Select Publications


Palagyi A; Rafai E; Kafoa B; Perman ML; Lung T; John R; Zwi A; Poulos R; Dodd R, 2022, Promoting evidence-based policies, programs and services for ageing and health in Fiji, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia,

Keay L; Palagyi A; Heraghty J; Cummins R; Tahhan N; Yashadhana A, 2017, Low vision, quality of life and independence: A review of the evidence on aids and technologies, Macular Disease Foundation Australia,

Junghans BM; Jacobs R; Hendicott P; Cochrane A; Palagyi A, 2011, Delivering optometric graduates ready for practice beyond the cities and ready to service an ageing population, Australian Teaching and Learning Council, Strawberry Hills, NSW,

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