Select Publications

Book Chapters

Bose S; Nguyen P, 2025, 'Exiting Afghanistan: Presidential Narratives, US Exceptionalism, and ‘Othering’ Afghans', in Adili A; Lushenko P; Maley W (ed.), Afghanistan and International Relations, Routledge

Bizhan N; Bose S, 2025, 'Statebuilding in Afghanistan: a state-society relational approach', in Adili A; Lushenko P; Maley W (ed.), Afghanistan and International Relations, Routledge

Lushenko P; Bose S; Romaniuk S, 2024, 'Blending Counterinsurgency to Defeat Hybrid Threats', in Ramaniuk S; Roul A; Fabe AP; János B (ed.), Handbook of Terrorist and Insurgent Groups: a Global Survey of Threats, Tactics, and Characteristics, CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,

Lushenko P; Bose S; Romaniuk S, 2024, 'High Value Targeting and International Society’s “Warfare Trap”', in Romaniuk S; Roul A; Fabe AP; Besenyő J (ed.), Handbook of Terrorist and Insurgent Groups: a Global Survey of Threats, Tactics, and Characteristics, CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,

Bose S, 2023, 'Legitimacy in Statebuilding', in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Springer International Publishing, pp. 897 - 906,

Lushenko P; Bose S; Maley W, 2021, 'Conceptualizing Global Order in an Era of Remote Warfare', in Lushenko P; Bose S; Maley W (ed.), Drones and Global Order: The implications of remote warfare for international society, Routledge, London,

Blaxland J; Bose S; Lushenko P, 2021, 'The Significance—and Potential—of a Fourth Wave of Drone Warfare Scholarship', in Lushenko P; Bose S; Maley W (ed.), Drones and Global Order: The implications of remote warfare for international society, Routledge, London,

Bose S, 2021, 'Legitimacy in Statebuilding', in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Palgrave,

Bose S; Panda A, 2020, 'The Conflict in Afghanistan: Interlocking Strategic Challenges as a Barrier to Regional Solution.', in Inoguchi T (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Asian Foreign Policy., Sage Publishing, London, pp. 361 - 378,

Forsyth M; Kent L; Dinnen S; Wallis J; Bose S, 2019, 'Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development: a Critical Approach', in Kent L; Forsyth M; Dinnen S; Wallis J; Bose S (ed.), Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development: a Critical and Reflexive Approach, Routledge, Durham, pp. 1 - 15,

Bose S; Thakur R, 2018, 'The UN Secretary-General and the Forgotten Third R2P Responsibility.', in Reviewing the Responsibility to Protect Origins, Implementation and Controversies, Routledge, London,

Kent L; Bose S; Wallis J; Dinnen S; Forsyth M, 2018, 'Introduction', in Wallis J; Kent L; Forsyth M; Dinnen S; Bose S (ed.), Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development: Critical Conversations, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 1 - 17,

Sharan T; Bose S, 2018, 'Conflict Management, Extractive Industries, and the 2014 International Military Exit Strategy in Afghanistan', in Owen C; Juraev S; Lewis D; Megoran N; Heathershaw J (ed.), Interrogating Illiberal Peace in Eurasia: Critical Perspectives on Peace and Conflict, Rowman & Littlefield International, London, pp. 249 - 270,

Bose S; Ibrahimi N, 2017, 'Afghanistan’s Political Parties: a Tale of Incomplete Reform and Transformation', in Bose S; Motwani N; Maley W (ed.), Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects, Routledge, London, pp. 122 - 140,

Bose S; Maley W, 2017, 'Contextualising Afghanistan’s Transitions: Influences and Challenges', in Bose S; Motwani N; Maley W (ed.), Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects, Routledge, London, pp. 1 - 27,

Bose S, 2005, 'Students or Soldiers? Conscientious Objection during World War II', in Tower Turmoil: Characters and Controversies at the University of Otago, Otago University Press, Dunedin, pp. 81 - 94,

Edited Books

Lushenko P; Bose S; Maley W, (eds.), 2021, Drones and Global Order: The implications of remote warfare for international society, Routledge, London,

Kent L; Forsyth M; Dinnen S; Wallis J; Bose S, (eds.), 2019, Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development: A critical and reflexive approach, Routledge, London,

Bose S; Motwani N; Maley W, (eds.), 2018, Afghanistan - Challenges and Prospects, Routledge, London,

Wallis J; Kent L; Forsyth M; Dinnen S; Bose S, (eds.), 2018, Hybridity on the Ground in Peacebuilding and Development: Critical Conversations, ANU Press, Canberra,

Journal articles

Bose S; Nott H, 2024, 'Understanding Change in Non-State Armed Group Behaviour: Zapatista-Rebel Interactions in Mexico', Civil Wars

Lushenko P; Carter K; Bose S, 2024, 'Target Discrimination: How Racial Biases Affect Public Support for US Drone Strikes', Security Studies

Bose S; Mancino M; Simangan D, 2023, 'Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Peace in Afghanistan: Gaps in National Policy, and their Security Implications', Global Policy, 15, pp. 193 - 203,

Simangan D; Bose S; Candelaria JL; Krampe F; Kaneko S, 2023, 'Positive Peace and Environmental Sustainability: Local Evidence from Afghanistan and Nepal', Environment and Security, 1, pp. 142 - 162,

Hasan M; Bose S, 2023, 'Politics of Constructing Islam in the Everyday Lives of Young Bangladeshis: Asserting Majoritarian Islam, and the ‘Good / Bad Muslim’ Narrative', Critical Research on Religion, 11, pp. 63 - 81,

Simangan D; Bose S, 2021, 'Oiling the Rigs of State-Building: A Political Settlements Analysis of Petroleum Revenue Management in Timor-Leste', Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, 9, pp. 67 - 89,

Mancino M; Bose S, 2021, 'Land Rights in Peacebuilding Discourse: Domination and Resistance in Timor-Leste’s Ita Nia Rai Program', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 75, pp. 546 - 568,

Johnston N; Bose S, 2020, 'Violence, Power and Meaning: The Moral Logic of Terrorism', Global Policy, 11, pp. 315 - 325,

Forsyth M; Kent L; Dinnen S; Wallis J; Bose S, 2018, 'Hybridity in Peacebuilding and Development: a Critical Approach', Third World Thematics: a TWQ Journal, 2, pp. 407 - 421,

Goodhand J; Suhrke A; Bose S, 2016, 'Flooding the Lake? International Democracy Promotion and the Political Economy of the 2014 Presidential Election in Afghanistan', Conflict, Security and Development, 16, pp. 481 - 500,

Sharan T; Bose S, 2016, 'Political networks and the 2014 Afghan presidential election: power restructuring, ethnicity and state stability', Conflict, Security and Development, 16, pp. 613 - 633,

Schmeidl S; Bose S, 2016, 'Youth Interrupted: The Consequences of Urban Displacement for Young Men and Women in Afghanistan', Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 11, pp. 68 - 82,

Bose S; Panda A, 2016, 'Indian and Chinese Foreign Policy Imperatives and Strategies vis-à-vis Afghanistan', India Review, 15, pp. 379 - 406,

Bose S; Thakur R, 2016, 'The UN Secretary-General and the Forgotten Third R2P Responsibility', Global Responsibility to Protect, 8, pp. 343 - 365,

Motwani N; Bose S, 2015, 'Afghanistan: ‘Spoilers’ in the Regional Security Context', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 69, pp. 266 - 284,

Bose S, 2015, 'An election observer’s view & appraisal of the 2014 Afghan elections', Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 2, pp. 1 - 11,

Bose S; Motwani N, 2014, 'The limits of 'hybrid' governance in Afghanistan', Strategic Analysis of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, 38, pp. 416 - 426,

Bose S, 2007, 'Terrorism and Human Rights: Legal Challenges for India', Calcutta Law Times

Conference Proceedings (Editor of)

Ramasubramanian G; Hess M; Bose S; Maley W; Bose S, (eds.), 2014, 'The Future of Afghanistan in South-West Asia: Influences & Challenges', The Australian National University, Canberra


Bose S; Lushenko P, 2024, Drone Warfare in Africa: Race, Human Rights, and Public Perception, UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, Geneva

Lushenko P; Carter K; Bose S, 2023, DO RACIAL BIASES SHAPE AMERICANS’ SUPPORT FOR DRONE STRIKES? WE ASKED THEM, Modern War Institute, West Point, New York,

Maley W; Ibrahimi N; Motwani N; Bose S, 2021, Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Inquiry: Australia’s Engagement inAfghanistan, Parliament of Australia, Canberra, 15,,

Nemat O; Bose S, 2020, In War, No One Distributes Sweets: Assessing Transitional Justice Responses & Approaches in Post-2001 Afghanistan, Institute for Integrated Transitions, Barcelona,,

Megally H; Slye RC; Afako B; Fitzgerald M; Badi E; Nemat O; Bose S; Pena MC, 2020, Transitional Justice and Violent Extremism, Institute for Integrated Transitions, Barcelona,,

Bose S, 2019, Afghanistan Presidential Election, 28 September 2019. International Election Observer's Report

Bose S; Parry J; Siddiqui N, 2019, Lessons Learned Study on UN Humanitarian, Civil-Military Coordination and Stabilization Efforts in Mosul, SREO Consulting, Erbil, Iraq

Bose S; Bizhan N; Ibrahimi N, 2019, Youth Protest Movements in Afghanistan: Seeking Voice and Agency, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington, D.C., 145,

Bose S, 2018, Afghanistan Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, 05 April 2014 and 20 October 2018. International Election Observer's Report

Bose S, 2014, India And China: An Agenda For Cooperation On Afghanistan, Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi, 9,,

Bose S; Hess M; Ramasubramanian G; Maley W, 2014, The Future of Afghanistan in South-West Asia: Influences & Challenges, The Australian National University, Canberra,

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