Extracellular Matrix, Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Cancer Therapy
The Matrix and Metastasis Lab is based at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research Kinghorn Cancer Centre in Sydney, Australia.
Research Interests:
Our research focuses on how the extracellular matrix (ECM) and ECM remodelling influences cancer progression, therapy response, and metastasis in solid tumours
Broad Research Areas:
Cancer, Cancer Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Proteomics
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Metastasis...view more
The Matrix and Metastasis Lab is based at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research Kinghorn Cancer Centre in Sydney, Australia.
Research Interests:
Our research focuses on how the extracellular matrix (ECM) and ECM remodelling influences cancer progression, therapy response, and metastasis in solid tumours
Broad Research Areas:
Cancer, Cancer Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Proteomics
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Metastasis Research Society (MRS), Matrix Biology Society of Australia & New Zealand (MBSANZ)[Past-President], International Society of Matrix Biology (ISMB)[Council], British Society for Matrix Biology (BSMB), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), British Association for Cancer Research (BACR)
Specific Research Keywords:
Extracellular Matrix, Cancer Metastasis, Targetted Therapies,
My Research Activities
The labs creative research program integrates matrix biology with precision oncology, aligning with Garvan’s strategic vision to make fundamental advances in the understanding, treatment and prevention of human disease, in this case, personalised stromal targeting in solid tumours.
The goals of the team are to develop, deploy and repurpose anti-stromal/anti-fibrotic therapies for cancer treatment, and maximise the effectiveness of pre-clinical cancer models through the following parallel, complementary research streams:
(1) Expanding the repertoire of anti-cancer therapeutic targets to include matrix molecules and their effectors, critical component of all solid tumours, and drive forward our already established pipeline of anti-ECM drugs.
(2) Continue to develop and utilise powerful, state-of-the-art, physiologically relevant in vitro and in vivo 3D models that include native ECM to assay and streamline the evaluation of novel and existing therapies.
(3) Reshape the way we view the matrix, as an active contributor to cancer, not just a passive bystander, and leverage this to better stratify cancer patients for personalised stromal targeting in solid tumours.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
B.Sc. placement
Visiting International Students
Currently supervising
B.Sc. placement
Visiting International Students
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