Select Publications


Boufous S; Olivier J; Friswell R, 2019, Submission to Inquiry into the Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney,

Senserrick T; Hatfield J; Boufous S; Olivier J, 2019, Evaluation of the NSW Motorcycle Graduated Licensing Scheme, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Final Report,,

Boufous S; Friswell R; Hatfield J; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Senserrick T; Williamson A, 2018, Road safety data in NSW – How can we better inform safety policy and practice? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW Sydney, 21,

Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2017, Evaluation of Queensland’s Graduated Licensing System, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Final Report,,

Grzebieta R; Boufous S; Simmons K; Hicks D; Williamson A; Rechnitzer G, 2017, Quad Bike and OPD Workplace Safety Survey Report: Results and Conclusions, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney,

Hatfield J; Boufous S, 2017, Active Streets Evaluation, Final Report

Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Mooren L; Williamson A, 2017, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System, Draft Final Report

Senserrick T; Boufous S, 2017, Is keys2drive associated with Reduced Crash Risk for Young Drivers? An Analysis of Police-Recorded Crashes in New South Wales, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney, Final Report

Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Mooren LE; Williamson A, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 4: Survey of NZ License-holders: Methods and Results Summary, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney

Hatfield J; Boufous S, 2016, Active Streets Evaluation: Analysis of pre-intervention data, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Senserrick T; Boufous S, 2016, Comparison of Tasmanian and Victorian Learner Motorcyclists and Their Crashes: Implications for Implementing a Motorcyclist Graduated Licensing System, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Mooren L; Williamson A, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System Part 1: Literature review, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney

Williamson A; Boufous S; Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Mooren L, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 2: Data interrogation, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney

Hatfield J; Mooren L; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Williamson A, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 3: Focus Groups, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney

Hatfield J; Williamson A; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Mooren L; Job RFS; Sakashita C, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System. Part 5: High-Level Recommendations, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, he University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney

Senserrick T; Boufous S, 2016, Is keys2drive associated with Reduced Crash Risk for Young Drivers? An Analysis of Police-Recorded Crashes in New South Wales, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Draft Final Report

Friswell R; Boufous S; Williamson A, 2015, Smart Rest Area Trial Evaluation, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW Australia

sakashita C; Ivers R; Senserrick T; Elkington J; Lo S; Boufous S; de Rome L, 2015, A randomised control trial in the state of Victoria, Australia: evaluation of the VicRide on-road coaching program for newly-licensed motorcyclist., Final Report for Contract No. 7559

Hatfield J; Boufous S; Maharaj P; Patton D; Eveston T, 2015, An evaluation of the effects of a school-based cycling education program on participation and safety, Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW,

Hatfield J; boufous S; Grzebieta R, 2014, Pedestrian and cyclist safety on shared paths: Observational field study and user survey

Hatfield J; Boufous S; Grzebieta R, 2013, Pedestrian and cyclist safety on shared paths: Review of relevant literature, guidelines, rules, and practice., Transport and Road Safety Research, UNSW

Boufous S; Gabbe B; Elkington J; Bohensky M; Cameron P; de Rome L, 2012, Investigation of the potential to enhance emergency response to motorcyclists involved in crashes, The George Institute for Global Health, University of Sydney

de Rome L; Boufous S; Senserrick T; Richardson D; Ivers R, 2012, The Pedal Study: Factors associated with bicycle crashes and injury severity in the ACT, The George Institute for Global Health, University of Sydney

Mitchell RJ; Boufous S; Finch C, 2008, Sport/leisure injuries in New South Wales: Trends in sport/leisure injury hospitalisations (2003-2005) and the prevalence of non-hospitalised injuries (2005), NSW Injury Risk Management Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, Sport/Leisure Injuries in New South Wales

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