Select Publications
Book Chapters
1999, 'The Australian Economy After the `Asian Crisis`', in The Australian economy (3rd Ed), Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 1 - 5
,1998, 'Economic rationalism, human rights and civil society', in Jones M; Kriesler P (ed.), Globalisation, human rights and civil society, Prospect Media, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 167 - 189
,1998, 'Globalisation, human rights and civil society', in Globalisation, Human Rights and Civil Society, Prospect Media, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 5 - 18
,1998, 'History, politics, and effective demand in Asia', in Restoring Demand in the World Economy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 77 - 92
,1998, 'Marx or Hicks? Structural proportions and crisis: The transition from the First to the Third Volume of Capital', in Marxian Economics: A Reappraisal, Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 194 - 205
,1997, 'Introduction to the Australian economy', in The Australian economy (2nd Ed), Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 1 - 10
,1997, 'Keynes, Kalecki and the General Theory', in A second edition of the General Theory, Volume 2, Routledge Press, London, UK, pp. 300 - 322
,1996, 'Microfoundations: a Kaleckian perspective?', in An alternative macroeconomic theory: the Kaleckian model and Post-Keynesian economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 55 - 72
,1995, 'Corporatism in Australia', in The Political Economy of Full Employment, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, England, pp. 217 - 237
,1995, 'What is this thing called the Australian economy?', in The Australian economy, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, pp. 1 - 14
,1992, 'An Introduction to the Traverse in Economic Theory', in Beyond the Steady State, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 225 - 234,
,1991, 'The impact of economic ideas on public policy in Canberra', in Johnson MR; Kriesler P; Owen A (ed.), Contemporary issues in Australian economics, Economic Society of Australia, Crows Nest, NSW
,'Introduction to Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics', in , Oxford University Press: USA