Select Publications


Weng R; Kwon J; Hammoud M; Clifton B; Scott N; McGregor S; Gray R, 2024, Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in Australia: A modelling study,

Kwon J; Bretaña N; Kronfli N; Dussault C; Grant L; Galouzis J; Hoey W; Blogg J; Lloyd A; Gray R, 2023, Preparing correctional settings for the next pandemic: a modelling study of COVID-19 outbreaks in two high-income countries,

King J; Petoumenos K; Dobbins T; Guy RJ; Gray RT; Nigro SJ; Si D; Minas B; McGregor S, 2022, A population level application of a novel method for estimating the timing of HIV acquisition among migrants to Australia (Preprint),

Gray R; Camara H; Khawar L; Grulich A; Guy R; McGregor S; Medland N, 2022, National trends in rates of undiagnosed HIV in key populations in Australia: a retrospective observational analysis from 2008 to 2019,

Hui B; Ward J; Guy R; Law M; Gray R; Regan D, 2021, Evaluating strategies to combat a major syphilis outbreak in Australia among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in remote and regional Australia through mathematical modelling,

Caldwell J; Lara-Tuprio ED; Teng TR; Estuar RJ; Sarmiento RF; Abayawardana M; Leong RN; Gray R; Wood J; McBryde E; Ragonnet R; Trauer J, 2021, Understanding COVID-19 Dynamics and the Effects of Interventions in the Philippines: A Mathematical Modelling Study,

Caldwell J; Lara-Tuprio ED; Teng TR; Estuar MRJ; Sarmiento RF; Abayawardana M; Leong RN; Gray R; Wood J; McBryde E; Ragonnet R; Trauer J, 2021, Understanding COVID-19 dynamics and the effects of interventions in the Philippines: A mathematical modelling study,

Stuart RM; Abeysuriya R; Kerr C; Mistry D; Klein D; Gray R; Hellard M; Scott N, 2020, The role of masks in reducing the risk of new waves of COVID-19 in low transmission settings: a modeling study,

Stuart RM; Abeysuriya R; Kerr C; Mistry D; Klein D; Gray R; Hellard M; Scott N, 2020, The role of masks, testing and contact tracing in preventing COVID-19 resurgences: a case study from New South Wales, Australia,

Albada SJV; Gray RT; Drysdale PM; Robinson PA, 2018, Mean-field modeling of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical system. II. Dynamics of parkinsonian oscillations,

Kwon J; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Hajarizadeh B; Guy R; Cunningham EB; Power C; Estes C; Razavi H; Gray RT, Australia on Track to Achieve Who HCV Elimination Targets Following Rapid Initial DAA Treatment Uptake: A Modelling Study,

Lim M; Devine A; Gray RT; Kwon J; Hutchinson J; Ong J, Lifetime Cost of HIV Management in Australia: An Economic Model,

Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,

Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,

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