Select Publications
Conference Posters
2015, 'Vertical plate motions in the West Siberian Basin',
,2014, 'Sedimentation Rates in the Coastal Basins of Southern and Eastern Africa: a Bimodal Pattern'
,2013, 'Revisited Block Boundaries in South America - a Study of Intraplate Deformation'
,2013, 'Sediment Accumulation History in the Southern Mozambique Marginal Basin and Vertical Motion of the South African Plateau During Meso-Cenozoic Time'
,2013, 'Testing the Linkage Between the Galapagos Hotspot and the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) Based on a Globally Consistent Plate Kinematic Model'
,2012, 'An Inverse Approach to Stratigraphic Modelling'
,2012, 'Numerical Models of the Scotia Sea With Globally Consistent Boundary and Initial Conditions'
,2012, 'Plate Reconstruction of the Western Mediterranean: Derived Age-Grid and Residual Topography'
,2012, 'The Afar Region: Numerical Modeling Using Geological Data'
,2012, 'The Scotia Sea: Mantle Dynamics + Plate Forces'
,2010, 'Microplate Modeling of the Afar Depression Using 4D Lithospheric Model (4DLM) and Splates: Implications for Development of Plate Boundaries'
,2009, 'Parallel Simulation of Dual Lithology Sedimentation'
,2008, 'Lithospheric Modelling: Research Directions at Simula'