Select Publications


Nikakhtar F; Sanderson RE; Wetzel A; Loebman S; Sharma S; Beaton R; Mackereth JT; Poovelil VJ; Zasowski G; Bonaca A; Martell S; Jonsson H; Faucher-Giguere C-A, 2021, New families in our Solar neighborhood: applying Gaussian Mixture models for objective classification of structures in the Milky Way and in simulations, ,

Munari U; Traven G; Masetti N; Valisa P; Righetti G-L; Hambsch F-J; Frigo A; Cotar K; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2021, The GALAH Survey and Symbiotic Stars. I. Discovery and follow-up of 33 candidate accreting-only systems, ,

Nandakumar G; Hayden MR; Sharma S; Buder S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Lin J; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; Lind K; Cotar K; Stello D; Wittenmyer RA; Tepper-Garcia T, 2020, Combined APOGEE-GALAH stellar catalogues using the Cannon, ,

Simpson JD; Martell SL; Buder S; Sharma S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Schlesinger KJ; Ting Y-S; Nordlander T; Da Costa G; Čotar K; Horner J; Tepper-García T; Collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: Accreted stars also inhabit the Spite Plateau, ,

Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Nordlander T; Spina L; Beeson KL; Lind K; Asplund M; Freeman K; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; De Silva G; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Čotar K; Horner J; Ting Y-S; Traven G, 2020, The GALAH survey: Chemical homogeneity of the Orion complex, ,

Casagrande L; Lin J; Rains AD; Liu F; Buder S; Horner J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lind K; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, The GALAH survey: effective temperature calibration from the InfraRed Flux Method in the Gaia system, ,

Spina L; Ting Y-S; De Silva GM; Frankel N; Sharma S; Cantat-Gaudin T; Joyce M; Stello D; Karakas AI; Asplund MB; Nordlander T; Casagrande L; D'Orazi V; Casey AR; Cottrell P; Tepper-García T; Baratella M; Kos J; Čotar K; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, The GALAH survey: tracing the Galactic disk with Open Clusters, ,

Buder S; Sharma S; Kos J; Amarsi AM; Nordlander T; Lind K; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Beeson KL; Buck T; Casagrande L; Clark JT; Cotar K; Da Costa GS; de Grijs R; Feuillet D; Horner J; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Kobayashi C; Liu F; Montet BT; Nandakumar G; Nataf DM; Ness MK; Spina L; Tepper-Garcia T; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Vogrincic R; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Zerjal M; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH+ Survey: Third Data Release, ,

Amarsi AM; Lind K; Osorio Y; Nordlander T; Bergemann M; Reggiani H; Wang EX; Buder S; Asplund M; Barklem PS; Wehrhahn A; Skúladóttir Á; Kobayashi C; Karakas AI; Gao XD; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Čotar K; Horner J; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: Non-LTE departure coefficients for large spectroscopic surveys, ,

Ji AP; Li TS; Hansen TT; Casey AR; Koposov SE; Pace AB; Mackey D; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Hattori K; Martell SL; Kuehn K; Erkal D; Shipp N; Wan Z; Zucker DB, 2020, The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5): Chemical Abundances of Seven Stellar Streams, ,

Clark JT; Clerte M; Hinkel NR; Unterborn CT; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Wright DJ; Carter B; Morton TD; Spina L; Asplund M; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey A; De Silva G; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Hayden M; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Sharma S; Simpson J; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Tinney CG; Ting Y-S; Nordlander T; Amarsi AM, 2020, The GALAH Survey: Using Galactic Archaeology to Refine our Knowledge of TESS Target Stars, ,

Wan Z; Lewis GF; Li TS; Simpson JD; Martell SL; Zucker DB; Mould JR; Erkal D; Pace AB; Mackey D; Ji AP; Koposov SE; Kuehn K; Shipp N; Balbinot E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Da Costa GS; Kafle P; Sharma S; De Silva GM, 2020, The tidal remnant of an unusually metal-poor globular cluster, ,

Li TS; Koposov SE; Erkal D; Ji AP; Shipp N; Pace AB; Hilmi T; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Bland-Hawthorn J; Cullinane LR; Da Costa GS; Drlica-Wagner A; Hattori K; Martell SL; Sharma S, 2020, Broken into Pieces: ATLAS and Aliqa Uma as One Single Stream, ,

Casali G; Spina L; Magrini L; Karakas A; Kobayashi C; Casey AR; Feltzing S; Van der Swaelmen M; Tsantaki M; Jofré P; Bragaglia A; Feuillet D; Bensby T; Biazzo K; Gonneau A; Tautvaisiene G; Baratella M; Roccatagliata V; Pancino E; Sousa S; Adibekyan V; Martell S; Bayo A; Jackson RJ; Jeffries RD; Gilmore G; Randich S; Alfaro E; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Recio-Blanco A; Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Hourihane A; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Worley C; Zaggia S, 2020, The Gaia-ESO survey: the non-universality of the age-chemical-clocks-metallicity relations in the Galactic disc, ,

Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Campbell SW; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Horner J; Munari U; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: A new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars, ,

Čotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Horner J; Ting Y-S; Žerjal M, 2020, The GALAH survey: Characterization of emission-line stars with spectral modelling using autoencoders, ,

Martell S; Simpson J; Balasubramaniam A; Buder S; Sharma S; Hon M; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis G; Lind K; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Campbell S; Cotar K; Horner J; Montet B; Wittenmyer R, 2020, The GALAH survey: A census of lithium-rich giant stars, ,

Wittenmyer RA; Clark JT; Sharma S; Stello D; Horner J; Kane SR; Stevens CP; Wright DJ; Spina L; Cotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13, ,

Traven G; Feltzing S; Merle T; Van der Swaelmen M; Čotar K; Church R; Zwitter T; Ting Y-S; Sahlholdt C; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Martell S; Sharma S; Zucker D; Buder S; Casey A; D'Orazi V; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Simpson J; Stello D; Munari U; Wittenmyer RA, 2020, The GALAH survey: Multiple stars and our Galaxy. I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars, ,

Sharma S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Stello D; Buder S; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Asplund M; De Silva GM; Dorazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Hon M; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Ting Y-S; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saadon MHM; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2020, Fundamental relations for the velocity dispersion of stars in the Milky Way, ,

Wheeler A; Ness M; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell S; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, Abundances in the Milky Way across five nucleosynthetic channels from 4 million LAMOST stars, ,

Baratella M; D'Orazi V; Carraro G; Desidera S; Randich S; Magrini L; Adibekyan V; Smiljanic R; Spina L; Tsantaki M; Tautvaisiene G; Sousa SG; Jofré P; Jiménes-Esteban FM; Delgado-Mena E; Martell S; Van der Swaelmen M; Roccatagliata V; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bayo A; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jeffries RD; Koposov SE; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sacco G; Sbordone L; Worley C; Zaggia S; Lewis J, 2020, The Gaia-ESO Survey: a new approach to chemically characterising young open clusters, ,

Mészáros S; Masseron T; García-Hernández DA; Prieto CA; Beers TC; Bizyaev D; Chojnowski D; Cohen RE; Cunha K; Dell'Agli F; Ebelke G; Fernández-Trincado JG; Frinchaboy P; Geisler D; Hasselquist S; Hearty F; Holtzman J; Johnson J; Lane RR; Lacerna I; Longa-Peña P; Majewski SR; Martell SL; Minniti D; Nataf D; Nidever DL; Pan K; Schiavon RP; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Sobeck JS; Stringfellow GS; Szigeti L; Tang B; Wilson JC; Zamora O, 2019, Homogeneous Analysis of Globular Clusters from the APOGEE Survey with the BACCHUS Code. II. The Southern Clusters and Overview, ,

Lin J; Asplund M; Ting Y-S; Casagrande L; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lind K; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zwitter T; Zucker DB; Minchev I; Čotar K; Hayden M; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Žerjal M, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Temporal Chemical Enrichment of the Galactic Disk, ,

Simpson JD; Martell SL; Da Costa G; Horner J; Wyse RFG; Ting Y-S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Čotar K; Cottrell PL; Nordlander T, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster $\omega$ Centauri, ,

Casey AR; Lattanzio JC; Aleti A; Dowe DL; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB, 2019, A data-driven model of nucleosynthesis with chemical tagging in a lower-dimensional latent space, ,

Simpson JD; Martell SL, 2019, A Nitrogen-Enhanced Metal-Poor star discovered in the globular cluster ESO280-SC06, ,

Koposov SE; Boubert D; Li TS; Erkal D; Da Costa GS; Zucker DB; Ji AP; Kuehn K; Lewis GF; Mackey D; Simpson JD; Shipp N; Wan Z; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Pace AB; De Silva GM; Wang M-Y, 2019, The Great Escape: Discovery of a nearby 1700 km/s star ejected from the Milky Way by Sgr A*, ,

Shipp N; Li TS; Pace AB; Erkal D; Drlica-Wagner A; Yanny B; Belokurov V; Wester W; Koposov SE; Lewis GF; Simpson JD; Wan Z; Zucker DB; Martell SL; Wang MY, 2019, Proper Motions of Stellar Streams Discovered in the Dark Energy Survey, ,

Li TS; Koposov SE; Zucker DB; Lewis GF; Kuehn K; Simpson JD; Ji AP; Shipp N; Mao Y-Y; Geha M; Pace AB; Mackey AD; Allam S; Tucker DL; Da Costa GS; Erkal D; Simon JD; Mould JR; Martell SL; Wan Z; De Silva GM; Bechtol K; Balbinot E; Belokurov V; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; Cullinane L; Drlica-Wagner A; Sharma S; Vivas AK; Wechsler RH; Yanny B, 2019, The Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (${S}^5$): Overview, Target Selection, Data Reduction, Validation, and Early Science, ,

Casali G; Magrini L; Tognelli E; Jackson R; Jeffries RD; Lagarde N; Tautvaisiene G; Masseron T; Degl'Innocenti S; Moroni PGP; Kordopatis G; Pancino E; Randich S; Feltzing S; Sahlholdt C; Spina L; Friel E; Roccatagliata V; Sanna N; Bragaglia A; Drazdauskas A; Mikolaitis S; Minkeviciute R; Stonkute E; Chorniy Y; Bagdonas V; Jimenez-Esteban F; Martell S; Van der Swaelmen M; Gilmore G; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Koposov SE; Korn A; Worley C; Smiljanic R; Bergemann M; Carraro G; Damiani F; Prisinzano L; Bonito R; Franciosini E; Gonneau A; Hourihane A; Jofre P; Lewis J; Morbidelli L; Sacco G; Sousa SG; Zaggia S; Lanzafame AC; Heiter U; Frasca A; Bayo A, 2019, The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between Age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters, ,

Borsato NW; Martell SL; Simpson JD, 2019, Identifying Stellar Streams in Gaia DR2 with Data Mining Techniques, ,

Sharma S; Stello D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden MR; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Hon M; Asplund M; Buder S; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Li T; Ting Y-S; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saddon H; Traven G; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2019, The K2-HERMES Survey: Age and Metallicity of the Thick Disc, ,

Čotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Kos J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; D'Orazi V; De Silva GM; Lin J; Martell SL; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Ting Y-S; Wittenmyer RA, 2019, The GALAH survey: unresolved triple Sun-like stars discovered by the Gaia mission, ,

Koch A; Grebel EK; Martell SL, 2019, Purveyors of fine halos: Re-assessing globular cluster contributions to the Milky Way halo build-up with SDSS-IV, ,

Fernández-Trincado JG; Mennickent R; Cabezas M; Zamora O; Martell SL; Beers TC; Placco VM; Nataf DM; Mészáros S; Minniti D; Schleicher DRG; Tang B; Pérez-Villegas A; Robin AC; Reylé C; Ortigoza-Urdaneta M, 2019, Discovery of a nitrogen-enhanced mildly metal-poor binary system: Possible evidence for pollution from an extinct AGB Star, ,

Khanna S; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Asplund M; Buder S; Chen B; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lin J; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2019, The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way, ,

Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Freeman K; Kos J; Buder S; Anguiano B; Asplund M; Chen B; Khanna S; Lin J; Horner J; Martell S; Wyse R; Zucker D; Zwitter T, 2019, The GALAH Survey: Chemodynamics of the Solar Neighbourhood, ,

Kos J; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Buder S; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Ness MK; Sharma S; De Silva GM; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Čotar K; Spina L, 2018, Discovery of a 21 Myr old stellar population in the Orion complex, ,

Žerjal M; Ireland MJ; Nordlander T; Lin J; Casagrande L; Horner J; De Silva G; Martell S; Čotar K; Traven G; Zwitter T, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Lithium-strong KM dwarfs, ,

Bland-Hawthorn J; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Binney J; Freeman K; Hayden M; Kos J; De Silva G; Ellis S; Khanna S; Lewis G; Asplund M; Buder S; Casey A; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Ness M; Simpson J; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Kafle P; Quillen A; Ting Y-S; Wyse R, 2018, The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: dissecting the stellar disc's phase space by age, action, chemistry and location, ,

Čotar K; Zwitter T; Kos J; Munari U; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Sharma S; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Horner J; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney C; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA, 2018, The GALAH survey: a catalogue of carbon-enhanced stars and CEMP candidates, ,

Kos J; de Silva G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Buder S; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman K; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; Čotar K; Horner J; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G, 2018, The GALAH Survey and Gaia DR2: (Non)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters, ,

Lagarde N; Reylé C; Robin AC; Tautvaišienė G; Drazdauskas A; Mikolaitis Š; Minkevičiūtė R; Stonkutė E; Chorniy Y; Bagdonas V; Miglio A; Nasello G; Gilmore G; Randich S; Bensby T; Bragaglia A; Flaccomio E; Francois P; Korn AJ; Pancino E; Smiljanic R; Bayo A; Carraro G; Costado MT; Jiménez-Esteban F; Jofré P; Martell SL; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sbordone L; Sousa SG; Zaggia S, 2018, The Gaia-ESO survey: impact of extra-mixing on C- and N-abundances of giant stars, ,

Smiljanic R; Franciosini E; Bragaglia A; Tautvaisiene G; Fu X; Pancino E; Adibekyan V; Sousa SG; Randich S; Montalban J; Pasquini L; Magrini L; Drazdauskas A; Garcia RA; Mathur S; Mosser B; Regulo C; Peralta RDA; Hekker S; Feuillet D; Valentini M; Morel T; Martell S; Gilmore G; Feltzing S; Vallenari A; Bensby T; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Recio-Blanco A; Bayo A; Carraro G; Costado MT; Frasca A; Jofre P; Lardo C; de Laverny P; Lind K; Masseron T; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Prisinzano L; Sbordone L; Zaggia S, 2018, The Gaia-ESO Survey: properties of newly discovered Li-rich giants, ,

Khanna S; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Nataf DM; Ting Y-S; Kos J; Martell S; Zwitter T; De Silva G; Asplund M; Buder S; Duong L; Lin J; Simpson JD; Anguiano B; Horner J; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nordlander T; Wyse RFG; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Velocity fluctuations in the Milky Way using red clump giants, ,

Motta CB; Pasquali A; Richer J; Michaud G; Salaris M; Bragaglia A; Magrini L; Randich S; Grebel EK; Adibekyan V; Blanco-Cuaresma S; Drazdauskas A; Fu X; Martell S; Tautvaišienė G; Gilmore G; Alfaro EJ; Bensby T; Flaccomio E; Koposov SE; Korn AJ; Lanzafame AC; Smiljanic R; Bayo A; Carraro G; Casey AR; Costado MT; Damiani F; Franciosini E; Heiter U; Hourihane A; Jofré P; Lardo C; Lewis J; Monaco L; Morbidelli L; Sacco GG; Sousa SG; Worley CC; Zaggia S, 2018, The Gaia-ESO Survey: Evidence of atomic diffusion in M67?, ,

Zwitter T; Kos J; Chiavassa A; Buder S; Traven G; Čotar K; Lin J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Duong L; Freeman KC; Lind K; Martell S; D'Orazi V; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Collet R; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney CG; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Žerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Accurate Radial Velocities and Library of Observed Stellar Template Spectra, ,

Buder S; Asplund M; Duong L; Kos J; Lind K; Ness MK; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Amarsi AM; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Cotar K; Cottrell PL; Da Costa G; Gao XD; Hayden MR; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Munari U; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Yong D; Zinn JC; Zerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Second Data Release, ,

Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Dotter A; Nordlander T; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Da Costa G; Anguiano B; Horner J; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Nataf DM; Reid W; Stello D; Ting Y-S; collaboration TG, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Verifying abundance trends in the open cluster M67 using non-LTE spectroscopy, ,

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