Select Publications

Conference Papers

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Durham University, presented at 112th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham University, 31 August 2021

Kayis-Kumar A; Noone J; Lim Y; Walpole M; Breckenridge J, 2021, 'Let’s talk about tax – Identifying and supporting women experiencing economic abuse', Monash Law School, presented at The Critical Tax Symposium, Monash Law School, 15 July 2021

Kayis-Kumar A; Walpole M; Noone J; Mackenzie G; Lim Y, 2020, 'The tax advice gap – A nation-wide survey of financial counsellors', Sydney, presented at 4th Financial Inclusion Conference - Roads to Resilience, Sydney, 18 March 2020 - 19 March 2020

Kayis-Kumar A; Evans C; Lim Y, 2020, 'To cap or not to cap? Policy options for dealing with the costs of managing tax affairs deduction in Australia', Hobart, presented at 32nd Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference, Hobart, 22 January 2020 - 24 January 2020

Fu D; Carson E; Lim Y, 2018, 'Group audits and corporate tax aggressiveness', canberra, presented at 16th ANCAAR Audit Research Forum, canberra, 07 December 2018 - 08 December 2018

Lee J; Lim Y, 2017, 'Customer satisfaction and the implied cost of equity: Moderating effects of market conditions.', Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, presented at The 20th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 05 November 2017 - 08 November 2017

Lee J; LIM Y; Kim H, 2017, 'The effect of customer satisfaction on implied cost of equity', San Diego, USA, presented at The 2017 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 05 August 2017 - 09 August 2017

Lee J; LIM Y; OH H, 2017, 'Flow of customer satisfaction information: Impact on earnings forecasts and financial market', in Chandy R; Inman J; Moorman C (eds.), Winter Marketing Academic Conference 2017: Better Marketing for a Better World., American Marketing Association, Orlando, USA, presented at The 2017 Winter American Marketing Association Conference, Orlando, USA, 17 February 2017 - 19 February 2017

Lim Y; Kim H, 2016, 'Market reaction to optimistic bias in the recommendations of chaebol-affiliated analysts', New York, presented at American Accounting Association, New York, 06 August 2016 - 10 August 2016

Brown R; Lim Y; Evans C, 2016, '‘The impact of corporate tax avoidance on the cost of debt in a full dividend imputation system’', Gold Coast, Australia, presented at 2016 AFAANZ Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 03 July 2016 - 06 July 2016

Lee J; LIM Y; OH H, 2016, 'Customer satisfaction and management earnings forecasts', Seattle, WA, presented at The 2016 American Accounting Association Western Region Meeting, Seattle, WA, 05 May 2016 - 07 May 2016

Lim Y; Minas J; Evans C, 2016, 'Alternatives to the 50 per cent CGT discount', Sydney, presented at Australasian Tax Teachers Association conference, Sydney, 20 January 2016 - 22 January 2016

Brown R; Evans C; Lim Y, 2015, 'The impact of corporate tax avoidance within a full dividend imputation system: Evidence from Australia', Said Business School, Oxford University, presented at Oxford Centre for Business Taxation Doctoral Colloquium, Said Business School, Oxford University, 29 September 2015 - 30 September 2015

Lim Y; Hwang I, 2015, 'The influence of NASD rule 2711 on the usefulness of analyst stock recommendations prior to corporate bankruptcy', hobart, presented at Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand, hobart, 05 July 2015 - 07 July 2015

Lim Y; Hyung I, 2014, 'Investor reactions to management forecasts and analysts; information environment', in AFAANZ (ed.), Auckland, New Zealand, presented at Proceedings of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 06 July 2014 - 08 July 2014

Monroe G; Lim Y; Suwardi S, 2013, 'The Effect of Analyst Coverage on Audit Fees: International Evidence,', in American Accounting Association (ed.), American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA, presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA, 03 August 2013 - 07 August 2013,

Lim Y, 2012, 'Does mandatory audit firm rotation matter to investors?', in Programme & Proceedings American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, USA, presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 04 August 2012 - 08 August 2012

Lim Y, 2010, 'Tax avoidance and underleverage puzzle: Korean Evidence', in 5th International Workshop on Accounting and Regulation 2010, Italy, pp. 1 - 45, presented at 5th International Workshop on Accounting and Regulation, Sienna, Italy, 23 September 2010 - 25 September 2010

Lim Y, 2010, 'Tax Avoidance, Cost of Debt and Shareholder Activism: Korean Evidence,', in AFAANZ Conference, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 46, presented at AFAANZ Conference 2010, Christchurch

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