Select Publications

Journal articles

Freewan M; Rees MD; Sempertegui plaza T; Glaros EN; Lim YJ; Wang X; Yeung AWS; Witting PK; Terentis AC; Thomas SR, 2013, 'Human Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase is a catalyst of physiological heme peroxidase reactions: implications for the inhibition of dioxygenase activity by hydrogen peroxide', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288, pp. 1548 - 1567,

Yeung AWC; Wu W; Freewan M; Stocker R; King NJC; Thomas SR, 2012, 'Flavivirus infection induces indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in human monocyte-derived macrophages via tumor necrosis factor and NF-êB', Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 91, pp. 657 - 666,

Li C; Lonn ME; Xu X; Magzhal G; Frazer D; Thomas SR; Halliwell B; Richardson DR; Anderson GJ; Stocker R, 2012, 'Sustained expression of heme oxygenase-1 alters iron homeostasis in nonerythroid cells', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 53, pp. 366 - 374,

Getts DR; Terry RL; Teague Getts M; Muller M; Rana S; Deffrasnes C; Ashhurst TM; Radford J; Hofer M; Thomas SR; Campbell IL; King NJC, 2012, 'Targeted blockade in lethal West Nile virus encephalitis indicates a crucial role for very late antigen (VLA)-4-dependent recruitment of nitric oxide-producing macrophages', Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9,


Herbert AD; Ng H; Jessup W; Kockx M; Cartland SP; Thomas SR; Hogg PJ; Wargon O, 2011, 'Hypoxia regulates the production and activity of glucose transporter-1 and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in monocyte-derived endothelial-like cells: possible relevance to infantile haemangioma pathogenesis', British Journal of Dermatology, 164, pp. 308 - 315,

Meotti FC; Jameson GNL; Turner R; Harwood D; Stockwell S; Rees MD; Thomas SR; Kettle AJ, 2011, 'Urate as a physiological substrate for myeloperoxidase: Implications for hyperuricemia and inflammation', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, pp. 12901 - 12911,

Wang Y; Liu H; McKenzie G; Witting PK; Stasch JP; Hahn M; Changsirivathanathamrong D; Wu BJ; Ball HJ; Thomas SR; Kapoor V; Celermajer DS; Mellor AL; Keaney JF; Hunt NH; Stocker R, 2010, 'Erratum: Kynurenine is an endothelium-derived relaxing factor produced during inflammation (Nature Medicine (2010) 16 (279-285))', Nature Medicine, 16, pp. 607,

Wang Y; Liu H; McKenzie GL; Witting PK; Stasch J; Hahn M; Changsirivathanathamrong D; Wu BJ; Ball HJ; Thomas SR; Kapoor V; Celermajer DS; Mellor AL; Keaney Jr JF; Hunt NH; Stocker R, 2010, 'Kynurenine is an endothelium-derived relaxing factor produced during inflammation', Nature Medicine, 16, pp. 279 - 285

Terentis AC; Freewan M; Sempertegui Plaza T; Raftery MJ; Stocker R; Thomas SR, 2010, 'The selenazal drug ebselen potently inhibits indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase by targeting enzyme cysteine residues', Biochemistry, 49, pp. 591 - 600,

Wang Y; Liu H; McKenzie G; Witting PK; Stasch J-P; Hahn M; Jackman KA; Changsirivathanathamrong D; Wu BJ; Ball HJ; Thomas SR; Celermajer DS; Mellor AL; Sobey CG; Keaney JF; Hunt NH; Stocker R, 2009, 'Kynurenine is a novel endothelium-derived vascular relaxing factor produced during inflammation', BMC Pharmacology, 9,

Schulz E; Dopheide J; Schuhmacher S; Thomas SR; Chen K; Daiber A; Wenzel P; Münzel T; Keaney JF, 2008, 'Suppression of the JNK pathway by induction of a metabolic stress response prevents vascular injury and dysfunction', Circulation, 118, pp. 1347 - 1357,

Maghzal G; Thomas SB; Hunt N; Stocker R, 2008, 'Cytochrome b(5), not superoxide anion radical, is a major reductant of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in human cells', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, pp. 12014 - 12025,

Maghzal GJ; Thomas SR; Hunt NH; Stocker R, 2008, 'Cytochrome b5, Not Superoxide Anion Radical, Is a Major Reductant of Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase in Human Cells', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, pp. 12014 - 12025,

Thomas SR; Witting P; Drummond G, 2008, 'Redox control of endothelial function and dysfunction: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities', Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 10, pp. 1713 - 1765,

Lim SY; Raftery MJ; Cai H; Hsu KK; Yan WX; Hseih H; Watts RN; Richardson D; Thomas SR; Perry MA; Geczy C, 2008, 'S-nitrosylated S100A8: Novel anti-inflammatory properties', Journal of Immunology, 181, pp. 5627 - 5636

King NJ; Thomas SR, 2007, 'Molecules in focus: Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase', International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 39, pp. 2167 - 2172

Thomas SR; Terentis AC; Cai H; Takikawa O; Lay PA; Freewan M; Stocker R, 2007, 'Post-translational regulation of human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity by nitric oxide', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, pp. 23778 - 23787,

Thomas SR; Schulz E; Keaney JF, 2006, 'Hydrogen peroxide restrains endothelium-derived nitric oxide bioactivity - Role for iron-dependent oxidative stress', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 41, pp. 681 - 688

Choy K; Beck K; Png F; Wu BJ; Leichtweis S; Thomas SR; Hou JY; Croft KD; Mori T; Stocker R, 2005, 'Processes involved in the site-specific effect of probucol on atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E gene knockout mice', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 25, pp. 1684 - 1690,

Anter E; Thomas SR; Schulz E; Shapira OM; Vita JA; Keaney Jr JF, 2004, 'Activation of Endothelial Nitric-oxide Synthase by the p38 MAPK in Response to Black Tea Polyphenols', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279, pp. 46637 - 46643,

Aitken JB; Thomas SE; Stocker R; Thomas SR; Takikawa O; Armstrong RS; Lay P, 2004, 'Determination of the nature of the heme environment in nitrosyl indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase using multiple-scattering analyses of XAFS.', Biochemistry, 43, pp. 4892 - 4898,

Stocker R; Huang A; Jeranian E; Hou JY; Wu T; Thomas SR; Keaney JF, 2004, 'Hypochlorous acid impairs EDNO bioactivity through a superoxide-dependent mechanism.', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 24, pp. 2028 - 2033,

Heydrick SJ; Weiss N; Thomas SR; Cap AP; Pimentel DR; Loscalzo J; Keaney Jr JF, 2004, 'L-Homocysteine and L-homocystine stereospecifically induce endothelial nitric oxide synthase-dependent lipid peroxidation in endothelial cells', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 36, pp. 632 - 640,

Chen K; Thomas SR; Albano A; Murphy MP; Keaney Jr JF, 2004, 'Mitochondrial function is required for hydrogen peroxide-induced growth factor receptor transactivation and downstream signaling', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279, pp. 35079 - 35086,

Thomas SR; Keaney JF; Stocker R, 2004, 'Redox regulation of vascular cell function', Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 37, pp. 322 - 323

Chen K; Thomas SR; Keaney Jr JF, 2003, 'Beyond LDL oxidation: ROS in vascular signal transduction', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 35, pp. 117 - 132,

Vita JA; Gocke N; Duffy SJ; Kahn D; Tomasian D; Palmisano J; Thomas SR; Holbrook M; Keaney Jr JF, 2003, 'Effect of atorvastatin on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with coronary artery disease', American Journal of Cardiology, 91, pp. 857 - 860,

Thomas SR; Chen K; Keaney Jr JF, 2003, 'Oxidative stress and endothelial nitric oxide bioactivity', Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 5, pp. 181 - 194,

Terentis AC; Thomas SR; Takikawa O; Littlejohn TK; Truscott RJW; Armstrong RS; Stocker SRYR, 2002, 'The heme environment of recombinant human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. Structural properties and substrate-ligand interactions', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, pp. 15788 - 15794,

Thomas SR; Chen K; Keaney JF, 2002, 'Hydrogen peroxide activates endothelial nitric-oxide synthase through coordinated phosphorylation and dephosphorylation via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent signaling pathway', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, pp. 6017 - 6024,

Terentis AC; Thomas SR; Burr JA; Liebler DC; Stocker R, 2002, 'Vitamin E oxidation in human atherosclerotic lesions', Circulation Research, 90, pp. 333 - 339,

Huang A; Thomas SR; Keaney JF, 2002, 'Measurements of redox control of nitric oxide bioavailability', Methods in Enzymology, 359, pp. 209 - 216,

Kim H-S; Skurk C; Thomas SR; Bialik A; Suhara T; Kureishi Y; Birnbaum M; Keaney Jr JF; Walsh K, 2002, 'Regulation of angiogenesis by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, pp. 41888 - 41896,

Thomas SR; Salahifar H; Mashima R; Hunt NH; Richardson DR; Stocker R, 2001, 'Antioxidants inhibit indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in IFN-γ-activated human macrophages: Posttranslational regulation by pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate', Journal of Immunology, 166, pp. 6332 - 6340,

Carr AC; Hawkins CL; Thomas SR; Stocker R; Frei B, 2001, 'Relative reactivities of N-chloramines and hypochlorous acid with human plasma constituents', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 30, pp. 526 - 536,

Thomas SR; Leichtweis SB; Pettersson K; Croft KD; Mori TA; Brown AJ; Stocker R, 2001, 'Dietary cosupplementation with vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 inhibits atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E gene knockout mice', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 21, pp. 585 - 593,

Thomas SR; Stocker R, 2000, 'Molecular action of vitamin E in lipoprotein oxidation: Implications for atherosclerosis', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 28, pp. 1795 - 1805,

Stocker R; Witting P; Upston J; Thomas S; Terentis A; Lau A; Leichtweis S; Chafour X; Burr J; Liebler D; Pettersson K, 2000, 'Evidence for dissociation of lipoprotein lipid oxidation and atherosclerosis in different animals', Atherosclerosis, 151, pp. 234 - 234,

Thomas SR; Witting PK; Stocker R, 1999, 'A role for reduced coenzyme Q in atherosclerosis?', BioFactors, 9, pp. 207 - 224,

Terentis AC; Thomas SR; Burr JA; Liebler DC; Stocker R, 1999, 'Alpha-tocopherol oxidation products in atherosclerotic lesions', FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 27, pp. S99 - S99,

Thomas SR; Terentis AC; Takikawa O; Hunt NH; Stocker R, 1999, 'Antioxidant activity and redox control of oxidative tryptophan metabolism in IFNG-primed macrophages', FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 27, pp. S56 - S56,

Thomas SR; Stocker R, 1999, 'Redox reactions related to indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway', Redox Report, 4, pp. 199 - 220,

Thomas SR; Davies MJ; Stocker R, 1998, 'Oxidation and antioxidation of human low-density lipoprotein and plasma exposed to 3-morpholinosydnonimine and reagent peroxynitrite', Chemical Research in Toxicology, 11, pp. 484 - 494,

Sanni LA; Thomas SR; Tattam BN; Moore DE; Chaudhri G; Stocker R; Hunt NH, 1998, 'Dramatic changes in oxidative tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway in experimental cerebral and noncerebral malaria', American Journal of Pathology, 152, pp. 611 - 619

Thomas SR; Witting PK; Stocker R, 1997, 'Macrophage-derived 3-hydroxyanthranilate synergises with vitamin E in inhibiting LDL lipid peroxidation', ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 134, pp. 236 - 236,

Thomas SR; Davies MJ; Stocker R, 1997, 'Peroxynitrite oxidises LDL lipids via tocopherol-mediated peroxidation', ATHEROSCLEROSIS, 134, pp. 218 - 218,

Neužil J; Thomas SR; Stocker R, 1997, 'Requirement for, promotion, or inhibition by α-tocopherol of radical- induced initiation of plasma lipoprotein lipid peroxidation', Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 22, pp. 57 - 71,

Thomas SR; Witting PK; Stocker R, 1996, '3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid is an efficient, cell-derived co-antioxidant for α-tocopherol, inhibiting human low density lipoprotein and plasma lipid peroxidation', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271, pp. 32714 - 32721,

Thomas SR; Neužil J; Stocker R, 1996, 'Cosupplementation with Coenzyme Q Prevents the Prpoxidant Effect of α-Tocopherol and Increases the Resistance of LDL to Transition Metal-Dependent Oxidation Initiation', Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 16, pp. 687 - 696,

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