Select Publications

Journal articles

Ashfaq S; Myasse IE; Zhang D; Musleh AS, 2024, 'Impact of demand growth on the capacity of long-duration energy storage under deep decarbonization', Clean Energy, 8, pp. 237 - 247,

Rahimpour H; Tusek J; Musleh AS; Liu B; Abuadbba A; Phung T; Seneviratne A, 2024, 'A Review of Cybersecurity Challenges in Smart Power Transformers', IEEE Access, 12, pp. 193972 - 193996,

Ashfaq S; El Myasse I; Zhang D; Musleh AS; Liu B; Telba AA; Khaled U; Metwally Mahmoud M, 2024, 'Comparing the Role of Long Duration Energy Storage Technologies for Zero-Carbon Electricity Systems', IEEE Access, 12, pp. 73169 - 73186,

Musleh AS; Ahmed J; Ahmed N; Xu H; Chen G; Kerr S; Jha S, 2024, 'Experimental Cybersecurity Evaluation of Distributed Solar Inverters: Vulnerabilities and Impacts on the Australian Grid', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 15, pp. 5139 - 5150,

Liu B; Rahimpour H; Musleh AS; Zhang D; Thattai K; Dong ZY, 2023, 'Multi-objective optimal day-ahead scheduling of desalination-hydrogen system powered by hybrid renewable energy sources', Journal of Cleaner Production, 414,

Ashfaq S; Myasse IE; Musleh AS; Zhang D; Dong ZY, 2023, 'Least cost analysis of bulk energy storage for deep decarbonized power system with increased share of renewable energy', Electric Power Systems Research, 220,

Musleh AS; Chen G; Yang Dong Z; Wang C; Chen S, 2023, 'Spatio-temporal data-driven detection of false data injection attacks in power distribution systems', International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 145,

Musleh AS; Chen G; Dong ZY; Wang C; Chen S, 2023, 'Attack Detection in Automatic Generation Control Systems using LSTM-Based Stacked Autoencoders', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19, pp. 153 - 165,

Musleh A; Chen G; Dong ZY; Wang C; Chen S, 2022, 'Online Characterization and Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Wide-Area Monitoring Systems', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37, pp. 2549 - 2562,

Musleh AS; Chen G; Dong ZY, 2020, 'A Survey on the Detection Algorithms for False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids', IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11, pp. 2218 - 2234,

Musleh AS; Khalid HM; Muyeen SM; Al-Durra A, 2019, 'A prediction algorithm to enhance grid resilience toward cyber attacks in WAMCS applications', IEEE Systems Journal, 13, pp. 710 - 719,

Musleh AS; Yao G; Muyeen SM, 2019, 'Blockchain Applications in Smart Grid-Review and Frameworks', IEEE Access, 7, pp. 86746 - 86757,

Musleh AS; Muyeen SM; Al-Durra A; Kamwa I; Masoum MAS; Islam S, 2018, 'Time-Delay Analysis of Wide-Area Voltage Control Considering Smart Grid Contingences in a Real-Time Environment', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, pp. 1242 - 1252,

Musleh AS; Muyeen SM; Al-Durra A; Kamwa I, 2017, 'Testing and validation of wide-area control of STATCOM using real-time digital simulator with hybrid HIL-SIL configuration', IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 11, pp. 3039 - 3049,

Konstantinou C; Sazos M; Musleh AS; Keliris A; Al-Durra A; Maniatakos M, 2017, 'GPS spoofing effect on phase angle monitoring and control in a real-time digital simulator-based hardware-in-the-loop environmentInspec keywordsOther keywords', IET CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: THEORY & APPLICATIONS, 2, pp. 180 - 187,

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