Select Publications

Journal articles

Arthur P; Diana B; Khuu S, 2017, 'A preliminary study: Is the metronome harmony harmful or helpful?', The Australian Journal of Music Education

Phu J; Khuu S; Zangerl B; Kalloniatis M, 2017, 'A comparison of Goldmann III, V and spatially equated test stimuli in visual field testing: the importance of complete and partial spatial summation', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 37, pp. 160 - 176,

Phu J; Khuu S; Yapp M; Assaad N; Hennessy M; Kalloniatis M; Hennessy M, 2017, 'The value of visual field testing in the era of advanced imaging: clinical and psychophysical perspectives', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 100, pp. 313 - 332,

Khuu S; Cham J; Hayes A, 2016, 'The effect of local orientation change on the detection of contours defined by constant curvature: psychophysics and image statistics', Frontiers in Psychology, 7, pp. 2069,

phu J; Al Saleem N; Kalloniatis M; Khuu S, 2016, 'Physiologic statokinetic dissociation is eliminated by equating static and kinetic perimetry testing procedures', Journal of Vision, 16, pp. 1 - 17,

Arthur P; Blom D; Khuu S; Arthur P, 2016, 'Music sight-reading expertise, visually disrupted score and eye movements', Journal of Eye Movement Research, 9, pp. 1 - 17,

Choi AYJ; Nivison-Smith L; Khuu SK; Kalloniatis M, 2016, 'Determining spatial summation and its effect on contrast sensitivity across the central 20 degrees of visual field', PLoS One, 11, pp. e0158263,

Kalloniatis M; Khuu S, 2016, 'Equating spatial summation in visual field testing reveals greater loss in optic nerve disease', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 36, pp. 439 - 452,

Kim J; Khuu S; Palmisano S, 2016, 'Vection depends on perceived surface properties', Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 78, pp. 1163 - 1173,

Khuu SK; Honson VJ; Challinor KL, 2016, 'The Influence of Cast Shadows on the Detection of Three-Dimensional Curved Contour Structure', Perception, 2016, pp. 425 - 442,

Phu J; Kalloniatis M; Khuu S, 2016, 'The Effect of Attentional Cueing and Spatial Uncertainty in Visual Field Testing', PLoS One, 11, pp. e0150922,

Khuu S; Honson V; Kim J, 2016, 'The perception of three-dimensional contours and the effect of luminance polarity and color change on their detection', Journal of Vision, 16, pp. 31 - 31,

Jimenez I; Boon MY; Khuu SK, 2015, 'Exposure to organic solvents used in the dry cleaning affects the perception of global form and motion', PLoS One,

Khuu S; Kalloniatis M, 2015, 'Standard automated perimetry: determining spatial summation and its effect on contrast sensitivity across the visual field', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 56,

Kim J; Chung YLC; Nakamura S; Palmisano S; Khuu S; Chung C, 2015, 'The Oculus Rift: a cost-effective tool for studying visual-vestibular interactions in self-motion perception', Frontiers in Psychology, 6, pp. 248,

Khuu S; Kalloniatis M, 2015, 'Spatial summation across the central visual field: Implications for visual field testing', Journal of Vision, 15, pp. 1 - 15,

Khuu SK; Chung CYL; Lord S; Pearson J, 2014, 'Unconscious local motion alters global image speed', PLoS ONE, 9,

Lee K; Junghans BM; Ryan M; Khuu S; Suttle CM, 2014, 'Development of a novel approach to the assessment of eye–hand coordination', Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 228, pp. 50 - 56,

Khuu S; Gordon J; Balcomb K; Kim J, 2014, 'The perception of three-dimensional cast-shadow structure is dependent on visual awareness.', Journal of Vision, 14, pp. article 25,

Chung CYL; Khuu S, 2014, 'The processing of coherent global form and motion patterns without visual awareness', Frontiers in Psychology, 5,

Kim J; Khuu S, 2014, 'A new spin on vection in depth', Journal of Vision, 14, pp. 1 - 10,

Lewis D; O'Reilly M; Khuu SK; Pearson J, 2013, 'Conditioning the mind’s eye: Associative learning with voluntary mental imager', Clinical Psychological Science,

Yeotikar NS; Khuu SK; Asper LJ; Suttle CM, 2013, 'Context and Crowding in Perceptual Learning on a Peripheral Contrast Discrimination Task: Context-Specificity in Contrast Learning', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. Article numbere63278,

Lewis D; Pearson J; Khuu SK, 2013, 'The Color Fruit: Object Memories Defined by Color', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. Article numbere64960,

Khuu SK; Chou P; Ormsby J; Kalloniatis M, 2013, 'The effect of optical blur on central and peripheral near visual acuity.', Optometry and Vision Science

Khuu SK, 2013, 'The integration of local information in the perception of global form and motion without awareness: The role of stimulus coherence in breaking visual suppression.', Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology

Khuu SK; Kim D, 2013, 'Using the kinetic Zollner illusion to quantify the interaction between form and motion information in depth', Vision Research, 83, pp. 48 - 55,

Jiménez Barbosa IA; Khuu S; Ying Boon M, 2012, 'Efecto de la neurotoxicidad en la función visual de trabajadores de lavado en seco', Ciencia & Tecnología para la Salud Visual y Ocular, 10, pp. 13 - 13,

Khuu SK; Khambiye S; Phu J, 2012, 'Detecting the structural form of cast shadow patterns.', Journal of Vision, 12, pp. 1 - 14,

Barbosa IJ; Jimenez IA; Khuu S; Boon MY, 2012, 'P1-11: Visual Function and Neurotoxic Symptoms Related to Exposure to Organic Solvents', i-Perception, 3, pp. 625 - 625,

Khuu SK; Boon M; Jimenez Barbosa I, 2012, 'The effect of neurotoxicity on the visual function of dry cleaners', Ciencia & tecnología para la salud visual y ocular

Khuu SK; Khambiye S, 2012, 'The influence of shape-from-shading information on the perception of global motion.', Vision Research, 55, pp. 1 - 10,

Khuu SK, 2012, 'The role of motion streaks in the perception of the kinetic Zollner illusion', Journal of Vision, 12, pp. 1 - 14,

Yeotikar N; Khuu SK; Asper LJ; Suttle CM, 2011, 'Configuration specificity of crowding in peripheral vision', Vision Research, 51, pp. 1239 - 1248,

Khuu SK; Boon M; Jimenez Barbosa I, 2011, 'Modified Q16 neurotoxic symptoms questionnaire', Ciencia & tecnología para la salud visual y ocular, 9, pp. 19 - 37

Khuu SK; Kidd JC; Badcock DR, 2011, 'The influence of spatial orientation on the perceived path of visual saltatory motion', Journal of Vision, 11, pp. 1 - 16,

Khuu SK; Moreland A; Phu , 2011, 'The role of shape-from-shading information in the perception of local and global form in glass patterns', Journal of Vision, 11, pp. 1 - 13,

Khuu SK; Kidd JC; Errington JA, 2010, 'The effect of motion adaptation on the position of elements in the visual saltation illusion.', Journal of vision, 10, pp. 19

Or CC-F; Khuu SK; Hayes A, 2010, 'The effect of contrast variations on the perception of Glass patterns', Journal of Vision, 6, pp. 583 - 583,

Khuu SK; Kidd J; Phu J; Khambiye S, 2010, 'A cyclopean visual saltation illusion reveals perceptual grouping in three-dimensional space', Journal of Vision, 10, pp. 1 - 19,

Khuu SK; Phu J; Khambiye S, 2010, 'Apparent motion distorts the apparent shape of a stimulus briefly presented along the motion path', Journal of Vision, 10, pp. 1 - 15,

Khuu SK; Or CCF-P; Hayes A, 2010, 'Moving Glass patterns: Asymmetric interaction between motion and form', Perception, 39, pp. 447 - 463,

Khuu SK; Lee TCP; Hayes A, 2010, 'Object speed derived from the integration of motion in the image plane and motion-in-depth signaled by stereomotion and looming', Vision Research, 50, pp. 904 - 913,

Khuu SK; Kidd J; Errington J, 2010, 'The effect of motion adaptation on the position of elements in the visual saltation illusion', Journal of Vision, 10, pp. 1 - 14,

Li WO; Khuu SK; Hayes A, 2009, 'Background motion and the perception of shape defined by illusory contours', Journal of Vision, 9,

Li W; Hayes AJ; Khuu SK, 2009, 'Background motion and the perception of shape defined by illusory contours', Journal of Vision, 9, pp. 1 - 11

Lee TCP; Khuu SK; Li WO; Hayes A, 2008, 'Distortion in perceived image size accompanies flash lag in depth', Journal of Vision, 8, pp. 1 - 10,

Li WO; Khuu SK; Hayes A, 2008, 'Global shape perception: Interaction between different complex global motion patterns', Vision Research, 48, pp. 167 - 178

Li WO; Khuu K; Hayes A, 2008, 'Interaction between complex motion patterns in the perception of shape', Vision Research, 48, pp. 167 - 178

Tsui SY; Khuu SK; Hayes A, 2007, 'The perceived position shift of a pattern that contains internal motion is accompanied by a change in the pattern's apparent size and shape', Vision Research, 47, pp. 402 - 410,

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