Select Publications

Journal articles

Werner-Seidler A; Hitchcock C; Bevan A; McKinnon A; Gillard J; Dahm T; Chadwick I; Panesar I; Breakwell L; Muller V; Rodrigues E; Rees C; Gromley S; Schweizer S; Watson P; Raes F; Jobson L; Dalgleish T, 2018, 'A cluster randomized controlled platform trial comparing group Memory Specificity Training (MEST) to group psychoeducation and supportive counselling (PSC) in the treatment of recurrent depression.', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 105, pp. 1 - 9,

Schweizer S; Samimi Z; Hasani J; Moradi A; Mirdoraghi F; Khaleghi M, 2017, 'Improving cognitive control in adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 93, pp. 88 - 94,

Gadeikis D; Bos N; Schweizer S; Murphy F; Dunn B, 2017, 'Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 92, pp. 68 - 76,

Dalgleish T; Walsh ND; Mobbs D; Schweizer S; Van Harmelen AL; Dunn B; Dunn V; Goodyer I; Stretton J, 2017, 'Social pain and social gain in the adolescent brain: A common neural circuitry underlying both positive and negative social evaluation', Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 42010,

Schweizer S; Kievit R; Emery T; Henson R; Cam-CAN , 2017, 'Symptoms of Depression in a Large Healthy Population Cohort are related to Subjective Memory Complaints and Memory Performance in Negative Contexts', ,

Krause-Utz A; Walther J-C; Schweizer S; Lis S; Dalgleish T; Schmahl C; Bohus M, 2017, '404. The Effectiveness of an Emotional Working Memory Training in Borderline Personality Disorder', Biological Psychiatry, 81, pp. S165 - S165,

Schweizer S, 2016, 'Bringing Emotion (Science) Into the ClinicBringing Emotion (Science) Into the Clinic', PsycCRITIQUES, 6161,

Kuyken W; Warren FC; Taylor RS; Whalley B; Crane C; Bondolfi G; Hayes R; Huijbers M; Ma H; Schweizer S; Segal Z; Speckens A; Teasdale JD; Van Heeringen K; Williams M; Byford S; Byng R; Dalgleish T, 2016, 'Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in prevention of depressive relapse an individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized trials', JAMA Psychiatry, 73, pp. 565 - 574,

Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2016, 'The impact of affective contexts on working memory capacity in healthy populations and in individuals with PTSD', Emotion, 16, pp. 16 - 23,

Schweizer S; Walsh ND; Stretton J; Dunn VJ; Goodyer IM; Dalgleish T, 2015, 'Enhanced emotion regulation capacity and its neural substrates in those exposed to moderate childhood adversity', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, pp. 272 - 281,

Dalgleish T; Goodall B; Chadwick I; Werner-Seidler A; McKinnon A; Morant N; Schweizer S; Panesar I; Humphrey A; Watson P; Lafortune L; Smith P; Meiser-Stedman R, 2015, 'Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy versus treatment as usual for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young children aged 3 to 8 years: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 116,

Dalgleish T; Bevan A; McKinnon A; Breakwell L; Mueller V; Chadwick I; Schweizer S; Hitchcock C; Watson P; Raes F; Jobson L; Werner-Seidler A, 2014, 'A comparison of MEmory Specificity Training (MEST) to education and support (ES) in the treatment of recurrent depression: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', Trials, 15, pp. 293,

Schweizer S; Grahn J; Hampshire A; Mobbs D; Dalgleish T, 2013, 'Training the emotional brain: Improving affective control through emotional working memory training', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158, pp. 5301 - 5311,

Schweizer S, 2013, 'Affective working memory training: Insight from training studies', Psychophysiology, 50, pp. S7 - S7

Feldman Hall O; Dalgleish T; Thompson R; Evans D; Schweizer S; Mobbs D, 2012, 'Differential neural circuitry and self-interest in real vs hypothetical moral decisions', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7, pp. 743 - 751,

Schweizer S; Hampshire A; Dalgleish T, 2011, 'Extending brain-training to the affective domain: Increasing cognitive and affective executive control through emotional working memory training', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e24372,

Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2011, 'Emotional working memory capacity in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, pp. 498 - 504,

Schweizer S; Peeters F; Huibers M; Roelofs J; Van Os J; Arntz A, 2010, 'Does illness attribution affect treatment assignment in depression?', Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, pp. 418 - 426,

Aldao A; Nolen-Hoeksema S; Schweizer S, 2010, 'Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology: A meta-analytic review', Clinical Psychology Review, 30, pp. 217 - 237,

Winkel FW; Schweizer S; Pemberton A, 2010, 'Victim offender dialogue: An analogue study examining the impact of apology on anger', Acta Criminologica, 23, pp. 1 - 13

Dalgleish T; Yiend J; Schweizer S; Dunn BD, 2009, 'Ironic Effects of Emotion Suppression When Recounting Distressing Memories', Emotion, 9, pp. 744 - 749,

Mobbs D; Yu R; Meyer M; Passamonti L; Seymour B; Calder AJ; Schweizer S; Frith CD; Dalgleish T, 2009, 'A key role for similarity in vicarious reward', Science, 324, pp. 900,

Conference Papers

Krause-Utz AD; Walther J-C; Schweizer S; Lis S; Schmahl C; Bohus M, 2016, 'Cognitive Control of Disturbing Social Information and Heart Rate Variablility in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized-controlled Trial on the Effects of an Emotional Working Memory Training', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, pp. 415S - 415S,

Schweizer S; Grahn J; Hampshire A; Mobbs D; Dalgleish T, 2015, 'Emotional Working Memory Training Improves Affective Control', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CANADA, Toronto, pp. 292S - 292S, presented at 70th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry on Stress, Emotion, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology, CANADA, Toronto, 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015,


Wang W; Evans K; Schweizer S, 2024, The Effects of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Perceived Social Value on Adolescent Social Risk-Taking, ,

Okayama S; Minihan S; Andrews JL; Daniels S; Grunewald K; Richards M; Wang W; Hasan Y; Schweizer S, 2023, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Psychological Flexibility as Predictors of Mental Health from Adolescence to Old Age, ,

Nagrodzki J; Passamonti L; Schweizer S; Stretton J; Knights E; Henson R; Wolpe N, 2023, Behavioral and neuroimaging correlates of attentional biases to angry faces in individuals in remission from depression: a population-derived study, ,

du Toit SA; Schweizer S; Wong QJJ, 2023, Emotional Working Memory Training and Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Reduce Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomised Controlled Trial (Preprint), ,

Grunewald K; Andrews J; Minihan S; Songco A; Werner-Seidler A; Blakemore S-J; Fox E; Goodyer I; Raffe W; Schweizer S, 2023, Protocol for a proof-of-principal study comparing engagement with a gamified versus standard affective control training app targeting emotional wellbeing in adolescents, ,

Songco A; Minihan S; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2023, Social and Cognitive Vulnerability to COVID-19-Related Stress in Pregnancy: A Case-Matched-Control Study of Antenatal Mental Health, ,

Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2022, Affect and Mental Health Across the Lifespan During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mental Flexibility, ,

Griffiths K; Dunning DL; Parker J; Bennett MP; Schweizer S; Foulkes L; Ahmed S; Leung JT; Griffin C; Sakhardande A; Kuyken W; Williams M; Blakemore S-J; Dalgleish T; Stretton J, 2022, Affective control in adolescence: The influence of age and mental health status on working memory, ,

Songco A; Patel S; Dawes K; Rodrigues E; O’Leary C; Hitchcock C; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2022, Affective Working Memory in Depression, ,

Andrews J; Dalgleish T; Stretton J; Schweizer S, 2022, Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation Capacity are Unrelated to Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms, ,

Grunewald K; Deng J; Wertz J; Schweizer S, 2022, The Effect of Online Social Evaluation on Mood and Cognition in Young People, ,

Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear A; Batterham P; Larsen M; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames J; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; oei J; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson J; Boydell K; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2022, The Future Proofing Study: Design, Methods and Baseline Characteristics of a Prospective Cohort Study of the Mental Health of Australian Adolescents, ,

Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger P; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott E; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams J; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón O; Arias J; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Amole M; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher A-K; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma L; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan R; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote D; Demaree H; Denson T; Depue B; Dernt B; Dickson J; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen D-M; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Scarpa-Friedman B; Fu CHY; Gatt J; de Gelder B; Gendolla G; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Kotynski A; Gosseries O; Hamm A; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann S; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas I; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby L; Koncz R; Koster E; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret M; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur C; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li C-S; Liddell B; Lidhar N; Lowry C; Magee K; Marin M-F; Mariotti V; Martin L; Marusak H; Mayer A; Merner A; Minnier J; Moll J; Morrison R; Moore M; Mouly A-M; Mueller S; Mühlberger A; Murphy N; Muscatello MRA; Musser E; Newton T; Noll-Hussong M; Norrholm SD; Northoff G; Nusslock R; Okon-Singer H; Olino T; Ortner CNM; Owolabi M; Padulo C; Palermo R; Palumbo R; Palumbo S; Papadelis C; Pegna A; Pellegrini S; Peltonen K; Penninx B; Pietrini P; Pinna G; Pintos Lobo R; Polnaszek K; Polyakova M; Rabinak C; Richter H; Richter T; Riva G; Rizzo A; Robinson J; Rosa P; Sachdev P; Satomi W; Schroeter M; Schweizer S; Shiban Y; Siddharthan A; Siedlecka E; Smith R; Soreq H; Spangler D; Stern E; Styliadis C; Sullivan GB; Swain J; Urben S; Van den Stock J; van der Kooij M; van Overveld M; Van Rheenen T; VanElzakker M; Ventura-Bort C; Verona E; Volk T; Wang Y; Weingast L; Weymar M; Williams C; Willis M; Yamashita P; Zahn R; Zupan B; Lowe L, 2022, The Human Affectome, ,

Stretton J; Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2021, Age-related enhancements in positive emotionality across the lifespan: structural equation modelling of brain and behaviour, ,

Zhang J; Meiser-Stedman R; Jones B; Smith P; Dalgleish T; Boyle A; Dixon C; Sinclaire-Harding L; Schweizer S; Newby J; McKinnon A, 2021, Trajectory of Post-traumatic Stress and Depression among Children and Adolescents Following Single-incident trauma, ,

Andrews J; Khin AC; Crayn T; Humphreys K; Schweizer S, 2021, Measuring Online and Offline Social Rejection Sensitivity in the Digital Age, ,

Minihan S; Orben A; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2021, Social Determinants of Mental Health During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, ,

Minihan S; Kwok C; Schweizer S, 2021, Social Rejection Sensitivity and its Role in Adolescent Emotional Disorder Symptomatology, ,

Andrews J; Li M; Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2021, The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety and depression, and their symptom networks, during the COVID-19 pandemic, ,

Cohen ZD; DeRubeis R; Hayes R; Watkins E; Lewis G; Byng R; Byford S; Crane C; Kuyken W; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2020, The development and internal evaluation of a predictive model to identify for whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) offers superior relapse prevention for recurrent depression versus maintenance antidepressant medication, ,

Schweizer S; Gotlib I; Blakemore S-J, 2019, The Role of Affective Control in Emotion Regulation during Adolescence, ,

Schweizer S; Leung JT; Kievit R; Speekenbrink M; Tender WR; Hampshire A; Blakemore S-J, 2018, Protocol for an App-Based Affective Control Training for Adolescents, ,

Schweizer S; Leung JT; Kievit R; Speekenbrink M; Tender WR; Hampshire A; Blakemore S-J, 2018, Protocol for an App-Based Affective Control Training for Adolescents, ,

Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Goodyer IM; van Harmelen A-L, 2018, Positive memory specificity reduces adolescent vulnerability to depression, ,

Stretton J; Walsh N; mobbs D; Schweizer S; Van Harmelen A-L; Lombardo M; Goodyer I; Dalgleish T, 2018, How biopsychosocial depressive risk shapes behavioral and neural responses to social evaluation in adolescence., ,

Schweizer S; Stretton J; van Belle J; Price D; Calder AJ; CamCAN ; Dalgleish T, 2018, Age-related decline in positive emotional reactivity and emotion regulation in a population-derived cohort, ,

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