Select Publications

Journal articles

Sparks R; Joshi A; Paris C; Karimi S; MacIntyre CR, 2020, 'Monitoring events with application to syndromic surveillance using social media data', Engineering Reports, 2,

Sparks R; Paris C; Joshi A; Xu C, 2020, 'Comments on the three-zone approach for social media monitoring', Quality Engineering, 32, pp. 1 - 3,

Ghafari SM; Beheshti A; Joshi A; Paris C; Mahmood A; Yakhchi S; Orgun MA, 2020, 'A Survey on Trust Prediction in Online Social Networks', IEEE Access, 8, pp. 144292 - 144309,

Joshi A; Sparks R; Karimi S; Yan SLJ; Chughtai AA; Paris C; Raina MacIntyre C; MacIntyre R, 2020, 'Automated monitoring of tweets for early detection of the 2014 Ebola epidemic', PLoS ONE, 15, pp. e0230322,

Joshi A; Sparks R; McHugh J; Karimi S; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2020, 'Harnessing Tweets for Early Detection of an Acute Disease Event', Epidemiology, 31, pp. 90 - 97,

Joshi A; Karim S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre R, 2019, 'Survey of Text-based Epidemic Intelligence: A Computational Linguistic Perspective', ACM Computing Surveys

Joshi A; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2019, 'A Comparison of Word-based and Context-based Representations for Classification Problems in Health Informatics', SIGBIOMED WORKSHOP ON BIOMEDICAL NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING (BIONLP 2019), pp. 135 - 141,

Conference Papers

Queerinai OO; Ovalle A; Subramonian A; Singh A; Voelcker C; Sutherland DJ; Locatelli D; Breznik E; Klubicka F; Yuan H; Hetvi J; Zhang H; Shriram J; Lehman K; Soldaini L; Sap M; Deisenroth MP; Pacheco ML; Ryskina M; Mundt M; Agarwal M; Mclean N; Xu P; Pranav A; Korpan R; Ray R; Mathew S; Arora S; John S; Anand T; Agrawal V; Agnew W; Long Y; Wang ZJ; Talat Z; Ghosh A; Dennler N; Noseworthy M; Jha S; Baylor E; Joshi A; Bilenko NY; Mcnamara A; Gontijo-Lopes R; Markham A; Dong E; Kay J; Saraswat M; Vytla N; Stark L, 2023, 'Queer In AI: A Case Study in Community-Led Participatory AI', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 1882 - 1895,

Biddle R; Joshi A; Liu S; Paris C; Xu G, 2020, 'Leveraging Sentiment Distributions to Distinguish Figurative from Literal Health Reports on Twitter', in The Web Conference 2020 - Proceedings of the World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2020, pp. 1217 - 1227,

Joshi A; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2019, 'A comparison of word-based and context-based representations for classification problems in health informatics', in BioNLP 2019 - SIGBioMed Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task, pp. 135 - 141

Joshi A; Dai X; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2018, 'Shot Or Not: Comparison of NLP Approaches for Vaccination Behaviour Detection', in Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop SMM4H: The 3rd Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task, Association for Computational Linguistics, presented at Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop SMM4H: The 3rd Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task, - ,

Conference Abstracts

Jin B; Joshi A; Sparks R; Wan S; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2020, ''Watch the flu': A tweet monitoring tool for epidemic intelligence of influenza in australia', in AAAI 2020 - 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 13616 - 13617


Shen Z; Joshi A; Chen R-C, 2024, BAMBINO-LM: (Bilingual-)Human-Inspired Continual Pretraining of BabyLM, ,

Nguyen D; Joshi A; Salim F, 2024, Spectraformer: A Unified Random Feature Framework for Transformer, ,

Joshi A; Renzella J; Bhattacharyya P; Jha S; Zhang X, 2024, Striking a Balance between Classical and Deep Learning Approaches in Natural Language Processing Pedagogy, ,

Srirag D; Joshi A, 2024, Evaluating Dialect Robustness of Language Models via Conversation Understanding, ,

Joshi A; Dabre R; Kanojia D; Li Z; Zhan H; Haffari G; Dippold D, 2024, Natural Language Processing for Dialects of a Language: A Survey, ,

Vaidya A; Arora A; Joshi A; Prabhakar T, 2024, Overview of the 2023 ICON Shared Task on Gendered Abuse Detection in Indic Languages, ,

Hong J; Dung D; Hutchinson D; Akhtar Z; Chen R; Dawson R; Joshi A; Lim S; MacIntyre CR; Gurdasani D, 2023, Relation Extraction from News Articles (RENA): A Tool for Epidemic Surveillance, ,

Nguyen D; Naing KMN; Joshi A, 2023, Stacking the Odds: Transformer-Based Ensemble for AI-Generated Text Detection, ,

Joshi A; Rawat S; Dange A, 2023, Evaluation of large language models using an Indian language LGBTI+ lexicon, ,

Iyer A; Joshi A; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C, 2019, Figurative Usage Detection of Symptom Words to Improve Personal Health Mention Detection, ,

Joshi A; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2019, A Comparison of Word-based and Context-based Representations for Classification Problems in Health Informatics, ,

Joshi A; Karimi S; Sparks R; Paris C; MacIntyre CR, 2019, Survey of Text-based Epidemic Intelligence: A Computational Linguistic Perspective, ,

Kamble S; Joshi A, 2018, Hate Speech Detection from Code-mixed Hindi-English Tweets Using Deep Learning Models, ,

Joshi A; Agrawal S; Bhattacharyya P; Carman M, 2017, Expect the unexpected: Harnessing Sentence Completion for Sarcasm Detection, ,

Joshi A; Jain P; Bhattacharyya P; Carman M, 2016, `Who would have thought of that!': A Hierarchical Topic Model for Extraction of Sarcasm-prevalent Topics and Sarcasm Detection, ,

Joshi A; Goel P; Bhattacharyya P; Carman M, 2016, Automatic Identification of Sarcasm Target: An Introductory Approach, ,

Joshi A; Mishra A; Balamurali AR; Bhattacharyya P; Carman M, 2016, A Computational Approach to Automatic Prediction of Drunk Texting, ,

Joshi A; Tripathi V; Patel K; Bhattacharyya P; Carman M, 2016, Are Word Embedding-based Features Useful for Sarcasm Detection?, ,

Joshi A; Bhattacharyya P; Carman MJ, 2016, Automatic Sarcasm Detection: A Survey, ,

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