Select Publications

Journal articles

Tabasi M; Najmi A; Miller EJ; MacIntyre CR; Rashidi TH, 2024, 'Effectiveness of vaccination, travel load, and facemask use control strategies for controlling COVID Delta variant: the case of Sydney Metropolitan Area', Transportation,

Najmi A; Waller T; Rashidi TH, 2023, 'Equity in network design and pricing: A discretely-constrained MPEC problem', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 176,

Najmi A; Waller T; Memarpour M; Nair D; Rashidi TH, 2023, 'A human behaviour model and its implications in the transport context', Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 18,

Najmi A; Rashidi TH; Waller T, 2023, 'A multimodal multi-provider market equilibrium model: A game-theoretic approach', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 146,

Najmi A; Waller T; Liu W; Rashidi TH, 2023, 'Integration of ridesharing and activity travel pattern generation', Transportmetrica A: Transport Science,

Najmi A; Nazari S; Safarighouzhdi F; Miller EJ; MacIntyre R; Rashidi TH, 2022, 'Easing or tightening control strategies: determination of COVID-19 parameters for an agent-based model', Transportation, 49, pp. 1265 - 1293,

Najmi A; Abouei Ardakan M; Javid Y, 2021, 'Optimization of reliability redundancy allocation problem with component mixing and strategy selection for subsystems', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 91, pp. 1935 - 1959,

Najmi A; Nazari S; Safarighouzhdi F; Raina MacIntyre C; Miller EJ; Rashidi TH, 2021, 'Facemask and social distancing, pillars of opening up economies', PLoS ONE, 16,

Najmi A; Bostanara M; Gu Z; Rashidi TH, 2021, 'On-street parking management and pricing policies: An evaluation from a system enhancement perspective', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 146, pp. 128 - 151,

Najmi A; Rey D; Waller ST; Rashidi TH, 2020, 'Model formulation and calibration procedure for integrated multi-modal activity routing and network assignment models', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 121,

Gu Z; Najmi A; Saberi M; Liu W; Rashidi TH, 2020, 'Macroscopic parking dynamics modeling and optimal real-time pricing considering cruising-for-parking', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 118, pp. 102714,

Najmi A; Rashidi TH; Vaughan J; Miller EJ, 2020, 'Calibration of large-scale transport planning models: a structured approach', Transportation, 47, pp. 1867 - 1905,

Rashidi TH; Najmi A; Haider A; Wang C; Hosseinzadeh F, 2020, 'What we know and do not know about connected and autonomous vehicles', Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16, pp. 987 - 1029,

Hassan MN; Najmi A; Rashidi TH, 2019, 'A two-stage recreational destination choice study incorporating fuzzy logic in discrete choice modelling', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 67, pp. 123 - 141,

Najmi A; Rashidi TH; Miller EJ, 2019, 'A novel approach for systematically calibrating transport planning model systems', Transportation, 46, pp. 1915 - 1950,

najmi AN; Duell MD; Ghasrikhouzani M; Hossein Rashidi THR; waller STW, 2018, 'How Should Travel Demand and Supply Models Be Jointly Calibrated?', Transportation Research Record, 2672, pp. 114 - 124,

Najmi A; Rey D; Rashidi TH, 2017, 'Novel dynamic formulations for real-time ride-sharing systems', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 108, pp. 122 - 140,

Najmi A; Rashidi TH; Abbasi A; Waller ST, 2017, 'Reviewing the transport domain: an evolutionary bibliometrics and network analysis', Scientometrics, 110, pp. 843 - 865,

Najmi A; Shakouri G. H; Nazari S, 2016, 'An integrated supply chain: A large scale complementarity model for the biofuel markets', Biomass and Bioenergy, 86, pp. 88 - 104,

Najmi A; Shakouri HG; Keramati A, 2016, 'Energy consumption in the residential sector: a study on critical factors', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, 35, pp. 645 - 663,

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