Select Publications


Chauhan A; Chitkara U; Walsan R; Sansom-Daly UM; Manias E; Seah D; Dalli A; Challam S; El-Kabbout N; Tieu T; Sarwar M; Faiz M; Huang N; Rocha V; Pal A; Harrison R, 2024, Co-designing strategies to improve advance care planning among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with cancer: iCanCarePlan study protocol, ,

Harrison R; Chauhan A; Le-Dao H; Minbashian A; Walpola R; Fischer S; Schwarz G, 2024, Achieving change readiness for health service innovations, ,

Chauhan A; Newman B; Manias PE; Joseph MK; Leone D; Walpola RL; Seale APH; Smith APAB; Harrison APR, 2023, Creating safer cancer care with ethnic minority patients: A qualitative analysis of experiences of cancer service staff, ,

Newman B; Chin M; Robinson L; Chauhan A; Manias E; Wilson C; Harrison R, 2023, Improving Medication Safety in Cancer Services for Ethnic Minority Consumers: Protocol for a Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study of a Co-Designed Consumer Engagement Intervention (Preprint), ,

Seale H; Harris-Roxas B; Heywood A; Abdi I; Mahimbo A; Chauhan A; Woodland L, 2022, Speaking COVID-19: Supporting COVID-19 communication and engagement efforts with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities, ,

Seale H; Harris-Roxas B; Heywood A; Abdi I; Mahimbo A; Chauhan A; Woodland L, 2022, The Role of Community Leaders and Other Information Intermediaries During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from the Multicultural Sector, ,

Harrison R; Raman M; Walpola RL; Chauhan A; Sansom-Daly U, 2021, Preparing for Partnerships in Cancer Care: An Explorative Analysis of the Role of Family-Based Caregivers, ,

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