Select Publications

Book Chapters

Pham V; Nguyen D; To TD, 2008, 'Abnormal Returns after Large Stock Price Changes: Evidence from Asia-Pacific Markets', in ASIA-PACIFIC FINANCIAL MARKETS: INTEGRATION, INNOVATION AND CHALLENGES, Elsevier, NETHERLANDS, pp. 205 - 227

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Schmidt M; To TD; Zurbruegg R, 2008, 'Evolving Trading Rules', in Yang A; Shan Y; Bui LT (ed.), Success in Evolutionary Computation, Springer, pp. 95 - 121,

Journal articles

Tǒ TD; Tran NK, 2024, 'Nontraded Sector Growth Risks and Economic Sizes in International Asset Pricing', Management Science, 70, pp. 8448 - 8463,

Maurer TA; Tô TD; Tran NK, 2023, 'Market Timing and Predictability in FX Markets', Review of Finance, 27, pp. 223 - 246,

Maurer T; To TD; Tran N-K, 2022, 'Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets', The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 12,

Maurer T; To TD; Tran N-K, 2019, 'Pricing Risks Across Currency Denominations', Management Science, 65, pp. 5308 - 5336,

Chiarella C; Hsiao CY; Tô TD; To TD, 2016, 'Stochastic correlation and risk premia in term structure models', Journal of Empirical Finance, 37, pp. 59 - 78,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitopoulos CS; Tô TD; To TD, 2016, 'The Return-Volatility Relation in Commodity Futures Markets', Journal of Futures Markets, 36, pp. 127 - 152,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitopoulos CS; TÔ TD, 2013, 'Humps in the volatility structure of the crude oil futures market: New evidence', Energy Economics, 40, pp. 989 - 1000,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitopoulos CS; Tô T-D, 2013, 'Humps in the volatility structure of the crude oil futures market: New evidence', Energy Economics,

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Schmidt M; To T-D; Zurbrugg R, 2009, 'Computational Intelligence for Evolving Trading Rules', IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,

Chiarella C; Hung H; To TD, 2009, 'The Volatility Structure of the Fixed Income Market under the HJM Framework: A Nonlinear Filtering Approach', Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, pp. 2075 - 2088,

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Schmidt M; To TD; Zurbrugg R, 2008, 'Computational Intelligence for Evolving Trading Rules', IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,

Chiarella C; To TD, 2006, 'The Multifactor Nature of the Volatility of Futures Markets', Computational Economics, 27, pp. 163 - 183

Chiarella C; To TD, 2003, 'The Jump Component of the Volatility Structure of Interest Rate Futures Markets: An International Comparison', Journal of Futures Markets, 23, pp. 1125 - 1158

Conference Papers

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Tô TD; Zurbruegg R, 2008, 'The performance of an adaptive portfolio management system', in 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2008, pp. 2208 - 2216,

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Schmidt M; Tǒ TD; Zurbruegg R, 2007, 'A computational intelligence portfolio construction system for equity market trading', in 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2007, pp. 798 - 805,

Conference Presentations

To T; Tran N-K, 2020, 'Cheap TIPS or Expensive Inflation Swaps: Mispricing in Real Asset Markets', presented at AEA 2020 - American Economic Association Meeting 2020, San Diego, 03 January 2020 - 05 January 2020

To T; Tran NK, 2019, 'Cheap TIPS or expensive inflation swaps? Mispricing in real asset markets.', presented at 2019 Asia Finance Conference, 08 July 2019 - 09 July 2019

Maurer T; To T; Tran NK, 2018, 'Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets', presented at 2018 CICF China International Conference in Finance, Tianjin, China, 10 July 2018 - 13 July 2018

Maurer T; To TD; Tran N-K, 2018, 'Optimal Factor Strategy in FX Markets', presented at FIRS 2018, the Financial Intermediation Research Society 13th Annual Conference, Barcelona, 01 June 2018 - 03 June 2018,

Berrada T; Coupy S; To T, 2017, 'Pairwise correlation dynamics and incomplet information', presented at The 30th Australasia Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, 13 December 2017 - 15 December 2017,

Maurer T; To TD; Tran N-K, 2017, 'Optimal Factor Strategy in FX Markets', presented at EFA 2017, European Finance Association 44th Annual Meeting, Mannheim, 23 August 2017 - 26 August 2017,


To TD; Tran N-K, Cheap TIPS or Expensive Inflation Swaps?: Mispricing in Real Asset Markets,

Ghandar A; Michalewicz Z; Schmidt M; To T-D; Zurbruegg R, Computational Intelligence for Evolving Trading Rules,

To TD; Tran N-K, Growth Risk of Nontraded Industries and Asset Pricing,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitipoulos Sklibosios C; To TD, Humps in the Volatility Structure of the Crude Oil Futures Market: New Evidence,

Maurer TA; To TD; Tran N-K, Internet Appendix: Optimal Factor Strategy in FX Markets,

Maurer TA; To TD; Tran N-K, Optimal Factor Strategy in FX Markets,

Maurer TA; To TD; Tran N-K, Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets,

Maurer TA; To TD; Tran N-K, Pricing Risks Across Currency Denominations,

Chiarella C; Hsiao C-Y; To TD, Risk Premia and Wishart Term Structure Models,

Chiarella C; Hsiao C-Y; To TD, Stochastic Correlation and Risk Premia in Term Structure Models,

Chiarella C; To TD, The Multifactor Nature of the Volatility of the Eurodollar Futures Market,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitopoulos Sklibosios C; To TD, The Return-Volatility Relation in Commodity Futures Markets,

Chiarella C; Hung H; To TD, The Volatility Structure of the Fixed Income Market Under the Hjm Framework: A Nonlinear Filtering Approach,

Chiarella C; Kang B; Nikitipoulos Sklibosios C; To TD, Volatility of Commodity Derivatives: Humped, Unspanned and Stochastic,

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