Select Publications

Book Chapters

Chanson H; Felder S, 2017, 'Hydraulics of Selected Hydraulics Structures.', in Radecki-Pawlik A; Pagliara S; Hradecky J (ed.), Open Channel Hydraulics, River Hydraulic Structures and Fluvial Geomorphology: For Engineers, Geomorphologists and Physical Geographers, CRC Press, pp. 25 - 46,

Journal articles

Farzadkhoo M; Jadraque D; Kingsford RT; Suthers IM; Felder S, 2024, 'Entrance geometries of closed-conduit fishways to attract juvenile fishes', Ecological Engineering, 209,

Dunlop T; Khojasteh D; Cohen-Shacham E; Glamore W; Haghani M; van den Bosch M; Rizzi D; Greve P; Felder S, 2024, 'The evolution and future of research on Nature-based Solutions to address societal challenges', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,

Felder S; Kramer M; Hohermuth B; Valero D, 2024, 'Can Developments in Air-Water Flow Instrumentation Advance Hydraulic Design?', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 150, pp. 02524003,

Crookston BM; Flake LK; Felder S, 2024, 'Flow Nonuniformity and Energy Dissipation in Moderate-Sloped Stepped Chutes with a Labyrinth Crest', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 150,

Valero D; Felder S; Kramer M; Wang H; Carrillo JM; Pfister M; Bung DB, 2024, 'Air–water flows', Journal of Hydraulic Research, 62, pp. 319 - 339,

Kim T; Malherbe J; Plescher R; Shimpalee S; Felder S; Bricker J, 2024, 'Importance of air cavity ventilation on pressures and forces on vertical structure subject to overflow', Coastal Engineering Journal, 66, pp. 703 - 724,

Pagliara S; Felder S; Boes RM; Hohermuth B, 2024, 'Intrusive effects of dual-tip conductivity probes on bubble measurements in a wide velocity range', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 170,

Partington D; Shanafield M; Banks EW; Andersen MS; Rau GC; Felder S; Simmons CT, 2023, 'Where the water goes: Partitioning surface flow and streambed infiltration in an ephemeral river laboratory experiment', Journal of Hydrology, 626,

Khojasteh D; Felder S; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2023, 'A global assessment of estuarine tidal response to sea level rise', Science of the Total Environment, 894,

Farzadkhoo M; Kingsford RT; Suthers IM; Felder S, 2023, 'Flow hydrodynamics drive effective fish attraction behaviour into slotted fishway entrances', Journal of Hydrodynamics, 35, pp. 782 - 802,

Cui H; Felder S; Kramer M, 2023, 'Predicting flow resistance in open-channel flows with submerged vegetation', Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 23, pp. 757 - 778,

Dunlop T; Glamore W; Felder S, 2023, 'Restoring estuarine ecosystems using nature-based solutions: Towards an integrated eco-engineering design guideline', Science of the Total Environment, 873,

Cox RX; Kingsford RT; Suthers I; Felder S, 2023, 'Fish Injury from Movements across Hydraulic Structures: A Review', Water (Switzerland), 15,

Khojasteh D; Vibhani T; Shafiei H; Glamore W; Felder S, 2023, 'Application of Idealised Modelling and Data Analysis for Assessing the Compounding Effects of Sea Level Rise and Altered Riverine Inflows on Estuarine Tidal Dynamics', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11,

Felder S; Severi A; Kramer M, 2023, 'Self-Aeration and Flow Resistance in High-Velocity Flows Down Spillways with Microrough Inverts', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 149, pp. 04023011,

Cui H; Felder S; Kramer M, 2022, 'Multilayer Velocity Model Predicting Flow Resistance of Aerated Flows Down Grass-Lined Spillway', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148, pp. 06022014,

Zhao W; Prata A; Peirson W; Stuetz R; Felder S, 2022, 'Reaeration in Supercritical Open Channel Flows: An Experimental Study', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148, pp. 04022016,

Peirson WL; Harris JH; Suthers IM; Farzadkhoo M; Kingsford RT; Felder S, 2022, 'Impacts on fish transported in tube fishways', Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 42, pp. 1 - 11,

Farzadkhoo M; Kingsford RT; Suthers IM; Geelan-Small P; Harris JH; Peirson W; Felder S, 2022, 'Attracting juvenile fish into Tube Fishways – roles of transfer chamber diameter and flow velocity', Ecological Engineering, 176,

Khojasteh D; Lewis M; Tavakoli S; Farzadkhoo M; Felder S; Iglesias G; Glamore W, 2022, 'Sea level rise will change estuarine tidal energy: A review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 156,

Khojasteh D; Chen S; Felder S; Glamore W; Hashemi MR; Iglesias G, 2022, 'Sea level rise changes estuarine tidal stream energy', Energy, 239,

Hohermuth B; Kramer M; Felder S; Valero D, 2021, 'Velocity bias in intrusive gas-liquid flow measurements', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 4123,

Hohermuth B; Boes RM; Felder S, 2021, 'High-Velocity Air-Water Flow Measurements in a Prototype Tunnel Chute: Scaling of Void Fraction and Interfacial Velocity', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147,

Peirson WL; Harris JH; Kingsford RT; Mao X; Felder S, 2021, 'Piping fish over dams', Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 39, pp. 71 - 80,

Montano L; Felder S, 2021, 'Air-Water Flow Properties in Hydraulic Jumps With Fully and Partially Developed Inflow Conditions', Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 143,

Khojasteh D; Chen S; Felder S; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2021, 'Estuarine tidal range dynamics under rising sea levels', PLoS ONE, 16,

Li R; Splinter KD; Felder S, 2021, 'LIDAR scanning as an advanced technology in physical hydraulic modelling: The stilling basin example', Remote Sensing, 13,

Li R; Splinter KD; Felder S, 2021, 'Aligning free surface properties in time-varying hydraulic jumps', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 126,

Khojasteh D; Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Felder S, 2021, 'Sea level rise impacts on estuarine dynamics: A review', Science of the Total Environment, 780,

Kramer M; Felder S; Hohermuth B; Valero D, 2021, 'Drag Reduction in Aerated Chute Flow: Role of Bottom Air Concentration', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147, pp. 04021041,

Kramer M; Felder S, 2021, 'Remote sensing of aerated flows at large dams: Proof of concept', Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 2836,

Felder S; Montano L; Cui H; Peirson W; Kramer M; Montano Luna L, 2021, 'Effect of inflow conditions on the free-surface properties of hydraulic jumps', Journal of Hydraulic Research, 59, pp. 1004 - 1017,

Erpicum S; Crookston BM; Bombardelli F; Bung DB; Felder S; Mulligan S; Oertel M; Palermo M, 2021, 'Hydraulic structures engineering: An evolving science in a changing world', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 8,

Kramer M; Hohermuth B; Valero D; Felder S, 2021, 'On velocity estimations in highly aerated flows with dual-tip phase-detection probes - closure', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 134, pp. 103475,

Khojasteh D; Hottinger S; Felder S; De Cesare G; Heimhuber V; Hanslow DJ; Glamore W, 2020, 'Estuarine tidal response to sea level rise: The significance of entrance restriction', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 244,

Montano L; Felder S, 2020, 'An experimental study of air–water flows in hydraulic jumps on flat slopes', Journal of Hydraulic Research, 58, pp. 767 - 777,

Kramer M; Hohermuth B; Valero D; Felder S, 2020, 'Best practices for velocity estimations in highly aerated flows with dual-tip phase-detection probes', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 126, pp. 103228,

Montano L; Felder S, 2020, 'LIDAR Observations of Free-Surface Time and Length Scales in Hydraulic Jumps', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146,

Scheres B; Schüttrumpf H; Felder S, 2020, 'Flow Resistance and Energy Dissipation in Supercritical Air-Water Flows Down Vegetated Chutes', Water Resources Research, 56,

Felder S; Geuzaine M; Dewals B; Erpicum S, 2019, 'Nappe flows on a stepped chute with prototype-scale steps height: Observations of flow patterns, air-water flow properties, energy dissipation and dissolved oxygen', Journal of Hydro-Environment Research, 27, pp. 1 - 19,

Harris JH; Peirson WL; Mefford B; Kingsford RT; Felder S, 2019, 'Laboratory testing of an innovative tube fishway concept', Journal of Ecohydraulics, 5, pp. 1 - 10,

Smith GP; Modra BD; Felder S, 2019, 'Full-scale testing of stability curves for vehicles in flood waters', Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12,

Felder S; Hohermuth B; Boes RM, 2019, 'High-velocity air-water flows downstream of sluice gates including selection of optimum phase-detection probe', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 116, pp. 203 - 220,

Kramer M; Chanson H; Felder S, 2019, 'Can we improve the non-intrusive characterization of high-velocity air–water flows? Application of LIDAR technology to stepped spillways', Journal of Hydraulic Research, 58, pp. 350 - 362,

Montano L; Li R; Felder S; Montano Luna L, 2018, 'Continuous measurements of time-varying free-surface profiles in aerated hydraulic jumps with a LIDAR.', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 93, pp. 379 - 397,

Felder S; Islam N, 2018, 'Closure to "Hydraulic performance of embankment weir with rough crest" by Stefan Felder and Nushan Islam', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144,

Felder S; Chanson H, 2018, 'Air-water flow patterns of hydraulic jumps on uniform beds macroroughness', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144, pp. 04017068,

Felder S; Chanson H, 2017, 'Scale effects in microscopic air-water flow properties in high-velocity free-surface flows.', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 83, pp. 19 - 36,

Felder S; Chanson H, 2017, 'Closure to “Simple Design Criterion for Residual Energy on Embankment Dam Stepped Spillways” by Stefan Felder and Hubert Chanson', Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 143,

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