Select Publications

Journal articles

Wang Z; Shen Z; Zhao Y; Liu Y; Hu B; Shang X; Wang J; Li Y; Li D; Zhang J; Lozano-Perez S; Czerwinski F; Zeng X, 2023, 'Insights into the design of oxidation-resistant Mg alloy by alloying with rare-earth elements', Materials Today Advances, 20,

Fisher KR; Cortis N; Shang X; Blaxland M, 2023, 'Chinese and Australian Neoliberal Policy Responses to Risks in Social Service Purchasing', Social Policy and Society,

Shang X; Fisher K, 2022, 'Understanding China’s Social Policies and Practices.', Law & Social Inquiry, 48, pp. 363 - 369,

Shang X; Katz I; Tian T, 2021, 'Protecting Sexually Abused Children with Intellectual Disability in the Emerging Child Protection System in China: a Case Study', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 4, pp. 517 - 536,

Katz I; Shang X; Cui Y, 2021, 'The challenge of Defining Child Sexual Abuse in the Developing Child Protection System in China', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 4, pp. 401 - 419,

Howell J; Fisher KR; Shang X, 2020, 'Accountability and legitimacy of NGOs under authoritarianism: the case of China', Third World Quarterly, 41, pp. 113 - 132,

Shang X; Fisher KR, 2019, 'Everything for the Children: Orphans Growing up in Informal Adoptive Families in China', Journal of Social Service Research, 45, pp. 166 - 180,

Shang X; Li XP, 2015, '永不成年?国家养育的大龄孤儿如何获得经济独立?', Shandong Social Sciences, pp. 49 - 56

Shang X; Katz I, 2015, 'Awareness of Child Maltreatment among Professionals in Shanghai', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9, pp. 245 - 256,

Wang X; Zhou L; Shang X, 2015, 'Child Poverty in Rural China: Multidimensional Perspective', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9, pp. 109 - 124,

Fisher KR; shang X; Li J, 2015, 'Accountability of children’s services organizations in China', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9, pp. 94 - 107,

Blaxland M; Fisher KR; Shang X, 2015, 'Transitional and Developmental Challenges for Chinese Social Policy', Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9, pp. 1 - 2,

Blaxland M; Shang X; Fisher KR, 2014, 'People Oriented: a New Stage of Social Welfare Development in China', Journal of Social Service Research, 40, pp. 508 - 519,

Fisher KR; Shang XS, 2014, 'Protecting the right to life of children with disabilities in China', Journal of Social Service Research, 40, pp. 560 - 572,

Shang X; Fisher KR, 2014, 'Social support for mothers of children with disabilities in China', Journal of Social Service Research, 40, pp. 1 - 14,

Wang X; Xu L; Shang X, 2014, 'China's Pro-Poor Growth: Measurement and Implications', Journal of Social Service Research, 40, pp. 520 - 529,

Shang X; Katz I, 2014, 'Missing Elements in the Protection of Children: Three Cases from China', Journal of Social Service Research, 40, pp. 545 - 559,

Shang X, 2012, 'Looking for best practice in caring for disabled children: a case of socialized foster care in China', Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 22, pp. 127 - 138

Shang X; Fisher KR; Xie J, 2011, 'Discrimination against children with disability in China', International Journal of Social Welfare, 20, pp. 298 - 308,

Shang X; Saldov M; Fisher KR, 2011, 'Informal kinship care of orphans in rural China', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 103 - 116,

Fisher KR; Shang X; Blaxland M, 2011, 'Review Article: human rights based social policies challenges for China', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 71 - 77,

Shang X; Gleeson R, 2011, 'Some Useful Sources on Chinese Social Policy', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 117 - 121

Wang X; Shang X; Xu L, 2011, 'Subjective well-being poverty of the elderly population in China', Social Policy and Administration, 45, pp. 714 - 731,

Wang X; Xu L; Shang X; Ping G, 2010, 'Extra costs for urban older people with disabilities in Northern China', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 79 - 91,

Katz I; Shang X; Zhang Y, 2010, 'Missing elements of a child protection system in China: the case of LX', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 93 - 102,

Shang X; Gleeson R, 2010, 'Some Useful Sources on Chinese Social Policy', Social Policy and Society, 10, pp. 117 - 121,

Shang X; Li Z, 2009, '‘Caring for Older People in Rural China’,Journal of Population and Development', 山西农村老年照料的个案研究', Journal of Population and Development, 2009, pp. 95 - 102

Shang X; Tao C, 2009, '‘The Premise of China’s Children Welfare System and its Problems’,“中国儿童福利制度的权利基础及其限度”', Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Science), 2009, pp. 143 - 150

Shang X, 2009, 'Supporting HIV/AIDS affected families and children: The case of four Chinese counties', International Journal of Social Welfare, 18, pp. 202 - 212

Shang X, 2008, 'The role of extended families in childcare and protection: The case of rural China', International Journal of Social Welfare, 17, pp. 204 - 215,

Shang X, 2007, 'The role of extended families in child care and protection: the case of rural China', International Journal of Social Welfare, 16, pp. 1 - 12

Saunders PG; Shang X, 2007, 'Using budget standards to estimate the costs of children: the case of Funan County', Journal of Family Studies, 13, pp. 57 - 71

Shang X; Zhengang L, 2005, '¿Ertong de Fuyu Chengben: Anhui Sheng Funan Xian Nongcun Ertong Fuyu Chengben Yanjiu¿, (Costs of Children: the Case of Funan Rural Family, Anhui Province)', Youth Studies, 9, pp. 1 - 10

Shang X; Wu X; Li H, 2005, '¿Shehui Zhengce, Shehui Xingbie he Zhongguo de Ertong Yiqi Wenti¿ (Social Policy, Gender and Child Abandonment in China)', Youth Studies, 4, pp. 1 - 10

Shang X; Wu X; Wu Y, 2005, 'Welfare provision for vulnerable children: the missing role of the state', China Quarterly, 181, pp. 122 - 136

Shang X; Wu X, 2004, 'Changing approaches of social protection: Social assistance reform in urban China', Social Policy and Society, 3, pp. 259 - 271

SHANG X; WU X, 2003, 'Protecting Children under Financial Constraints: ‘Foster Mother Villages’ in Datong', Journal of Social Policy, 32, pp. 549 - 570,

Shang X; Wu X, 2003, 'The changing role of the state in child protection the case of Nanchang', Social Service Review, 77, pp. 523 - 540

Shang X; Wu X, 2003, 'Under the influence of Confucianism and Communism', Journal of Social Policy, 32, pp. 549 - 570

Shang X, 2002, 'Looking for a better way to care for children: cooperation between the state and civil society.', Social Service Review, 76, pp. 203 - 228

Saunders P; Shang X, 2001, 'Social security reform in China's transition to a market economy', Social Policy and Administration, 35, pp. 274 - 289,

Shang X, 2001, 'Moving Towards a Multi-Level and Mult-pillar System: Changes in Institutional Care in Two Chinese Cities', Social Philosophy and Policy, pp. 259 - 280

Saunders PG; Shang X, 2001, 'Social Security Reform in China`s Transition to a Market Economy', Social Policy and Administration, pp. 275 - 289

Shang X, 2000, 'Bridging the Gap between Planned and Market Economies: employment policies for people with disabilities in two Chinese cities', Disability and Society, 15, pp. 135 - 156

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