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Book Chapters

Shrestha S; Conibeer G; Huang S, 2019, 'Solar Cells Based on Hot Carriers and Quantum Dots', in Gao F (ed.), Advanced Nanomaterials for Solar Cells and Light Emitting Diodes, Elsevier, pp. 175 - 213,

Shrestha S; Conibeer G; Huang S, 2019, 'Chapter 6 Solar Cells Based on Hot Carriers and Quantum Dots', in Advanced Nanomaterials for Solar Cells and Light Emitting Diodes, Elsevier, pp. 175 - 213,

Shrestha SK; Timmers H; Byrne AP; Hutchison WD; Chaplin DH; Dogra R, 'Implantation of the 111In/Cd Probe as InO− Ion for Radioisotope Tracer Studies', in HFI/NQI 2004, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 407 - 411,

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