Select Publications

Book Chapters

Karimi M; Maxit L; Croaker P; Robin O; Skvortsov A; Atalla N; Kessissoglou N, 2021, 'A hybrid UWPW-FEM technique for vibroacoustic analysis of panels subject to a turbulent boundary layer excitation', in Flinovia-Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-III, pp. 343 - 356,

MacGillivray I; Skvortsov A; Dylejko P, 2021, 'A viscoelastic model of rough-wall boundary-layer noise', in Flinovia-Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-III, pp. 279 - 293,

MacGillivray I; Skvortsov A; Dylejko P, 2018, 'Flow noise estimation with the vibroelastic analogy: Effect of material properties', in Flinovia-Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects-II: A Focus on Measurement, Modeling, Simulation and Reproduction of the Flow Excitation and Flow Induced Response, pp. 289 - 305,

Ristic B; Skvortsov A, 2015, 'Predicting Extinction of Biological Systems with Competition', in Emerging Trends in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology: Algorithms and Software Tools, pp. 455 - 466,

Journal articles

Kirezci C; Skvortsov AT; Sgarioto D; Babanin AV, 2024, 'Intermittency of gravity wave turbulence on the surface of an infinitely deep fluid: Directional effects', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 999,

Modur K; Sharma GS; Lin C; Wendt N; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2024, 'Uncertainty quantification for locally resonant coated plates and shells', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 282,

Lin C; Sharma GS; Marsick A; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2024, 'Vibroacoustic response of a locally resonant coated cylindrical shell semi-submerged or fully submerged at a finite depth near a free sea surface', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 590,

Voermans JJ; Babanin AV; Skvortsov AT; Kirezci C; Gamaleldin MW; Rapizo H; Pezzi LP; Santini MF; Heil P, 2024, 'Anomalous Diffusion by Ocean Waves and Eddies', Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12,

Jayasekaramudeli C; Leong AS; Skvortsov AT; Nielsen DJ; Ilaya O, 2024, 'Distributed Estimation of Fields Using a Sensor Network with Quantized Measurements', Sensors, 24,

Tavakoli S; Kirezci C; Lee J; Sgarioto D; Skvortsov AT; Babanin AV, 2024, 'A simple method for calculating the probability of quiescent periods in random seas for maritime search and rescue operations', Ocean Engineering, 304,

Skvortsov AT; MacGillivray IR; Moore S; Manasseh R; Kocan M, 2024, 'Collective acoustic modes of a bubble plume', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156, pp. 81 - 85,

Skvortsov AT; Grebenkov DS; Chan L; Ooi A, 2024, 'Slip length for a viscous flow over a plane with complementary lattices of superhydrophobic spots', European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 106, pp. 89 - 93,

McIntosh AGD; Sharma GS; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2024, 'Asymmetric sound scattering by gratings of monopolar and dipolar resonators in a viscoelastic materiala)', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, pp. 3861 - 3876,

Tang ZQ; Tian T; Molino PJ; Skvortsov A; Ruan D; Ding J; Li Y, 2024, 'Recent Advances in Superhydrophobic Materials Development for Maritime Applications', Advanced Science, 11,

MacGillivray I; Skvortsov A, 2024, 'Acoustic radiation from multilayered materials using the reciprocity principle', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 155, pp. 2891 - 2902,

Leong AS; Skvortsov AT, 2024, 'Estimation of scalar field distribution in the Fourier domain', Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 146,

Zahtila T; Lam WK; Chan L; Sutherland D; Moinuddin K; Dai A; Skvortsov A; Manasseh R; Ooi A, 2024, 'On the propagation of planar gravity currents into a stratified ambient', Physics of Fluids, 36,

Lin C; Sharma G; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2024, 'Hybrid control of the radiated sound from a cylindrical shell with a voided soft coating', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 570, pp. 118065,

Kha J; Croaker P; Karimi M; Skvortsov A, 2024, 'Uncertainty Analysis in Airfoil–Turbulence Interaction Noise Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion', AIAA Journal, 62, pp. 657 - 667,

Leal D; Hung Nguyen N; Skvortsov A; Arulampalam S; Piraveenan M, 2024, 'A Sequential Game Framework for Target Tracking', IEEE Access, 12, pp. 189122 - 189135,

Zhu SJ; Ooi A; Skvortsov A; Manasseh R, 2023, 'Modelling underwater noise mitigation of a bubble curtain using a coupled-oscillator model', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 567,

Ristic B; Benavoli A; Skvortsov A, 2023, 'Robust Target Area Search Using Sets of Probabilities', Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, 142,

Skvortsov AT; Grebenkov DS; Chan L; Ooi A, 2023, 'Slip length for a viscous flow over spiky surfaces', EPL, 143,

Chan L; Kevin ; Skvortsov A; Ooi A, 2023, 'Effect of straight riblets of the underlying surface on wall bounded flow drag', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 102,

Sharma G; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2023, 'Scaling relations for sound scattering by a lattice of hard inclusions in a soft medium', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. 108 - 114,

Kirezci C; Skvortsov AT; Sgarioto D; Babanin AV, 2023, 'Dispersion of tracer particles by wave turbulence', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 448,

Martin PA; Skvortsov AT, 2023, 'Steady state diffusion in tubular structures: Assessment of one-dimensional models', European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 34, pp. 262 - 279,

Grebenkov DS; Skvortsov AT, 2023, 'Survival in a nanoforest of absorbing pillars', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 56,

Kha J; Karimi M; Maxit L; Skvortsov A; Kirby R, 2023, 'Forced vibroacoustic response of a cylindrical shell in an underwater acoustic waveguide', Ocean Engineering, 273,

Skvortsov AT; Dagdug L; Hilder EF; Berezhkovskii AM; Bezrukov SM, 2023, 'Permeability and diffusion resistance of porous membranes: Analytical theory and its numerical test', Journal of Chemical Physics, 158,

Skvortsov AT; Dagdug L; Berezhkovskii AM; Bezrukov SM, 2023, 'Blockage coefficient of cylindrical blocker and diffusion resistance of membrane channels', Physics of Fluids, 35,

Grebenkov DS; Skvortsov AT, 2022, 'Diffusion toward a nanoforest of absorbing pillars', Journal of Chemical Physics, 157,

Kha J; Karimi M; Maxit L; Skvortsov A; Kirby R, 2022, 'An analytical approach for modelling the vibroacoustic behaviour of a heavy fluid-loaded plate near a free surface', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 538,

Skvortsov AT; Kirezci C; Sgarioto D; Babanin AV, 2022, 'Intermittency of gravity wave turbulence on the surface of an infinitely deep fluid: Numerical experiment', Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 449,

Xie K; Cao Y; He Z; Wang K; Ding J; MacGillivray I; Skvortsov A; Qiu X; Li D, 2022, 'Acoustic absorption of ultralight graphene-based cellular monoliths', Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 128,

Dagdug L; Skvortsov AT; Berezhkovskii AM; Bezrukov SM, 2022, 'Blocker Effect on Diffusion Resistance of a Membrane Channel: Dependence on the Blocker Geometry', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126, pp. 6016 - 6025,

Lin C; Sharma G; Eggler D; Maxit L; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2022, 'Sound radiation from a cylindrical shell with a multilayered resonant coating', International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 232, pp. 107479,

Chan L; Skvortsov A; Ooi A, 2022, 'Flow over a confined mounted fence at low and moderate Reynolds number: A numerical study', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 96,

Ooi A; Lu W; Chan L; Cao Y; Leontini J; Skvortsov A, 2022, 'Turbulent flow over a cylinder confined in a channel at Re = 3,900', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 96,

Grebenkov DS; Skvortsov AT, 2022, 'Mean first-passage time to a small absorbing target in three-dimensional elongated domains', Physical Review E, 105,

Sharma G; Toyoda M; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2022, 'Acoustic performance of a metascreen-based coating for maritime applications', Journal of Vibration and Acoustics: Transactions of the ASME, 144, pp. 1 - 18,

Ho E; Rajagopalan A; Skvortsov A; Arulampalam S; Piraveenan M, 2022, 'Game Theory in Defence Applications: A Review', Sensors, 22,

Kocan M; Skvortsov A, 2022, 'Scaling laws of strong convective thermals: comparison with experimental data', Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 22, pp. 245 - 257,

Martin PA; Skvortsov AT, 2022, 'On blockage coefficients: Flow past a body in a pipe', Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 478,

Ristic B; Skvortsov A; Arulampalam S; Demirhan H; Kim DY, 2022, 'Solving the Datum Search as a Partially Observed Stochastic Game', IEEE Access, 10, pp. 30762 - 30769,

Sharma G; Marsick A; Maxit L; Skvortsov A; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2021, 'Acoustic radiation from a cylindrical shell with a voided soft elastic coating', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150, pp. 4308 - 4314,

Skvortsov A; Sharma GS; MacGillivray I; Kessissoglou N, 2021, 'Sound absorption by a metasurface comprising hard spheres in a soft medium', Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150, pp. 1448 - 1452,

Skvortsov A; Dubois TC; Jamriska M; Kocan M, 2021, 'Scaling laws for extremely strong thermals', Physical Review Fluids, 6,

Fischer J; Doolan C; Rowan M; Lamos D; Seers J; Vargas O; Lam S; Skvortsov A, 2021, 'Acoustic localization of a buoyancy driven model using a beamforming hydrophone array', Applied Acoustics, 174,

Pereira HPP; Violante-Carvalho N; Fabbri R; Babanin A; Pinho U; Skvortsov A, 2021, 'An algorithm for tracking drifters dispersion induced by wave turbulence using optical cameras', Computers and Geosciences, 148,

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