Select Publications


Lafaye de Micheaux ; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B , 2016, Perangkat Lukan R - Dasar-dasar Pemrograman dan Analisis Statistika, University Sebalas Maret

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B ; Li, Q ; Pan, D ; Tang, N , 2015, R 软件及统计分析, Higher Education Press, China

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B , 2014, Le logiciel R : Maîtriser le langage, effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer Verlag France

Micheaux PLD; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, The R Software Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis, Springer Science & Business

Micheaux PLD; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2011, Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses statistiques, Springer Science & Business Media

Book Chapters

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Analyse de variance élémentaire', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Importation-exportation et production de données', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Intervalles de confiance et tests d'hypothèses', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Droulhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Les concepts de base, l'organisation des données', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Maintenance des sessions', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Manipulation de données, fonctions', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Mathématiques de base: calcul matriciel, intégration, optimisation', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

lafaye de micheaux ; drouilhet R; liquet B, 2014, 'Présentation du logiciel R', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Programmation en R', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Quelques jeux de données et problématiques', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'R et sa documentation', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Régression linéaire simple et multiple', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Statistique descriptive', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Techniques pour tracer des courbes et des graphiques', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2014, 'Variables aléatoires, lois et simulations: une meilleure compréhension grâce aux spécificités de R', in Le logiciel R Maîtriser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'A Better Understanding of Random Variables, Distributions and Simulations Using R Specificities', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 381 - 415,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'A Few Data Sets and Research Questions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 29 - 33,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Appendix: Installing R and R Packages', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 531 - 538

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Basic Concepts and Data Organisation', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 37 - 61,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Basic Mathematics: Matrix Operations, Integration and Optimization', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 313 - 337,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 417 - 453,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Data Manipulation, Functions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 85 - 140,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Descriptive Statistics', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 339 - 380,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Drawing Curves and Plots', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 151 - 192,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Elementary Analysis of Variance', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 503 - 530,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Importing, Exporting and Producing Data', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 63 - 83,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Introducing R', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 3 - 27,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Managing Sessions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 283 - 309,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Programming in R', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 193 - 282,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'R and Its Documentation', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 141 - 150,

de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Simple and Multiple Linear Regression', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 455 - 501,

Journal articles

García-Portugués E; de Micheaux PL; Meintanis SG; Verdebout T, 2024, 'NONPARAMETRIC TESTS OF INDEPENDENCE FOR CIRCULAR DATA BASED ON TRIGONOMETRIC MOMENTS', Statistica Sinica, 34, pp. 567 - 588,

Achard S; Coeurjolly JF; de Micheaux PL; Lbath H; Richiardi J, 2023, 'Inter-regional correlation estimators for functional magnetic resonance imaging', NeuroImage, 282,

LODI M; POTERIE A; EXARCHAKIS G; BRIEN C; LAFAYE DE MICHEAUX P; DERUELLE P; GALLIX B, 2023, 'Prediction of cesarean delivery in class III obese nulliparous women: An externally validated model using machine learning', Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, 52,

Desgagné A; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F, 2023, 'Goodness-of-fit tests for Laplace, Gaussian and exponential power distributions based on λ-th power skewness and kurtosis', Statistics, 57, pp. 94 - 122,

Henze N; Lafaye De Micheaux P; Meintanis SG, 2022, 'Tests for circular symmetry of complex-valued random vectors', Test, 31, pp. 488 - 518,

Desgagné A; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F, 2022, 'A comprehensive empirical power comparison of univariate goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92, pp. 3743 - 3788,

Geenens G; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2022, 'The Hellinger Correlation', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117, pp. 639 - 653,

de Micheaux PL; Ouimet F, 2021, 'A study of seven asymmetric kernels for the estimation of cumulative distribution functions', Mathematics, 9,

Leightner J; Inoue T; de Micheaux PL, 2021, 'Variable Slope Forecasting Methods and COVID-19 Risk', JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14,

Avanzi B; Boglioni Beaulieu G; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2021, 'A counterexample to the existence of a general central limit theorem for pairwise independent identically distributed random variables', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 499,

García-Portugués E; Micheaux PLD; Meintanis SG; Verdebout T, 2021, 'Nonparametric tests of independence for circular data based on trigonometric moments', ,

Beaulieu GB; De Micheaux PL; Ouimet F, 2021, 'Counterexamples to the classical central limit theorem for triplewise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin', Dependence Modeling, 9, pp. 424 - 438,

de Micheaux PL; Mozharovskyi P; Vimond M, 2021, 'Depth for Curve Data and Applications', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116, pp. 1881 - 1897,

Avanzi B; Beaulieu GB; de Micheaux PL; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2021, 'A counterexample to the existence of a general central limit theorem for pairwise independent identically distributed random variables', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 499, pp. 124982,

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