Select Publications

Journal articles

Dinh HH; Uebel K; Iqbal MP; Grant A; Shulruf B; Nathan S; Vo K; Smith G; Carland JE, 2024, '“Excited When They See Their Name in Print”: Research Outputs from an Australian Medical Program', Medical Science Educator, 34, pp. 639 - 645,

Smith H; Wilson M; Donovan B; Jones J; Butler T; Nathan S; Simpson P, 2024, 'Factors associated with unintended pregnancy and contraceptive practices in justice-involved adolescent girls in Australia', PLoS ONE, 19,

Cullen T; Griffith M; Damodaran A; Lewis E; McMillan F; Sammel A; Honeysette R; Biles B; Beadman K; Nathan S, 2024, 'The First Nations experience of accessing rheumatology services in a metropolitan hospital: A qualitative study', Health Expectations,

Cullen P; Peden AE; Francis KL; Cini KI; Azzopardi P; Möller H; Peden M; Sawyer SM; Nathan S; Joshi R; Patton GC; Ivers RQ; Moeller H, 2024, 'Interpersonal Violence and Gender Inequality in Adolescents: A Systematic Analysis of Global Burden of Disease Data From 1990 to 2019', Journal of Adolescent Health, 74, pp. 232 - 245,

Uebel K; Carland JE; Iqbal MP; Smith G; Nathan S, 2024, 'Learning to Learn Independently: Guiding Students to Develop Self-Directed Learning Skills During Medical Student Independent Research Projects—Findings from an Australian University', Medical Science Educator,

Dembele L; Nathan S; Carter A; Costello J; Hodgins M; Singh R; Martin B; Cullen P, 2024, 'Researching With Lived Experience: A Shared Critical Reflection Between Co-Researchers', International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23,

van der Sterren AE; Nathan S; Rawstorne P; Yarbakhsh E; Gough C; Bowles D, 2023, 'Involvement of people who use alcohol and other drug services in the development of patient-reported measures of experience: A scoping review', Health Expectations, 26, pp. 2151 - 2163,

Whitten T; Cale J; Nathan S; Hayen A; Williams M; Shanahan M; Ferry M, 2023, 'Duration of stay and rate of subsequent criminal conviction and hospitalisation for substance use among young people admitted to a short-term residential program', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1450 - 1460,

Nathan S; Meyer L; Joseph T; Blignault I; Bailey J; Demasi K; Newman J; Briggs N; Williams M; Lew Fatt E, 2023, 'An Australian National Survey of First Nations Careers in Health Services', Health & Social Care in the Community, 2023, pp. 1 - 14,

Raymond K; Haddock R; Nathan S; Harrison R; Meyer L, 2023, 'Value-based public health: Moving beyond value-based health care to support a wellbeing economy', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 34, pp. 675 - 680,

Taflan P; Simpson PL; Wilson M; Jones J; Donovan B; Amin J; Nathan S; Butler T, 2023, 'Sexually transmissible infections (STI) and HIV testing and diagnosis among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adolescents in contact with the Australian justice system: a cross-sectional study', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 303 - 314,

Nathan S; Hodgins M; Wirth J; Ramirez J; Walker N; Cullen P, 2023, 'The use of arts-based methodologies and methods with young people with complex psychosocial needs: A systematic narrative review', Health Expectations, 26, pp. 795 - 805,

Raymond K; Nathan S; Harrison R; Meyer L, 2023, 'Health policy evaluation in rural and remote Australia: a qualitative exploration and lessons from the Northern Territory', Australian Health Review, 47, pp. 197 - 202,

Whitten T; Cale J; Nathan S; Williams M; Baldry E; Ferry M; Hayen A, 2023, 'Influence of a residential drug and alcohol program on young people's criminal conviction trajectories', Journal of Criminal Justice, 84,

Stirling R; Nathan S; Ritter A, 2023, 'Prioritizing measures to assess performance of drug treatment services: a Delphi process with funders, treatment providers and service-users', Addiction, 118, pp. 119 - 127,

Burton O; Rawstorne P; Watchirs-Smith L; Nathan S; Carter A, 2023, 'Teaching sexual consent to young people in education settings: a narrative systematic review', Sex Education, 23, pp. 18 - 34,

Whitten T; Cale J; Nathan S; Bista S; Ferry M; Williams M; Rawstorne P; Hayen A, 2022, 'Hospitalisation following therapeutic community drug and alcohol treatment for young people with and without a history of criminal conviction', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 231, pp. 109280,

Hill B; Williams M; Woolfenden S; Martin B; Palmer K; Nathan S, 2022, 'Healing journeys: experiences of young Aboriginal people in an urban Australian therapeutic community drug and alcohol program', Health Sociology Review, 31, pp. 193 - 212,

Bailey J; Blignault I; Renata P; Naden P; Nathan S; Newman J, 2021, 'Barriers and enablers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander careers in health: A qualitative, multisector study in western New South Wales', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29, pp. 896 - 908,

Bista S; Nathan S; Rawstorne P; Palmer K; Ferry M; Williams M; Hayen A, 2021, 'Mortality among young people seeking residential treatment for problematic drug and alcohol use: A data linkage study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228, pp. 109030,

Uebel K; Iqbal MP; Carland J; Smith G; Islam MS; Shulruf B; Nathan S, 2021, 'Factors Determining Medical Students’ Experience in an Independent Research Year During the Medical Program', Medical Science Educator, 31, pp. 1471 - 1478,

Macken S; Nathan S; Jersky M; Boydell KM; Gibson A, 2021, 'Body Mapping in a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program: Eliciting New Identity and Experience', International journal of environmental research and public health, 18, pp. 4942,

McCormack H; Nathan S; Varma R; Haire B, 2021, 'Dissonances in communication with sexual health consumers in an inner-Sydney sexual health clinic in relation to health literacy: A mixed-methods study', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32, pp. 133 - 142,

Rawstorne P; O'Connor R; Cohn A; Fredrickson A; Jayasinha R; Hayen A; Lancaster K; Nathan S, 2020, 'Australian news media reporting of methamphetamine: an analysis of print media 2014–2016', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44, pp. 468 - 475,

Stirling R; Ritter A; Rawstorne P; Nathan S, 2020, 'Contracting treatment services in Australia: Do measures adhere to best practice?', International Journal of Drug Policy, 86, pp. 102947,

Yap L; Jones J; Donovan B; Nathan S; Sullivan E; Davison S; Heffernan E; Richards A; Meurk C; Steele M; Fisher C; Ton B; Butler T, 2020, 'The sexual behaviours of adolescents aged between 14 and 17 years involved with the juvenile justice system in Australia: A community-based survey', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0243633,

Schaffarczyk K; Nathan S; Marjadi B; Hsu J; Poulos R, 2020, 'Non-occupational falls from ladders in men 50 years and over: Contributing factors and impact', Injury, 51, pp. 1798 - 1804,

Menzies R; Aqel J; Abdi I; Joseph T; Seale H; Nathan S, 2020, 'Why is influenza vaccine uptake so low among Aboriginal adults?', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44, pp. 279 - 283,

Cohn A; O'Connor R; Lancaster K; Rawstorne P; Nathan S, 2020, 'Media and political framing of crystal methamphetamine use in Australia', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 27, pp. 261 - 270,

Gamlath L; Nandasena S; Silva PD; Morrell S; Linhart C; Lin S; Sharpe A; Nathan S; Taylor R, 2020, 'Community intervention for cardiovascular disease risk factors in Kalutara, Sri Lanka', BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 20,

Nathan S; Maru K; Williams M; Palmer K; Rawstorne P, 2020, 'Koori voices: Self-harm, suicide attempts, arrests and substance use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents following residential treatment', Health and Justice, 8, pp. 4,

Hailemariam TG; Rawstorne P; Sisay MM; Nathan S, 2020, 'Beliefs and intention of heterosexual couples about undertaking Couple's HIV Testing and Counselling (CHTC) services in Ethiopia', BMC Health Services Research, 20, pp. 92,

Hailemariam TG; Nathan S; Seifu CN; Rawstorne P, 2020, 'Uptake of couples HIV testing and counselling among heterosexual couples in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis', AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 32, pp. 137 - 147,

Cunningham R; Bunde-Birouste A; Rawstorne P; Nathan S, 2020, 'Young people’s perceptions of the influence of a sport-for-social-change program on their life trajectories', Social Inclusion, 8, pp. 162 - 176,

Field E; Dove G; Witi N; Abo D; Samiak L; Vallely L; Nathan S, 2019, 'Perceptions of the Village Health Volunteer Program implemented in remote Papua New Guinea: lessons for policy', Papua New Guinea Medical Journal, Volume 62, Number 1-2, March-June 2019, pp. 19 - 32,

Milson P; Nathan S; Bunde-Birouste AW, 2019, 'Adopting healthier cooking oils: Findings from a qualitative study among independent food outlets in a rural district in Australia', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 30, pp. 119 - 123,

Fredrickson A; Gibson A; Lancaster K; Nathan S, 2019, '‘Devil’s lure took all I had’: Moral panic and the discursive construction of crystal methamphetamine in Australian news media', Contemporary Drug Problems, 46, pp. 105 - 121,

Fitzpatrick S; Haskell M; Williams M; Nathan S; Meyer L; Ritchie J; Jackson Pulver L; Haswell-Elkins M, 2019, 'Learning about Aboriginal health and wellbeing at the postgraduate level: Novel application of the Growth and Empowerment Measure', Rural and Remote Health, 19, pp. 4708,

Niven H; Jose H; Rawstorne P; Nathan S, 2018, ''They love us just the way they love a woman': Gender identity, power and transactional sex between men who have sex with men and transgender women in Timor-Leste', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 20, pp. 858 - 872,

Field E; Abo D; Samiak L; Vila M; Dove G; Rosewell A; Nathan S, 2018, 'A partnership model for improving service delivery in remote papua New Guinea: A mixed methods evaluation', International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7, pp. 923 - 933,

Dixson G; Woolfenden S; Jayasinha R; Rawstorne P; Palmer K; Nathan S, 2018, 'Characteristics of Australian adolescent females in residential treatment who report using methamphetamines', Drug and Alcohol Review, 37, pp. S384 - S393,

Field E; Usurup J; Nathan S; Rosewell A, 2018, 'Contextual factors and health service performance from the perspective of the provincial health administrators in Papua New Guinea', Rural and Remote Health, 18,

Field E; Vila M; Runk L; Mactaggart F; Rosewell A; Nathan S, 2018, 'Lessons for health program monitoring and evaluation in a low resource setting', Rural and Remote Health, 18,

Niven H; Jose JH; Rawstorne P; Nathan S, 2018, 'They Love Us Just The Way They Love A Woman': Gender Identity, Power And Transactional Sex Between Men Who Have Sex With Men And Transgender Women In Timor-Leste (vol 20, pg 858, 2017)', CULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY, 20, pp. 1049 - 1049,

Gamlath L; Nandasena S; Hennadige Padmal De Silva S; Linhart C; Ngo A; Morrell S; Nathan S; Sharpe A; Taylor R, 2017, 'Differentials in Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diabetes by Socioeconomic Status and Sex in Kalutara, Sri Lanka', Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 29, pp. 401 - 410,

Williams K; Haire B; Nathan SA, 2017, 'They say God punishes people with HIV’: experiences of stigma and discrimination among adults with HIV in Dili, Timor-Leste', Culture, Health and Sexuality,

Winn-Dix EA; Nathan SA; Rawstorne P, 2016, 'Informing the introduction of contraceptive implants in the Pacific: A mixed methods study of contraceptive beliefs and behaviours in Tonga', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40, pp. 115 - 119,

Nathan S; Bethmont A; Rawstorne PR; Ferry M; Hayen A, 2016, 'Trends in drug use among adolescents admitted to residential treatment in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 204, pp. 149 - 150,

Nathan S; Rawstorne P; Hayen A; Bryant J; Baldry E; Ferry M; Williams M; Shanahan M; Jayasinha R, 2016, 'Examining the pathways for young people with drug and alcohol dependence: A mixed-method design to examine the role of a treatment programme', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e010824,

Proudfoot J; Fogarty AS; McTigue I; Nathan S; Whittle EL; Christensen H; Player MJ; Hadzi-Pavlovic D; Wilhelm K, 2015, 'Positive strategies men regularly use to prevent and manage depression: A national survey of Australian men', BMC Public Health, 15,

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