Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'The role of social procurement policies and cross-sector partnerships in addressing youth unemployment: A construction industry case study from Australia', Australian Journal of Public Administration,
,2024, 'Transitioning young people into employment in the Australian construction industry: the trust-building role of project-based intermediaries', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,
,2023, 'Comment on 'The NDIS at ten years: designing an equitable scheme for the next decade'', Medical Journal of Australia,
,2023, 'Using virtual reality to implement disability studies’ advocacy principles: uncovering the perspectives of people with disability', Disability & Society, 39, pp. 1 - 21,
,2022, 'Creating relationship-based practice in youth employment services—Converting policy intentions to practical program design', Social Policy and Administration, 56, pp. 1074 - 1089,
,2022, 'Adaptation among aged care and disability service providers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons for the future', Frontiers in Health Services, 2, pp. 1037256,
,2021, 'Why is lived experience important for market stewardship? A proposed framework for why and how lived experience should be included in stewarding disability markets', Evidence and Policy, 17, pp. 335 - 347,
,2021, 'An ecological and systems thinking approach for support to siblings with and without disabilities', Social Theory and Health,
,2021, 'The operation of the social support sector serving siblings of people with disabilities: A cross-country analysis', Social Policy and Administration,
,2021, 'What is ‘sibling support’? Defining the social support sector serving siblings of people with disability', Social Science & Medicine, pp. 114466 - 114466,
,2020, 'Transition Experience of Families with Young Children in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)', Australian Social Work, 74, pp. 294 - 306,
,2020, 'A framework for interconnected benefits of peer support for family members of people with disability', Australian Journal of Social Issues,
,2020, 'Public health crises and the need for accessible information', Medical Journal of Australia,
,2020, 'Cultivating supportive communities for young people – Mentor pathways into and following a youth mentoring program', Children and Youth Services Review, 110, pp. 104815,
,2019, '‘I don’t feel like I’m in this on my own’: Peer support for mothers of children with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour', Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23, pp. 344 - 358,
,2019, 'Personalisation schemes in social care: Are they growing social and health inequalities?', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 805,
,2019, 'Barriers to finding and maintaining employment for people with intellectual disability in Australia', Social Policy and Administration, 54, pp. 1 - 14,
,2019, 'Opportunities to enhance relational wellbeing through the National Disability Insurance Scheme: Implications from research on relationships and a content analysis of NDIS documentation', Australian Journal of Public Administration,
,2019, 'Pathways to educational engagement: an exploratory study of outcomes from an Australian school-based youth mentoring program', Journal of Youth Studies, pp. 1 - 16,
,2018, 'Co-production in peer support group research with disabled people', Area, 51, pp. 405 - 414,
,2018, 'Embodying and enacting disability as siblings: Experiencing disability in relationships between young adult siblings with and without disabilities', Disability and Society,
,2018, 'Perspectives of people with intellectual disability about open, sheltered and social enterprise employment: Implications for expanding employment choice through social enterprises', Social Enterprise Journal, 14, pp. 225 - 244,
,2017, 'Comparative life experiences: Young adult siblings with and without disabilities’ different understandings of their respective life experiences during young adulthood', Families, Relationships and Societies,
,2017, '‘I couldn’t just entirely be her sister’: The relational and social policy implications of care between young adult siblings with and without disabilities', Journal of Youth Studies, 20, pp. 1013 - 1027,
,2016, 'Siblinghood through disability studies perspectives: Diversifying discourse and knowledge about siblings with and without disabilities', Disability & Society, 31, pp. 17 - 32,
,2016, 'Being trusted: The perspectives of trusted adults about engaging with young people', Children and Youth Services Review, 63, pp. 58 - 66,
,2016, 'The role of trusted adults in young people's social and economic lives', Youth and Society, 50, pp. 575 - 592,