Select Publications

Journal articles

Setterfield M; Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2023, 'Political aspects of ‘buffer stock’ employment: a reconsideration', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47, pp. 1171 - 1186,

Kriesler P, 2023, 'Symposium in honour of Geoff Harcourt', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 34, pp. 4 - 6,

Kriesler P, 2023, 'Introduction to the second symposium in honour of Geoff Harcourt', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 34, pp. 199 - 202,

Kriesler P, 2023, 'Post-Keynesian Economics: New Foundations, by Marc Lavoie Chapter 5: Effective Demand and Employment', Review of Political Economy, 35, pp. 1061 - 1071,

Bloch H; Kriesler P, 2023, 'Revisiting ‘Pricing and the Investment Decision’', Review of Political Economy,

Kriesler P, 2022, 'Geoffrey Colin Harcourt OBITUARY', REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 34, pp. 195 - 196,

Kriesler P; Harcourt T; Marks R, 2022, 'Obituary: Geoffrey Harcourt AC FRSN (1931–2021)', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 155, pp. 119 - 121

van Barneveld K; Quinlan M; Kriesler P; Junor A; Baum F; Chowdhury A; Junankar PN; Clibborn S; Flanagan F; Wright CF; Friel S; Halevi J; Rainnie A, 2020, 'The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons on building more equal and sustainable societies', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31, pp. 133 - 157,

Halevi J; Kriesler P; Foley D; Ferguson T, 2020, 'Three Comments on Storm “The Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration”', Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, pp. 1 - 17,

Kriesler P; Halevi J, 2020, 'Kalecki and Marx Reconnected', Review of Political Economy, 32, pp. 604 - 614,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2018, 'Keynesianism in Australia', History of Economics Review, 69, pp. 44 - 61,

Kriesler P; Nevile J, 2018, 'Keynesianism in Australia', History of Economics Review,, 69, pp. 44 - 61,

Hart N; Kriesler P, 2015, 'Post-Keynesian Economics: A User's Guide', Australian Economic Review, 48, pp. 321 - 332,

Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2015, 'Post-Keynesian theory and policy for modern capitalism', Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2015, pp. 27 - 41,;dn=347602209237452;res=IELBUS

Nevile JW; Harcourt GC; Kriesler P, 2015, 'Macroeconomic Policy for the Real World: A Post-Keynesian Perspective', Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, 34, pp. 108 - 117,

Kriesler P; Nevile JW, 2014, 'The collapse of neoliberal capitalism: Causes and cures: A review article', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 25, pp. 518 - 531,

Nevile JW; Kriesler P, 2014, 'A bright future can be ours! macroeconomic policy for Non-Euro-Zone western countries', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38, pp. 1453 - 1470,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2012, 'Dynamic Keynesian economics: Cycling forward with Harrod and Kalecki', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36, pp. 405 - 417,

Kriesler PR; Harcourt G, 2011, 'The enduring importance of The General Theory', Review of Political Economiy July 2007, 23, pp. 503 - 520,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2011, 'The global financial crisis and the right to a decent job', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 16, pp. 1 - 26,

Nevile JW; Kriesler PR, 2011, 'Why Keynesian Policy Was More Successful in the Fifties and Sixties than in the Last Twenty Years', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22, pp. 1 - 16,;dn=013187439074692;res=IELBUS

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2010, 'The effects of the immigration of low-skilled workers on unemployment', International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 18, pp. 58 - 68

Junor A; Kriesler P; Quinlan M, 2009, 'Editorial', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 20,

Kriesler PR, 2009, 'The Current Financial Crisis: Causes and Policy', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 17 - 26,

Bateman H; Kriesler P, 2008, 'Symposium: Recent developments in regulation and implications for social inclusion', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2008, 'Minimum Wages, Unions, the economy and Society', The Economics and Labour Relations Review, 19, pp. 25 - 37,

Kriesler PR; King J, 2008, 'News from Down Under', On the Horizon, 10, pp. 289 - 292

Kriesler P; Lavoie M, 2007, 'The new consensus on Monetary policy and its Post-Keynesian critique', Review of Political Economy, 19, pp. 387 - 404,

Kriesler PR; Lavoie M, 2007, 'Capacity Utilization, Inflation, and Monetary Policy: The Dumenil and Levy Macro Model and the New Keynesian Consensus', Review of Radical Political Economics, 39 No. 4, pp. 586 - 598

Lavoie P; Kriesler PR, 2006, 'The New View On Monetary Policy: The New Consensus And Its Post-Keynesian Critique',

Kriesler PR; Lavoie M, 2005, 'A critique of the new consensus view of monetary policy', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 16, pp. 7 - 15

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 2005, 'Stagnation and Economic conflict in Europe', International Journal of Political Economy, 34, pp. 19 - 45,

Kriesler PR, 2004, 'J.E. King, A History of Post Keynesian Economics since 1936 (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2002), vii_316 pp., ISBN 1840644206', Australian Journal of Political Science, 39, pp. 237 - 238,

Kriesler P; Forster C; Freeland S; Pittaway E, 2003, 'Editors’ foreword', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 9, pp. i,

Kriesler P, 2002, 'Current Research on Unemployment: Introduction', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 13, pp. 175 - 177,

Kriesler P; Pittaway E; Freeland S, 2002, 'Introduction', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 8, pp. i - iii,

Kriesler PR, 2002, 'Was Kalecki an `Imperfectionist`? Davidson on Kalecki', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 24, pp. 623 - 630,

Kriesler PR; Mcnaughton AM; Cossins AI, 2001, 'Introduction to Special Issues: Mandatory Sentencing, Rights and Wrongs', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 7, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler PR, 2001, 'Introduction to Symposium on Unemployment, Job Security and Health', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 1 - 3,

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 2001, 'Political Aspects of Buffer Stock Employment', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, pp. 72 - 82,

Kriesler PR, 2001, 'What is this thing called unemployment?', Economics, 37, pp. 5 - 16

Nevile JW; Kriesler PR, 2000, 'Full employment, a neglected but indespensable and feasible human right', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 117 - 136,

Kriesler PR; Nevile JW, 2000, 'Introduction to Symposium on the Costs of Unemployment', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 1 - 2,

Kriesler P; Nevile J, 2000, 'Symposium on the Costs of Unemployment: Introduction', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 178 - 179,

Kriesler PR; Gahan PG, 2000, 'Taxation and the labour market', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 11, pp. 1 - 7

Kriesler PR, 1998, 'Economic Dimensions of Human Rights: An Overview', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 4, pp. 1 - 9,

Kriesler PR; Halevi J, 1997, 'Australia deconstructed', Journal of Australian Political Economy, 39, pp. 106 - 121

Kriesler PR, 1997, 'Symposium on the Wallis report: introduction', Economic and Labour Relations Review, pp. 269 - 272

Kriesler PR; Halevi, J , 1996, 'Asia, Japan and the internationalization of effective demand', Economies et Societes, Monnaie et Production, pp. 303 - 322

Kriesler P, 1996, 'Keynes After 60 Years', History of Economics Review, 25, pp. 217 - 220,

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