Select Publications

Journal articles

Jöttkandt S, 2018, '“With a Lever . . . ” Beckett, Badiou, and the Logics of Sexual Difference', Philosophy Today, 62, pp. 1189 - 1206,

Jottkandt SA, 2018, 'X-trails: Notes on another English School', Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, 20,

Jottkandt SA, 2018, '"Au tombeau" with Mallarmé, Milner and Nabokov', Psychoanalysis Lacan, 3,

Jottkandt SA, 2018, 'Nabokov, Cinemathomme', Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry, 4, pp. 80 - 110,

Jottkandt SA, 2017, 'The Power of O', Continental Thought & Theory, 1, pp. 680 - 688,

Jottkandt SA, 2017, 'Territory X', a+A, 53.2, pp. 78 - 82

Jottkandt SA, 2016, 'Review of Janet Laurence: The Pharmacy of Plants by Prudence Gibson', Australian Humanities Review, 59, pp. 1 - 4,

Jottkandt SA, 2016, 'Black Bile/Pale Fire: Benjaminian Allegory and Nabokovian Melancholy', Crisis and Critique, 3,

Jottkandt SA, 2016, 'Prime Zero of the Anthropocene', Deleuze Studies, 10, pp. 504 - 513,

Jottkandt SA, 2016, 'Repetition and Inscription in Europe's Dream-Land', Filozofski Vestnik, 37, pp. 289 - 312,

Jottkandt SA, 2014, 'Topographies of a cinematic city', symplokē, 22, pp. 181 - 199,

Jottkandt S, 2013, 'The Cornered Object of Psychoanalysis: Las Meninas, Jacques Lacan, Henry James', Continental Philosophy Review, 46, pp. 291 - 309,

Jottkandt S, 2012, 'A kot Anna: prva ljubezen Samuela Becketta', Problemi, pp. 51 - 75

Jottkandt S, 2011, 'Splitting the Difference: Aesthetic Relations in Henry James and Leo Bersani', The Henry James Review, 32, pp. 235 - 241,

Jottkandt S, 2010, 'Signifier and Letter in Kierkegaard and Lacan', Umbr(a), Writing, pp. 101 - 114

, 2007, 'JOTTKANDT, SIGI. Acting Beautifully: Henry James and the Ethical Aesthetic. Albany: State University of New York Press (SUNY series in Psychoanalysis and Culture), 2005. xvii + 177 pp. $55.00. ISBN 0 7914 6557 8', Forum for Modern Language Studies, 43, pp. 475 - 475,

Jottkandt S, 2006, 'The Cryogenic Signifier: the Ethics of Obsessional Hatred in Henry James’s “The Bench of Desolation', Journal for Lacanian Studies, 4, pp. 193 - 213,

Jottkandt S, 2006, 'Hate’s Rebate, Or Love’s Largesse: Back to Back on “The Bench of Desolation', The Henry James E-Journal, 9,

Jottkandt S, 2005, 'Effectively Equivalent: Walter Pater, “Sebastian van Storck,” and the Ethics of Metaphor', Nineteenth-Century Literature, 60, pp. 163 - 198,

Jottkandt S, 2004, 'Portrait of an act: Aesthetics and ethics in The 'Portrait of a Lady' (Henry James)', HENRY JAMES REVIEW, 25, pp. 67 - 86,

Jottkandt S, 2004, 'Portrait of an Act: Aesthetics and Ethics in The Portrait of a Lady', Henry James Review, 25, pp. 67 - 86,

Jottkandt S, 2004, 'Brothers of the Veil: On the Military Family Romance', Umbr(a), War, pp. 131 - 139

Jottkandt S, 2003, 'The Narcissism of Small Differences: On Beckett’s First Love', (a): the journal of culture and the unconscious, 3, pp. 117 - 126

Jottkandt S, 1992, 'Language Poetry in the Academy', Meanjin, 4, pp. 102 - 106

Cullen R; Jottkandt S, 'Dimensions of Trust in Government in the Digital Age', SSRN Electronic Journal,

Conference Posters

Jottkandt S, 2018, '"Living Books for English and Creative Writing"', UNSW, presented at UNSW Learning & Teaching Forum, UNSW, 26 October 2018 - 26 October 2018

Conference Presentations

Jottkandt S, 2023, 'Modern Love Theory: James, Badiou and ‘The Story in It’', presented at Australasian Society for Contintental Philosophy, University of Sydney, 27 November 2023 - 29 November 2023

Jottkandt S, 2019, 'Regressions of the Familial Signifier: Three Ghosts and a Spectre', presented at Jameson Symposium, UNSW, 06 December 2019

Jottkandt S, 2018, '"Cordelia's Kiss"', presented at Technology, Truth, Knowledge conference, Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy, 08 December 2018 - 12 December 2018

Jottkandt S, 2018, '"Post-interpretation and the Climate Change Unconscious: Nabokov's Lettrocalamity"', presented at Ecrits conference, Gent, Belgium, 22 September 2018 - 24 September 2018

Jottkandt S, 2017, '"Beckett, Badiou and the Logic of Sexual Difference"', presented at Australasian Society for Contemporary Philosophy, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 29 November 2017 - 01 December 2017

Jottkandt S, 2017, '"Au tombeau with Mallame, Milner and Nabokov"', presented at Jean-Claude Milner Symposium, Deakin University, Melbourne, 04 July 2017

Jottkandt S, 2016, '"'By a route obscure and lonely': Repetition and Inscription in Europe's Dream-Land"', presented at Repetition/s conference, University of Ljubljiana, Slovenia, 22 September 2016 - 24 September 2016

Jottkandt S, 2016, 'Lettro-Calamity: Nabokov's Ada or Ardor"', presented at Australasian Modernist Studies Network 3: Modernist Work", UNSW, 29 March 2016 - 31 March 2016

Jottkandt S, 2015, '"Marque et Plus: On Prime Zero"', presented at Reason Plus Enjoyment conference, UNSW, 10 July 2015 - 14 July 2015

Jottkandt S, 2015, '"Exile from Parnassus, or Allegories of Criticism in Nabokov's Pale Fire"', presented at Aesthetics After Finitude Conference, UNSW, 05 February 2015 - 06 February 2015

Jottkandt S, 2014, ''Maths in the Bedroom: Sex, the Signifier and the Smallest Whole Number'', presented at Badiou conference, University of Melbourne, 22 November 2014

Jottkandt S, 2014, '"The Future of Academic Publishing"', presented at UNSW Postgraduate Conference, UNSW, 20 November 2014 - 20 November 2014

Jottkandt S, 2014, '"Mimesis and Mimicry in Nabokov: the 'Reel' Life of Sebastian Knight"', presented at Cinematic Thinking, UNSW, 14 November 2014 - 18 November 2014

Jottkandt S, 2013, '"Across the memory of old signs": Vladimir Nabokov's Speak, Memory"', presented at Soundscapes Conference, 03 July 2013 - 05 July 2013

Jottkandt S, 2012, ''Nabokov's Berlin'', presented at Cities and their Representations Conference, Mianyang, China, 29 May 2012 - 03 June 2012

Jottkandt S, 2012, ''Open Humanities Press' presentation', presented at Australasian Digital Humanities Conference, ANU, Canberra, 27 May 2012 - 30 March 2012

Jottkandt S, 2011, '‘On Approaching Orbis Tertius: Open Humanities Press'', presented at Plenary talk, Public Knowledge Project Third International Scholarly Publishing Conference,, Berlin, 26 September 2011 - 28 September 2011

Jottkandt S, 2011, 'Unconsciously James: What Zizek Knew', presented at MLA Convention, Los Angeles

Jottkandt S, 2010, '‘Counting to One: Badiou, Lacan, Kierkegaard’', presented at The Intervention of the Single One: Kierkegaard Conference, University of Copenhagen, 28 November 2010 - 28 November 2010

Jottkandt S, 2010, 'Seditious Libraries: Open Tools, Open Content, Open Services', presented at Bibliographic Society of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne, 15 July 2010 - 15 July 2010

Jottkandt S, 2009, 'The Role of Libraries in Emerging Models of Scholarly Communication', presented at LIANZA Conference, Christchurch, NZ, 13 October 2009 - 16 October 2009

Jottkandt S, 2008, '‘Mathematizing Love: Kierkegaard, Badiou, Lacan’', presented at Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups Annual Conference, University of Pennsylvania, PA, 28 March 2008 - 30 March 2008

Jottkandt S, 2008, '‘There is (some) One: Beckett's “First Love”', presented at Sign of the Times conference, KU Leuven, Belgium, 30 January 2008 - 01 February 2008

Jottkandt S, 2007, '‘From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination’', presented at Berlin 5 Open Access, Padua, Italy, 19 September 2007 - 21 September 2007

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