Select Publications

Journal articles

O'Day RF; Conway RM; Lim LA; Giblin M; Cherepanoff S; Joshua A; McKay D; McKenzie JD; Fog LS; Holly P; Shackleton M; Kee D; Philips C; McKelvie P; Bhikoo R; Hadden P; Negretti GS; Sagoo MS; Damato BE; Sia D; McGrath L; Glasson W; Isaacs T; Gillies M; Barthelmes D, 2024, 'The Fight Tumour Blindness Registry: Efficient capture of high-quality real-world data in uveal melanoma', Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 59, pp. e525 - e533,

Thananjeyan AL; Arnold J; Lee M; Au C; Pye V; Madigan MC; Cherepanoff S, 2024, 'Basal Linear Deposit: Normal Physiological Ageing or a Defining Lesion of Age-Related Macular Degeneration?', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13,

Li Y; Cherepanoff S; Fung AT, 2024, 'Bilateral Macular Halo and Full-Thickness Macular Hole Repair in Niemann-Pick Disease Type B', Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases, 8, pp. 462 - 465,

Lami H; Singh SHV; Cherepanoff S; Males J, 2024, 'Late Metastasis in Conjunctival Adenosquamous Carcinoma', Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research, 19, pp. 381 - 385,

Joshua AM; O'day R; Glasson W; Sia D; McGrath L; Ameratunga M; Cosman R; Cherepanoff S; O'Quigley M; Beaupre DM; Conway M; Lim L-A; McKenzie J; McKay D; Shackleton MJ; Fung A; Isaacs T; Yousif J; Brooks C; Psaroulis T, 2024, 'A phase 2 safety and efficacy study of neoadjuvant/adjuvant darovasertib for localized ocular melanoma.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 9510 - 9510,

Mudhar HS; Krishna Y; Cross S; Auw-Haedrich C; Barnhill R; Cherepanoff S; Eagle R; Farmer J; Folberg R; Grossniklaus H; Herwig-Carl MC; Hyrcza M; Lassalle S; Loeffler KU; Moulin A; Milman T; Verdijk RM; Heegaard S; Coupland SE, 2024, 'A Multicenter Study Validates the WHO 2022 Classification for Conjunctival Melanocytic Intraepithelial Lesions With Clinical and Prognostic Relevance', Laboratory Investigation, 104,

Li Y; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Hesson LB; Long G; Garg N; Fung AT, 2024, 'Choroidal melanoma in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1', Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology,

Toumi E; Hesson LB; Lin V; Wright D; Hajdu E; Lim L-AS; Giblin M; Zhou F; Hoffmeister A; Zabih F; Fung AT; Conway RM; Cherepanoff S, 2024, 'Microdissection of Distinct Morphological Regions Within Uveal Melanomas Identifies Novel Drug Targets', CANCERS, 16,

Saba T; Succar C; Madigan M; Cherepanoff S; Fung A; Hunyor A; Sewell W, 2024, 'Optimizing diagnostic success for vitreoretinal lymphoma', ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA, 102,

Tang C; Zhang L; Suleman A; Lewis KL; Quinn D; Poon M; Hann W; Pringle E; Cherepanoff S; Coyle L; Kassam S; McKay P; Cheah CY; Prica A; Smith J; Hamad N, 2023, 'An International Multicenter Study of Primary Vitreoretinal Lymphoma from the Australasian Lymphoma Alliance and Collaborators', BLOOD, 142,

Kwong T; Young S; Downie J; Cherepanoff S, 2023, 'P27 A case of unilateral scleritis and biopsy proven retinal vasculitis in an elderly woman with rheumatoid arthritis and previous retinal detachment surgery with silicone oil band', Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 7,

O’Day RF; McKelvie P; Cherepanoff S; McKay D, 2023, 'Trans-scleral uveal melanoma biopsy: can it be safely and accurately incorporated into a medium volume ocular oncology service?', International Ophthalmology, 43, pp. 2139 - 2141,

O'day R; Conway M; Lim L-A; McKenzie J; Atkinson V; Glasson W; McGrath L; Cherepanoff S; Gray E; Maurer MA; O'Quigley M; Shackleton MJ; Joshua AM, 2023, 'NADOM trial: Neoadjuvant/adjuvant trial of darovasertib in ocular melanoma (OM).', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41, pp. TPS9612 - TPS9612,

Shu W; Wang JZ; Zhu X; Wang K; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Lim LA; Zhu H; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2023, 'Lapatinib dysregulates HER2 signaling and impairs the viability of human uveal melanoma cells', Journal of Cancer, 14, pp. 3477 - 3495,

Daley JR; Cherepanoff S; Heydon PG; Fung AT, 2022, 'Subretinal peripapillary biopsy-proven sarcoidosis: a case report', International Journal of Retina and Vitreous, 8,

Shu W; Zhu X; Wang K; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Zhu H; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The multi-kinase inhibitor afatinib serves as a novel candidate for the treatment of human uveal melanoma', Cellular Oncology, 45, pp. 601 - 619,

Alzoubi I; Bao G; Zhang R; Loh C; Zheng Y; Cherepanoff S; Gracie G; Lee M; Kuligowski M; Alexander KL; Buckland ME; Wang X; Graeber MB, 2022, 'An Open-Source AI Framework for the Analysis of Single Cells in Whole-Slide Images with a Note on CD276 in Glioblastoma', Cancers, 14,

Zhang S; Wang K; Zhu X; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The unfolded protein response and the biology of uveal melanoma', Biochimie, 197, pp. 9 - 18,

Niu Y; Wang K; Zhu X; Zhang S; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Lim LA; Zhu L; Murray M; Zhou F, 2022, 'The application of natural compounds in uveal melanoma drug discovery', Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 74, pp. 660 - 680,

Lin V; Chung IY; Toumi E; McKay D; McKenzie J; McKelvie P; Zabih F; Hoffmeister A; Wright D; Ntzaferi A; Wu IJ; Hesson L; Fung A; Lim LA; Wong S; Field A; Earls P; Giblin M; Conway RM; Cherepanoff S, 2022, 'Biopsy for molecular risk stratification in uveal melanoma: Yields and molecular characteristics in 119 patients', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 50, pp. 50 - 61,

Ayton T; Cherepanoff S; Gottlieb D; Sewell WA; Smith S; Hooper C, 2021, 'Intraocular solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma presenting as unilateral anterior and intermediate uveitis preceded by refractory glaucoma', BMC Ophthalmology, 21, pp. 66,

Wang JZ; Lin V; Toumi E; Wang K; Zhu H; Conway RM; Madigan MC; Murray M; Cherepanoff S; Zhou F; Shu W, 2021, 'Development of new therapeutic options for the treatment of uveal melanoma', FEBS Journal, 288, pp. 6226 - 6249,

Cozzi M; Viola F; Belotti M; Cigada M; Cherepanoff S; Staurenghi G; Invernizzi A, 2021, 'The In Vivo Correlation between Retinal Pigment Epithelium Thickness and Quantitative Fundus Autofluorescence in a White Population', Ophthalmology Retina, 5, pp. 365 - 373,

Milman T; Eiger-Moscovich M; Henry RK; Folberg R; Coupland SE; Grossniklaus HE; Mudhar HS; Eberhart CG; Heegaard S; Auw-Hädrich C; Herwig-Carl MC; Löffler KU; Cherepanoff S; Zhang Q; Sharpe JE; See TRO; Shields CL; Eagle RC, 2021, 'Validation of the Newly Proposed World Health Organization Classification System for Conjunctival Melanocytic Intraepithelial Lesions: A Comparison with the C-MIN and PAM Classification Schemes', American Journal of Ophthalmology, 223, pp. 60 - 74,

Bao G; Wang X; Xu R; Loh C; Adeyinka OD; Pieris DA; Cherepanoff S; Gracie G; Lee M; McDonald KL; Nowak AK; Banati R; Buckland ME; Graeber MB, 2021, 'Pathofusion: An open‐source AI framework for recognition of pathomorphological features and mapping of immunohistochemical data', Cancers, 13, pp. 1 - 15,

Van Ly D; Wang D; Conway RM; Giblin M; Liang S; Lukeis R; Lim LA; Hesson L; Cherepanoff S, 2020, 'Lipid-Producing Ciliochoroidal Melanoma with Expression of HMG-CoA Reductase', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 6, pp. 416 - 421,

Pamphlett R; Cherepanoff S; Too LK; Jew SK; Doble PA; Bishop DP, 2020, 'The distribution of toxic metals in the human retina and optic nerve head: Implications for age-related macular degeneration', PLoS ONE, 15,

Lami H; Epstein RJ; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM, 2020, 'Effective conservative management of locally advanced conjunctival melanoma using initial systemic therapy', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 48, pp. 402 - 404,

Conway MR; Cherepanoff S; Joshua AM, 2020, 'The end of pathology as we know it? (vol 47, pg 163, 2019)', CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY, 48, pp. 274 - 274,

Sakurada Y; Parikh R; Gal-Or O; Balaratnasingam C; Leong BCS; Tanaka K; Cherepanoff S; Spaide RF; Freund KB; Yannuzzi LA, 2020, 'Cuticular drusen: Risk of geographic atrophy and macular neovascularization', Retina, 40, pp. 257 - 265,

Sitiwin E; Madigan MC; Gratton E; Cherepanoff S; Conway RM; Whan R; Macmillan A, 2019, 'Shedding light on melanins within in situ human eye melanocytes using 2-photon microscopy profiling techniques', Scientific Reports, 9,

Balzer BWR; Cherepanoff S; Joshua AM; Giblin M; Conway RM; Anazodo AC, 2019, 'Conjunctival Melanoma in Childhood and Adolescence: A Systematic Review', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 5, pp. 387 - 395,

Xia MAM; Cherepanoff S; Winder MJ, 2019, 'Neurenteric cyst of the area postrema causing intractable nausea and vomiting', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 68, pp. 346 - 348,

Pamphlett R; Jew SK; Cherepanoff S, 2019, 'Mercury in the retina and optic nerve following prenatal exposure to mercury vapor', PLoS ONE, 14,

Kam AW; Galvin J; Cherepanoff S; Miller AA; Fung AT, 2019, 'Primary choroidal lymphoma diagnosed with 27-gauge pars plana vitrectomy choroidal biopsy', Case Reports in Ophthalmology, 10, pp. 213 - 220,

Ooi KGJ; Rao A; Goh JSK; Gracie G; Cherepanoff S; Madigan MC; Watson SL, 2019, 'HMG-CoA reductase expression in human eyelid tissue and in a human meibomian gland epithelial cell line', Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 257, pp. 785 - 790,

Zhang T; Zhu L; Madigan MC; Liu W; Shen W; Cherepanoff S; Zhou F; Zeng S; Du J; Gillies MC, 2019, 'Human macular müller cells rely more on serine biosynthesis to combat oxidative stress than those from the periphery', eLife, 8,

Conway MR; Cherepanoff S; Josua AM, 2019, 'Managing ocular surface neoplasia without biopsy: The end of pathology as we know it?', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 47, pp. 163 - 164,

Toumoua S; Underwood A; Mataka D; Cherepanoff S, 2019, '27. An eyelid dilemma', Pathology, 51, pp. S156 - S156,

Wang D; Giblin M; Conway R; Liang S; Lukeis R; Ho I; Cherepanoff S, 2019, '28. Ciliochoroidal melanoma with lipid production', Pathology, 51, pp. S156 - S156,

Kam AW; Hui M; Cherepanoff S; Fung AT, 2018, 'Rapid “epiretinal membrane” development following intravitreal bevacizumab for Coats' disease', American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 11, pp. 75 - 77,

Robaei D; Chan UT; Khoo P; Cherepanoff S; Li YC; Hanrahan J; Watson S, 2018, 'Corneal biopsy for diagnosis of recalcitrant microbial keratitis', Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 256, pp. 1527 - 1533,

Ghabrial R; Ananda A; van Hal SJ; Thompson EO; Larsen SR; Heydon P; Gupta R; Cherepanoff S; Rodriguez M; Halmagyi GM, 2018, 'Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Presenting as Acute Posterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy', Neuro-Ophthalmology, 42, pp. 209 - 214,

Cherepanoff S, 2018, 'Tumour Expression of Histone Deacetylases in Uveal Melanoma', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, pp. 1 - 9,

Chia XX; Cherepanoff S; Danta M; Furlong T, 2018, 'Successful treatment of HCV-related glomerulonephritis with sofosbuvir and daclatasvir', Nephrology, 23, pp. 379 - 380,

Balaratnasingam C; Cherepanoff S; Dolz-Marco R; Killingsworth M; Chen FK; Mendis R; Mrejen S; Too LK; Gal-Or O; Curcio CA; Freund KB; Yannuzzi LA, 2018, 'Cuticular Drusen: Clinical Phenotypes and Natural History Defined Using Multimodal Imaging', Ophthalmology, 125, pp. 100 - 118,

Too LK; Gracie G; Hasic E; Iwakura JH; Cherepanoff S, 2017, 'Adult human retinal Müller glia display distinct peripheral and macular expression of CD117 and CD44 stem cell-associated proteins', Acta Histochemica, 119, pp. 142 - 149,

Tong JY; Cherepanoff S; Males JJ, 2017, 'SMILE rescue: Delayed lenticule removal in a patient with high myopia', Journal of Refractive Surgery, 33, pp. 199 - 202,

Oh LJ; Dunn H; Cherepanoff S; Giblin M, 2017, 'Orbital Cellulitis and Secondary Angle Closure: A Rare Presentation of Choroidal Melanoma', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 4, pp. 130 - 133,

Mittal R; Cherepanoff S; Thornton S; Kalirai H; Damato B; Coupland SE, 2016, 'Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation: Molecular genetic analysis of a case and review of the literature', Ocular Oncology and Pathology, 2, pp. 94 - 99,

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