Select Publications


Shaw W, 2015, The geography of United States poverty: Patterns of deprivation, 1980-1990,

Shaw WS, 2007, Cities of Whiteness, Blackwell Publishers, USA

Book Chapters

Shaw WS, 2017, 'Reciprocity and Aboriginal Redfern, Sydney, Australia', in Herman RDK (ed.), Giving Back: Research and Reciprocity in Indigenous Contexts, OSU Press

Shaw W, 2012, 'Gentrification without social mixing in the rapidly urbanising world of Australasia', in Mixed communities, Bristol University Press, pp. 43 - 50,

Shaw WS, 2012, 'Gentrification without social mixing in the rapidly urbanising world of Australasia', in 3 (ed.), Mixed Communities: Gentrification by Stealth?, Policy Press, pp. 43 - 50

Coombs B; Gombay N; Johnson J; Shaw WS, 2011, 'The Challenges of and from Indigenous geographies', in 4 (ed.), A Companion to Social Geography, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 472 - 489,

Shaw WS, 2010, 'Serendipitous coffee experiences in Papua New Guinea', in Coffee Culture, Destinations and Tourism, pp. 134 - 156

Shaw WS, 2010, 'Serendipitous Coffee Tourism in Papua New Guinea', in Jolliffe L (ed.), Coffee Culture, Destinations and Tourism, Channel View Publications, Bristol, pp. 134 - 156

Shaw WS, 2009, 'Riotous Sydney Take 3 (Cronulla): Confessions of a beach survivor', in Noble G (ed.), Lines in the Sand: The Cronulla Riots, Multiculturalism and National Belonging, Institute of Criminology Press, sydney, pp. 58 - 71,

Shaw WS, 2007, 'Fixed traditions and locked up heritages: Misrepresenting indigeneity', in Jones R; Shaw BJ (ed.), Geographies of Australian Heritages: loving a Sunburnt Country, Ashgate, UK, pp. 95 - 111

Shaw WS, 2005, 'Heritage and gentrification: remembering `the good old days` in postcolonial Sydney', in Atkinson R; Bridge G (ed.), Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism, Routledge Press, Oxon, United Kingdom, pp. 57 - 71

Shaw W, 2004, 'Heritage and gentrification: Remembering 'the good old days' in postcolonial Sydney', in Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism, pp. 58 - 72,

Shaw W, 'Heritage and gentrification', in Gentrification in a Global Context, Taylor & Francis, pp. 57 - 71,

Journal articles

Shaw WS, 2023, 'Whose (Im)moral rent gap?', Dialogues in Urban Research, 1, pp. 103 - 107,

Melfi V; Skyner L; Birke L; Ward SJ; Shaw WS; Hosey G, 2022, 'Furred and feathered friends: How attached are zookeepers to the animals in their care?', Zoo Biology, 41, pp. 122 - 129,

Walton TR; Shaw WS, 2021, 'Childhood hazard encounters at Australian beaches and their influence on attachment behaviours in adulthood', Area, 53, pp. 326 - 335,

Walton TR; Shaw WS, 2021, 'Overseas tourists negotiating risk at Australian beaches', Tourism Geographies, 23, pp. 1073 - 1093,

King DN; Manawatu M; Shaw WS, 2020, 'Comparing and combining ethnographic records with active Māori histories to provide insights on tsunami hazard', Quaternary Research (United States), 95, pp. 43 - 55,

Brander RW; Warton N; Franklin RC; Shaw WS; Rijksen EJT; Daw S, 2019, 'Characteristics of aquatic rescues undertaken by bystanders in Australia', PLoS ONE, 14,

King DN; Shaw WS; Meihana PN; Goff JR, 2018, 'Māori oral histories and the recurring impact of tsunamis in Aotearoa-New Zealand', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, pp. 907 - 919,

Shaw WS, 2018, 'Trashion Treasure: A longitudinal view of the allure and re-functioning of discarded objects', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37, pp. 122 - 141,

Hosey G; Birke L ; Shaw WS; Melfi V , 2017, 'Measuring the strength of human-animal bonds in zoos.', Anthozoos, 31, pp. 273 - 281,

Shaw WS, 2017, 'After Nulla: Through the Lens of Aboriginal Art', Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38, pp. 301 - 314,

Shaw W, 2017, 'What’s Left? The role of critical scholarship in a Trumpian age', Geoforum, 85, pp. 316 - 317,

Walton T; Shaw WS, 2016, 'Land-beach-risk-scape: deciphering the motivators of risk-taking at the beach in Australia', Social & Cultural Geography,

Shaw WS; Bonnett A, 2016, 'Environmental crisis, narcissism and the work of grief', Cultural Geographies,

Ebach MC; Michael MS; Shaw WS; Goff J; murphy DJ; matthews S, 2016, 'Big data and the historical sciences: A critique', Geoforum, 71, pp. 1 - 4,

Bowd D; McKay C; Shaw WS, 2015, 'Urban greening: environmentalism or marketable aesthetics', AIMS Environmental Science, 2, pp. 835 - 949,

Attard A; Brander RW; Shaw WS, 2015, 'Rescues conducted by surfers on Australian beaches', Accident Analysis & Prevention, 82, pp. 70 - 78,

Shaw WS; Shaw WS; DeLyser D; Crang M, 2015, 'Limited by imagination alone:research methods in cultural geographies', Cultural Geographies, 22, pp. 211 - 215,

Shaw WS; Goff J, 2015, 'Misrepresentation in tsunami warning signage: iconic denial', GeoJournal: Spatially integrated social sciences and humanities,

Walton T; Shaw WS, 2015, 'Living with the Anthropocene blues', Geoforum, 60, pp. 1 - 3,

MacKellar K; Brander ; Shaw WS, 2015, 'YouTube Videos and the Rip Current Hazard: Swimming in a Sea of (Mis)information', International Journal of A quatic R esearch a nd Ed ucation, 9, pp. 1 - 16,

Mackellar KM; Brander RW; Shaw WS, 2015, 'YouTube Videos and the Rip Current Hazard: Swimming in a Sea of (Mis)information', International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 9,

Shaw WS; Goff J; Brander R; Walton T; Roberts A ; Sherker S , 2014, 'Surviving the surf zone: Towards more integrated rip current geographies', Applied Geographies, 54, pp. 54 - 62,

Delyser D; Shaw WS, 2013, 'For menopause geographies', Area, 45, pp. 504 - 506,

Shaw WS, 2013, 'Auto-ethnography and autobiography in geographical research', Geoforum, 46, pp. 1 - 4,

Shaw WS; Menday L, 2013, 'Fibro Dreaming: Greenwashed beach-house development on Australia's coasts, Urban Studies', Urban Studies,

Shaw WS, 2013, 'Redfern as the heart(h): Living (black) in inner Sydney', Geographical Research, 51, pp. 257 - 268,

Drozdzewski D; Shaw WS; Dominey-Howes D; Brander R; Walton TR; Gero A; Sherker S; Goff J; Edwick B, 2012, 'Surveying rip current survivors: preliminary insights into the experiences of being caught in rip currents', Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, pp. 1201 - 1211,

Shaw WS, 2012, 'Thomas, Mary 2011 Multicultural Girlhood: Racism, Sexuality and the Conflicted Spaces of American Education, reviewed by Wendy S. Shaw', Environment and Planning D - Society and Space,

Thomas M; Abrahamsson C; Mann G; Nagar R; Kumar T; Krupar SR; Romanillos J; Shaw WS; Bonazzi A; Sutcliffe M; Wylie J; Nast HJ; Olsson G, 2011, 'Fictional Worlds', ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE, 29, pp. 551 - 567,

Shaw WS, 2011, 'But I Hate Jazz', Environment and Planning D - Society and Space, 29, pp. 559 - 561

Shaw WS, 2011, 'Researcher journeying and the adventure/danger impulse', Area, 43, pp. 470 - 476,

Birdsall-Jones C; Corunna V; Turner N; Smart G; Shaw W, 2010, 'Indigenous homelessness', AHURI Final Report, pp. 1 - 81

Dunn KM; Kamp A; Shaw WS; Forrest J; Paradies Y, 2010, 'Indigenous Australians’ attitudes towards multiculturalism, cultural diversity, ‘race’ and racism', Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 13, pp. 19 - 31,

Shaw WS, 2009, 'Riotous Sydney: Redfern, Macquarie Fields, and (my) Cronulla', Environment and Planning D - Society and Space, 27, pp. 425 - 443,

Shaw WS; Smart G; Inu SM, 2008, 'Ethnographic Geographies of Coffee Production in Papua New Guinea', UNSULA: International Journal of Island Affairs, 1, pp. 13 - 22

Shaw WS, 2006, 'Decolonizing geographies of whiteness', Antipode, 38, pp. 851 - 869,

Shaw WS; Herman R; Dobbs G, 2006, 'Encountering indigeneity: Re-imagining and decolonizing geography', Geografiska Annaler Series B - Human Geography, 88, pp. 267 - 276,

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