Select Publications

Journal articles

Koncz R; Say MJ; Gleason A; Hardy TA, 2024, 'The neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric manifestations of Susac syndrome: a brief review of the literature and future directions', Neurological Sciences, 45, pp. 5181 - 5187,

Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger PJ; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott EF; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams JHG; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón OR; Arias JA; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Banta MC; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher AK; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma LM; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan RCK; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote DE; Demaree HA; Denson TF; Depue B; Derntl B; Dickson JM; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen DM; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Friedman BH; Fu CHY; Gatt JM; de Gelder B; Gendolla GHE; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Gooding AEK; Gosseries O; Hamm AO; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann SG; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas IJ; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby LAJ; Koncz R; Koster EHW; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret ME; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur CD; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li CSR; Liddell BJ; Lidhar NK; Lowry CA; Magee K; Marin MF; Mariotti V; Martin LJ; Marusak HA; Mayer AV, 2024, 'The Human Affectome', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158,

Bessell E; Kim JS; Chiem L; McDonald A; Thompson D; Glozier N; Simpson A; Parcsi L; Morris R; Koncz R, 2023, 'Effectiveness of Project ECHO Programs in Improving Clinician Knowledge and Confidence in Managing Complex Psychiatric Patients: a Waitlist-Controlled Study', Academic Psychiatry, 47, pp. 25 - 34,

Koncz R; Thalamuthu A; Wen W; Catts VS; Dore V; Lee T; Mather KA; Slavin MJ; Wegner EA; Jiang J; Trollor JN; Ames D; Villemagne VL; Rowe CC; Sachdev PS, 2022, 'The heritability of amyloid burden in older adults: the Older Australian Twins Study', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 93, pp. 303 - 308,

Koncz R; Wen W; Makkar SR; Lam BCP; Crawford JD; Rowe CC; Sachdev P, 2022, 'The Interaction Between Vascular Risk Factors, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, and Amyloid Burden in Older Adults', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 86, pp. 1617 - 1628,

Lennon MJ; Koncz R; Sachdev PS, 2021, 'Hypertension and Alzheimer's disease: is the picture any clearer?', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 34, pp. 142 - 148,

Cromwell HC; Abe N; Barrett KC; Caldwell-Harris C; Gendolla GHE; Koncz R; Sachdev PS, 2020, 'Mapping the interconnected neural systems underlying motivation and emotion: A key step toward understanding the human affectome', Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,

Jiang J; Liu T; Zhu W; Koncz R; Liu H; Lee T; Sachdev PS; Wen W, 2018, 'UBO Detector – A cluster-based, fully automated pipeline for extracting white matter hyperintensities', NeuroImage, 174, pp. 539 - 549,

Koncz R; Sachdev PS, 2018, 'Are the brain's vascular and Alzheimer pathologies additive or interactive?', Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 31, pp. 147 - 152,

Koncz R; Mohan A; Dawes L; Thalamuthu A; Wright M; Ames D; Lee T; Wen W; Sachdev PS; Trollor J, 2017, 'Incidental findings on cerebral MRI in twins: the Older Australian Twins Study', Brain Imaging and Behavior: an international journal, 12, pp. 860 - 869,

Takacs A; Koncz R; Mohan A; Sachdev PS, 2017, 'Forgetfulness, stress or mild dementia? Cognitive assessment of older patients', Medicine Today, 18, pp. 14 - 22,

Koncz R; Wolfenden F; Hassed C; Chambers R; Cohen J; Glozier N, 2016, 'Mindfulness-based stress release program for university employees a pilot, waitlist-controlled trial and implementation replication', Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58, pp. 1021 - 1027,

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