Select Publications
2015, Strategic Safety Management in Construction and Engineering, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester,
,Book Chapters
2024, 'Lessons Learnt and Way Forward', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, Routledge, pp. 297 - 304,
,2024, 'A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Social Value of Indigenous Procurement Policies in the Australian Construction Industry', in Akotia J; Awuzie BO; Egbu C (ed.), Mixed Methods Research Design for the Built Environment, Routledge, Milton Park,
,2024, 'EMPLOYING BIM TO IMPROVE CONSTRUCTION SAFETY', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 79 - 89,
,2024, 'Health, Safety, and Wellbeing in Every Brick: Scaffolding Success', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 1 - 14,
,2024, 'JOB STRESSORS AND COPING STRATEGIES OF CHINESE CONSTRUCTION CONSULTING ENGINEERS', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 234 - 246,
,2024, 'LESSONS LEARNT AND WAY FORWARD: Over to You', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 297 - 304,
,2024, 'PROMOTING AND PROTECTING THE POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH OF YOUNG CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 270 - 280,
,2024, 'UNDERSTANDING YOUNG CONSTRUCTION WORKERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND STAKEHOLDER PREFERENCES FOR PROMOTING THEIR HEALTH AND WELLBEING', in Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, pp. 259 - 269,
,2023, 'Benefits of prefabrication on health and safety in the Australian housing sector', in Manu P; Shang G; Bartolo PJS; Francis V; Sawhney A (ed.), Handbook of Construction Safety, Health and Well-being in the Industry 4.0 Era, Taylor & Francis,
,Edited Books
Umeokafor N; Emuze F; Ibrahim CKIC; Sunindijo RY; Umar T; Windapo A; Teizer J, (eds.), 2024, Handbook of Drivers of Continuous Improvement in Construction Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, Routledge, London,
Journal articles
2025, 'The Causation of Design Error in the Construction Industry: A Multistakeholder Perspective', Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 39, pp. 04024055,
,2024, 'Positive Impact of Prefabrication on the Mental Health of Construction Workers', Buildings, 14, pp. 4025 - 4025,
,2024, 'A Bibliometric Analysis and Scoping Review of the Critical Success Factors for Residential Building Energy Retrofitting', Buildings, 14, pp. 3989 - 3989,
,2024, 'Importance of Prefabrication to Easing Construction Workers’ Experience of Mental Health Stressors', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21,
,2024, 'Framework for Promoting Women's Career Development across Career Stages in the Construction Industry', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150, pp. 04024062,
,2024, 'Analysis of Gender Diversity Initiatives to Empower Women in the Australian Construction Industry', Buildings, 14, pp. 1707 - 1707,
,2024, 'Survey data set on the readiness of hospitals for disaster and emergency in north Sumatra Indonesia', Data in Brief, 54, pp. 110358,
,2024, 'Influence of Prefabrication on Job Satisfaction in The Construction Industry', Civil Engineering Dimension, 26, pp. 81 - 90,
,2024, 'Noise disturbance increases negative emotions and unsafe behaviour among construction workers', International Journal of Construction Management, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 8,
,2024, 'Promoting positive mental health among young construction workers: the role of theory', Construction Management and Economics, 42, pp. 366 - 385,
,2024, 'What social value do Indigenous contractors create?', Construction Management and Economics, 42, pp. 16 - 34,
,2023, 'The critical role of community networks in building everyday resilience – Insights from the urban villages of Surabaya', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 98, pp. 104090,
,2023, 'A scoping review of research on mental health conditions among young construction workers', Construction Innovation: information, process, management, ahead-of-print,
,2023, 'Influence of Safety Climate on Safety Performance in Gas Stations in Indonesia', Safety, 9, pp. 44,
,2023, 'Prioritizing Safety Climate Improvements in the Indonesian Construction Industry Using Supervised Classification', Journal of Architectural Engineering, 29, pp. 04023016,
,2023, 'The Influence of Personal and Workplace Characteristics on the Job Stressors of Design Professionals in the Chinese Construction Industry', Journal of Management in Engineering, 39, pp. 05023006,
,2023, 'A Conceptual Framework to Promote the Transition to Positive Mental Health among Young Construction Workers', Buildings, 13, pp. 1025,
,2023, 'Occupational Health and Diseases in Built Environment', Buildings, 13, pp. 961,
,2023, 'Prevalence and Risk Factors for Poor Mental Health and Suicidal Ideation in the Nigerian Construction Industry', Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149, pp. 05022021,
,2023, 'Work stressors, coping strategies, and poor mental health in the Chinese construction industry', Safety Science, 159, pp. 106039,
,2023, 'Influence of Prefabricated Construction on the Mental Health of Workers: Systematic Review', European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13, pp. 345 - 363,
,2023, 'Retention over Attraction: A Review of Women’s Experiences in the Australian Construction Industry; Challenges and Solutions', Buildings, 13, pp. 490,
,2023, 'Contributions of safety critical success factors and safety program elements to overall project success', International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 29, pp. 129 - 140,
,2023, 'Coping with Psychosocial Hazards: A Systematic Review of Young Construction Workers’ Practices and Their Determinants', Buildings, 13, pp. 22,
,2023, 'Developing and validating a positive mental health scale for the global south construction industry: the construction industry positive mental health inventory (CI-PMHI)', Construction Innovation, ahead-of-print,
,2023, 'Examining a two-step working model of safety knowledge in translating safety climate into safety behavior', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,
,2023, 'Factors constraining the promotion of health and safety in public works procurement in developing countries', International Journal of Construction Management, 23, pp. 1611 - 1621,
,2023, 'Hospital preparedness for COVID-19 in Indonesia', Frontiers in Public Health, 11, pp. 1187698,
,2022, 'Drone Readiness in the Indonesian Construction Industry', Construction Economics and Building, 22, pp. 36 - 58,
,2022, 'Health and Safety Integration into the Procurement Stages of Public Construction Projects in Developing Countries: A Case of Ghana', Construction Economics and Building, 22, pp. 43 - 64,
,2022, 'Identifying Leadership Competencies for Construction 4.0', Buildings, 12, pp. 1434,
,2022, 'Assessing Safety Risk Management Performance in Chinese Subway Construction Projects: A Multistakeholder Perspective', Journal of Management in Engineering, 38, pp. 05022009,
,2022, 'Safety Climate in the Indonesian Construction Industry: Strengths, Weaknesses and Influential Demographic Characteristics', Buildings, 12, pp. 639,
,2022, 'Health status of young construction workers in the Global South: The case of Ghana', Safety Science, 148, pp. 105673,
,2022, 'Domains of Psychosocial Risk Factors Affecting Young Construction Workers: A Systematic Review', Buildings, 12, pp. 335,
,2022, 'Overcoming challenges of early contractor involvement in local government projects', International Journal of Construction Management, 22, pp. 1902 - 1909,
,2022, 'Workers' relational identification with supervisors influences safety behaviour in construction projects', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30, pp. 5030 - 5051,
,2022, 'Client-led promotion of health and safety through the procurement process on public construction projects in developing countries', Safety Science, 147, pp. 105605 - 105605,
,2021, 'Analysing Gender Issues in the Australian Construction Industry through the Lens of Empowerment', Buildings, 11, pp. 553 - 553,