevile J, 2016, 'Introduction', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume II: Essays on Policy and Applied Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1 - 12,

Nevile J; Kriesler P; Harcourt G, 2016, 'Introduction to Ethics and Economics', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume III: Essays on Ethics, Social Justice and Economics, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 1 - 10,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2016, 'IS-LM and Macroeconomics after Keynes', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 69 - 80,

Halevi J; Kriesler P, 2016, 'Kalecki, Classical Economics and the Surplus Approach', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 177 - 190,

Kriesler P, 2016, 'Kalecki’s Pricing Theory Revisited', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 141 - 160,

Kriesler P, 2016, 'Keynes, Kalecki and The General Theory', in Post-Keynesian Essays from Down Under Volume I: Essays on Keynes, Harrod and Kalecki, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 81 - 104,

Kriesler PR; Hart N, 2016, 'Keynes, Kalecki, Sraffa: Coherence within pluralism?', in Courvisanos J; Millmow A; Doughney J (ed.), Reclaiming Pluralism in Economics: Essays in Honour of John E. King, Routledge, London, pp. 186 - 202

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