Select Publications

Journal articles

Shafie A; Yuan J; Fitzpatrick P; Sakurai T; Fang Y, 2024, 'On the Coexistence of OTFS Modulation with OFDM-based Communication Systems', IEEE Transactions on Communications,

Shafie A; Yang N; Li C; Zhou X; Duong TQ, 2024, 'Spectrum Allocation for Multiuser Terahertz Communication Systems: A Machine Learning Approach', IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 5, pp. 5857 - 5873,

Shafie A; Yang N; Han C; Jornet JM, 2022, 'Novel Spectrum Allocation Among Multiple Transmission Windows for Terahertz Communication Systems', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71, pp. 13415 - 13421,

Shafie A; Yang N; Alvi SA; Han C; Durrani S; Jornet JM, 2022, 'Spectrum Allocation with Adaptive Sub-Band Bandwidth for Terahertz Communication Systems', IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70, pp. 1407 - 1422,

Shafie A; Yang N; Durrani S; Zhou X; Han C; Juntti M, 2021, 'Coverage Analysis for 3D Terahertz Communication Systems', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 39, pp. 1817 - 1832,

Conference Papers

Shafie A; Yuan J; Fang Y; Fitzpatrick P; Sakurai T, 2023, 'Coexistence of OTFS Modulation With OFDM-based Communication Systems', in Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM, pp. 4056 - 4061,

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