Select Publications

Journal articles

Menkveld AJ; Dreber A; Holzmeister F; Huber J; Johannesson M; Kirchler M; Neusüß S; Razen M; Weitzel U; Abad-Díaz D; Abudy M; Adrian T; Ait-Sahalia Y; Akmansoy O; Alcock JT; Alexeev V; Aloosh A; Amato L; Amaya D; Angel JJ; Avetikian AT; Bach A; Baidoo E; Bakalli G; Bao L; Barbon A; Bashchenko O; Bindra PC; Bjønnes GH; Black JR; Black BS; Bogoev D; Correa SB; Bondarenko O; Bos CS; Bosch-Rosa C; Bouri E; Brownlees C; Calamia A; Cao VN; Capelle-Blancard G; Romero LMC; Caporin M; Carrion A; Caskurlu T; Chakrabarty B; Chen J; Chernov M; Cheung W; Chincarini LB; Chordia T; Chow SC; Clapham B; Colliard JE; Comerton-Forde C; Curran E; Dao T; Dare W; Davies RJ; Blasis RD; Nard GFD; Declerck F; Deev O; Degryse H; Deku SY; Desagre C; Dijk MAV; Dim C; Dimpfl T; Dong YJ; Drummond PA; Dudda T; Duevski T; Dumitrescu A; Dyakov T; Dyhrberg AH; Dzieliński M; Eksi A; Kalak IE; Ellen ST; Eugster N; Evans MDD; Farrell M; Felez-Vinas E; Ferrara G; Ferrouhi EM; Flori A; Fluharty-Jaidee JT; Foley SDV; Fong KYL; Foucault T; Franus T; Franzoni F; Frijns B; Frömmel M; Fu SM; Füllbrunn SC; Gan B; Gao G; Gehrig TP, 2024, 'Nonstandard Errors', Journal of Finance, 79, pp. 2339 - 2390,

Fišar M; Greiner B; Huber C; Katok E; Ozkes AI; Sojli E; Tham WW, 2023, 'Reproducibility in Management Science', Management Science,

Sojli E; Tham WW; Schraeder S; Subrahmanyam A, 2023, 'Equity Trading Activity and Treasury Bond Risk Premia', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58, pp. 677 - 677,

Koh P-S; Reeb D; Sojli E; Tham WW; Wang W, 2022, 'Deleting unreported innovation', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 57, pp. 2324 - 2324,

Sojli E; Tham WW; Ioanid R, 2021, 'Quoting activity and the cost of capital', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56,

Tham WW; Sojli E; Bryant R; McAleer M, 2021, 'Common Mental Disorders and Economic Uncertainty: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.', PLoS ONE, 16,

Sojli E; Tham WW; Bryant R; McAleer M, 2021, 'COVID-19 restrictions and age-specific mental health—U.S. probability-based panel evidence', Translational Psychiatry, 11,

Tham WW; sojli E; Skjeltorp J, 2018, 'Cross-Sided Liquidity Externalities', Management Science, pp. 2473 - 2972,

Tham WW; Kozhan R; Foucault T, 2017, 'Toxic Arbitrage', The Review Of Financial Studies,

Sojli E; Tham WW, 2017, 'Foreign political connections', Journal of International Business Studies, 48, pp. 244 - 266,

Skjeltorp JA; Sojli E; Tham WW, 2016, 'Flashes of Trading Intent at NASDAQ', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51, pp. 165 - 196,

Sojli E; Tham WW, 2015, 'Divided governments and futures prices', Journal of Econometrics, 187, pp. 622 - 633,

Kozhan R; Tham WW, 2012, 'Execution risk in high-frequency arbitrage', Management Science, 58, pp. 2131 - 2149,

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