Select Publications

Book Chapters

Markowski S; Wylie RC, 2010, 'Australian Naval Shipbuilding Strategy 2009', in Bland DL (ed.), National Approaches to Shipbuilding and Ship Procurement, edn. 1st, Defence Management Studies Program, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. Canada, pp. 71 - 103

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Australian Defence value-adding chain evolution and experimentation', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 187 - 208

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Buyer-seller interation in Defence procurement', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 115 - 152

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Conclusion', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 371 - 374

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Demand:Military products, user requirements, and the organisation of procurement', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 45 - 81

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Government policy:Defence procurement and Defence industry', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 153 - 186

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Industry Case Study: Australian Naval Shipbuilding', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 323 - 353

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Introduction', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 1 - 7

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Managing the Defence Value adding chain: Australian procuement of over the horizon radar', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 354 - 370

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Procurement and the chain of supply:a general framework', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 11 - 44

Markowski S; Hall PH; Wylie RC, 2009, 'Supply: Defence Industry', in Markowski S; Hall P; Wylie R (ed.), Defence Procurement and Industry Policy: A Small Country Perspective, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 82 - 114

Markowski S; Hall PH, 2006, 'The economic benefits of defence industries', in The Business of Defence - Sustaining Capability, edn. CEDA Growth 57, CEDA, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 40 - 49

Hall PH; Markowski S, 2004, 'Defence Offsets in Australia and New Zealand', in Hartley K; Brauer J (ed.), Arms Trade and Economic Development Theory, Policy, and Cases in Arms Trade Offsets, edn. 8, Routledge Press, Lond and New York, pp. 271 - 283

Hall PH; Markowski S, 2004, 'Mandatory Defence Offsets - Conceptual Foundations', in Hartley K; Brauer J (ed.), Arms Trade and Economic Development Theory, Policy, and Cases in Arms Trade Offsets, edn. 8, Routledge Press, Lond and New York, pp. 44 - 53

Hall PH; Markowski S, 2004, 'The defense industry in Poland : an offsets-based revival?', in Hartley K; Brauer J (ed.), Arms Trade and Economic Development Theory, Policy, and Cases in Arms Trade Offsets, edn. 8, Routledge Press, Lond and New York, pp. 172 - 186

Kausal BA; Markowski S, 2000, 'Defence Industry and Defence Industry Policy', in A Comparison of the Defense Acquisition Systems of Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and the United States, edn. Original, Australian Defence Studies Centre, UNSW, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, pp. 62 - 69

Hall PH; Markowski S, 2000, 'Part 1 - Australia (Chapters 1-9) Part 6 - Comparative Analysis', in A Comparison of the Defense Acquisition Systems of Australia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and the United States, edn. Original, Australian Defence Studies Centre, UNSW, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, pp. 1 - 70

Markowski S; Adams D, 1997, 'Fixed price contracting and cost sharing with evolving project specification', in Defence Project Management Vol.2: pitfalls and pointers, edn. Original, Australian Defence Studies Centre, Canberra, pp. 35 - 52

Kubielas S; Markowski S; Jackson S, 1996, 'Atrakcyjnosc Polski dla zagranicznych inwestorow bezposrednich po pieciu latach transformacji', in Studia nad reformowana Gospodarka: Aspekty instytucjonale, edn. Original, Polish Scientific Publications, Warsaw, pp. 426 - 469

Markowski S; Hall PH, 1996, 'Defence: public sector entrepreneuralism in providing public goods', in Entrepreneurial management in the public sector, edn. Original, Macmillan Education Australia, South Melbourne, pp. 113 - 132

Markowski S; Hall PH, 1996, 'The defence offsets policy in Australia', in The economics of offsets: defence procurement and countertrade, edn. Original, Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 49 - 74

Hall PH; Markowski S, 1994, 'On the Normality and Abnormality of Offsets Obligations', in Hartley K; Sandler T (ed.), The Economics of Defence, Volume III, edn. Original, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 220 - 234

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