Select Publications

Conference Posters

Prasad A; Trapeznikov K; Sherwood S; Fuchs D; Gimlett J, 2023, 'Pretraining and fine-tuning surrogates for hybrid climate model development', Brisbane, Australia, presented at CLEX Annual Workshop, Brisbane, Australia, 19 November 2023 - 23 November 2023

Prasad A; Sherwood S; Fuchs D; Trapeznikov K; Gimlett J, 2023, 'Accelerating climate models using an AI surrogate', Canberra, Australia, presented at ACCESS Community Workshop 2023, Canberra, Australia, 04 September 2023 - 06 September 2023

Prasad A; Dixit V, 2022, 'Assessment of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Maritime Continent using Multiple Datasets', Christchurch, New Zealand, presented at 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, Christchurch, New Zealand, 08 February 2022 - 17 February 2022

Prasad A; Kay M, 2019, 'Impact of sub-grid clouds on solar irradiance predictions on days of high intermittency', Copenhagen, Denmark, presented at 6th International Conference Energy & Meteorology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 June 2019 - 27 June 2019

Prasad AA; Sherwood S; Brogniez H, 2017, 'Constraining WRF Simulations of Convective Environments using Observations', Crowne Plaza, San Diego, CA, USA, presented at 17th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Crowne Plaza, San Diego, CA, USA, 24 July 2017 - 27 July 2017,

Prasad AA; Sherwood S; Brogniez H, 2017, 'Constraining simulations of convective environments using humidity observations in Northern Australia', Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA, presented at Gordon Research Conference, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, USA, 16 July 2017 - 21 July 2017

Prasad AA; Sherwood S; Brogniez H, 2017, 'Constraining simulations of convective environments using humidity observations in Northern Australia', Bates College, Lewiston, ME, presented at Gordon Research Seminar, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, 15 July 2017 - 16 July 2017

Prasad AA; Sherwood SC; Reeder MJ, 2015, 'Simulating Roll Clouds associated with Low-Level Convergence', San Francisco, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 14 December 2015 - 18 December 2015

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