Select Publications

Journal articles

Rezae F; Kelly A; Dey S; Moles R; Carter S, 2024, 'Healthcare professionals’ perspectives and experiences of osteoporosis medication treatment: a qualitative systematic review', Archives of Osteoporosis, 19,

Kordkheili AM; Bekker C; Hoens AM; Voshaar M; Campbell W; Carmona L; de Wit M; March L; Nielsen SM; Shea BJ; Toupin-April K; Tugwell P; Tymms K; Kelly A, 2024, 'Strategies to promote implementation of core outcomes for medication adherence trials in rheumatology: A report from the OMERACT-Adherence Group', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 66,

Chapman LS; Kelly A; Balay-Dustrude E; Bekker C; Berthelsen DB; Ghosh N; Gordon RA; Haas R; Jones C; Luquini A; Weinbrecht-Mischkewitz M; Pickles T; Saygin D; Nielsen W; Webers C; Grosskleg S; Tugwell P; D'Agostino MA; Guillemin F; March L, 2024, 'Evolving and evaluating the OMERACT fellows program: insights and implications from OMERACT 2023 fellows', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 65,

Peng D; Kelly A; Brady B; Faasse K; El-Haddad C; Frade S, 2024, 'Perspectives and experiences of COVID-19 vaccination in people with autoimmune and inflammatory rheumatic disease', Patient Education and Counseling, 118,

Natale P; Chen S; Chow CK; Cheung NW; Martinez-Martin D; Caillaud C; Scholes-Robertson N; Kelly A; Craig JC; Strippoli G; Jaure A, 2023, 'Patient experiences of continuous glucose monitoring and sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy for diabetes: A systematic review of qualitative studies', Journal of Diabetes, 15, pp. 1048 - 1069,

Moles RJ; Perry L; Naylor JM; Center J; Ebeling P; Duque G; Major G; White C; Yates C; Jennings M; Kotowicz M; Tran T; Bliuc D; Si L; Gibson K; Basger BJ; Bolton P; Barnett S; Hassett G; Kelly A; Bazarnik B; Ezz W; Luckie K; Carter SR, 2023, 'Safer medicines To reduce falls and refractures for OsteoPorosis (#STOP): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of medical specialist-initiated pharmacist-led medication management reviews in primary care', BMJ Open, 13,

Natale P; Ni JY; Martinez-Martin D; Kelly A; Chow CK; Thiagalingam A; Caillaud C; Eggleton B; Scholes-Robertson N; Craig JC; Strippoli GFM; Jaure A, 2023, 'Perspectives and Experiences of Self-monitoring of Blood Pressure Among Patients With Hypertension: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies', American Journal of Hypertension, 36, pp. 372 - 384,

Mai H; Mc Evoy L; Wilson C; Marov L; Kelly A; Haddad CE; Chroinin DN; Hassett G; Frost SA, 2023, 'Frailty and risk of subsequent fracture among older adults presenting to hospital with a minimal trauma fracture', Osteoporosis International, 34, pp. 399 - 404,

Sumpton D; Oliffe M; Kane B; Hassett G; Craig JC; Kelly A; Tong A, 2022, 'Patients' Perspectives on Shared Decision-Making About Medications in Psoriatic Arthritis: An Interview Study', Arthritis Care and Research, 74, pp. 2066 - 2075,

Rebić N; Park JY; Garg R; Ellis U; Kelly A; Davidson E; De Vera MA, 2022, 'Rapid Review of Medication Taking (Adherence) Among Patients With Rheumatic Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic', Arthritis Care and Research, 74, pp. 1961 - 1969,

Manon SM; Phuong JM; Moles RJ; Kelly A; Center JR; Luckie K; White C; Carter SR, 2022, 'The role of community pharmacists in delivering interventions for osteoporosis: A systematic review', Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 62, pp. 1741 - 1749.e10,

Hanna R; Lo B; Jayadeva D; Foong D; Anthony A; Kohler F; Chow J; Harlum J; MacArthur C; Ni Chroinin D; Kelly A; Williams R, 2022, 'Development of an audit tool for advance care planning documentation between the hospital and residential aged care facility interface', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 1647 - 1648,

Sumpton D; Kelly A; Craig JC; Hassett G; Kane B; Oliffe M; Tong A; Howell M, 2022, 'Preferences for Biologic Treatment in Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis: A Discrete Choice Experiment', Arthritis Care and Research, 74, pp. 1234 - 1243,

Gutman T; Kelly A; Scholes-Robertson N; Craig JC; Jesudason S; Tong A, 2022, 'Patient and Caregiver Experiences and Attitudes about Their Involvement in Research in Chronic Kidney Disease', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17, pp. 215 - 227,

Salmasi S; Kelly A; Bartlett SJ; de Wit M; March L; Tong A; Tugwell P; Tymms K; Verstappen S; De Vera MA, 2021, 'Researchers’ perspectives on methodological challenges and outcomes selection in interventional studies targeting medication adherence in rheumatic diseases: an OMERACT-adherence study', BMC Rheumatology, 5,

Tang J; Kerklaan J; Wong G; Howell M; Scholes-Robertson N; Guha C; Kelly A; Tong A, 2021, 'Perspectives of solid organ transplant recipients on medicine-taking: Systematic review of qualitative studies', American Journal of Transplantation, 21, pp. 3369 - 3387,

Bekker CL; Bossina S; de Vera MA; Bartlett SJ; de Wit M; March L; Shea B; Evans V; Richards D; Tong A; Tugwell P; Tymms K; Scholte-Voshaar M; Kelly A; van den Bemt BJF, 2021, 'Patient perspectives on outcome domains of medication adherence trials in inflammatory arthritis: An international OMERACT focus group study', Journal of Rheumatology, 48, pp. 1480 - 1487,

Manera KE; Johnson DW; Cho Y; Sautenet B; Shen J; Kelly A; Wang AYM; Brown EA; Brunier G; Perl J; Dong J; Wilkie M; Mehrotra R; Pecoits-Filho R; Naicker S; Dunning T; Craig JC; Tong A, 2021, 'Scope and heterogeneity of outcomes reported in randomized trials in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis', Clinical Kidney Journal, 14, pp. 1817 - 1825,

Toupin-April K; Décary S; de Wit M; Meara A; Barton JL; Fraenkel L; Li LC; Brooks P; Shea B; Stacey D; Légaré F; Lydiatt A; Hofstetter C; Proulx L; Christensen R; Voshaar M; Suarez-Almazor ME; Boonen A; Meade T; March L; Jull JE; Campbell W; Alten R; Morgan EM; Kelly A; Kaufman J; Hill S; Maxwell LJ; Guillemin F; Beaton D; El-Miedany Y; Mittoo S; Westrich Robertson T; Bartlett SJ; Singh JA; Mannion M; Nasef SI; de Souza S; Boel A; Adebajo A; Arnaud L; Gill TK; Moholt E; Burt J; Jayatilleke A; Hmamouchi I; Carrott D; Blanco FJ; Mather K; Maharaj A; Sharma S; Caso F; Fong C; Fernandez AP; Mackie S; Nikiphorou E; Jones A; Greer-Smith R; Sloan VS; Akpabio A; Strand V; Umaefulam V; Monti S; Melburn C; Abaza N; Schultz K; Stones S; Kiwalkar S; Srinivasalu H; Constien D; King LK; Tugwell P, 2021, 'Endorsement of the OMERACT core domain set for shared decision making interventions in rheumatology trials: Results from a multi-stepped consensus-building approach', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 51, pp. 593 - 600,

Sumpton D; Hannan E; Kelly A; Tunnicliffe D; Ming A; Hassett G; Craig JC; Tong A, 2021, 'Clinicians’ perspectives of shared care of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis between rheumatology and dermatology: an interview study', Clinical Rheumatology, 40, pp. 1369 - 1380,

Cho Y; Tong A; Craig JC; Mustafa RA; Chapman A; Perrone RD; Ahn C; Fowler K; Torres V; Gansevoort RT; Ong ACM; Coolican H; Tze-Wah Kao J; Harris T; Gutman T; Shen JI; Viecelli AK; Johnson DW; Au E; El-Damanawi R; Logeman C; Ju A; Manera KE; Chonchol M; Odland D; Baron D; Pei Y; Sautenet B; Rastogi A; Sharma A; Rangan G; Levin A; Yu A; Thompson A; Baumgart A; Bernier-Jean A; Kelly A; Mallett A; Wang A; Rastog A; Nadeau-Fredette AC; Teixeira-Pinto A; Kelly A; Gillespie B; Canaud B; Manns B; Hemmelgarn B; Hanson C; Hawley C; Pollock C; Chao CT; Rutherford C; Sumpton D; Harris D; Wheeler D; Mekahli D; O'Donoghue D; Peters D; Oberdhan D; Balovlenkov E; O'Lone E; Tentori F; Czerwiec F; Oskoui FR; Rangan G; Germino G; Park H; Htay H; Ryu H; Norton J; Gill J; Kao J; Eckardt KU; Van KL; Guay-Woodford L; Krishnan M; Hogan M; Howell M; Park M; Mrug M; Ta M; Evangelidis N; Harris P; Tugwell P; Garimella P; Krishnasamy R; McGee R; Pecoits-Filho R; Torra R; Crowe S; Anumudu S; Chan S; Bernays S; Horie S; Carter S; Palmer S; Mendley S; Watnick T; Hiemstra T; Weimbs T, 2021, 'Establishing a Core Outcome Set for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: Report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology–Polycystic Kidney Disease (SONG-PKD) Consensus Workshop', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 77, pp. 255 - 263,

Jiang I; Major G; Singh-Grewal D; Teng C; Kelly A; Niddrie F; Chaitow J; O'Neill S; Hassett G; Damodaran A; Bernays S; Manera K; Tong A; Tunnicliffe DJ, 2021, 'Patient and parent perspectives on transition from paediatric to adult healthcare in rheumatic diseases: an interview study.', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e039670,

Sumpton D; Kelly A; Tunnicliffe D; Craig JC; Guha C; Hassett G; Tong A, 2021, 'A practical guide to interpreting and applying systematic reviews of qualitative studies in rheumatology', International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 24, pp. 28 - 35,

Kelly A; Tymms K; Fallon K; Sumpton D; Tugwell P; Tunnicliffe D; Tong A, 2021, 'Qualitative research in rheumatology: An overview of methods and contributions to practice and policy', Journal of Rheumatology, 48, pp. 6 - 15,

Kelly A; Niddrie F; Tunnicliffe DJ; Matus Gonzalez A; Hanson C; Jiang I; Major G; Singh-Grewal D; Tymms K; Tong A, 2020, 'Patients' attitudes and experiences of transition from paediatric to adult healthcare in rheumatology: a qualitative systematic review', Rheumatology (United Kingdom), 59, pp. 3737 - 3750,

Kelly A; Tymms K; de Wit M; Bartlett SJ; Cross M; Dawson T; De Vera M; Evans V; Gill M; Hassett G; Lim I; Manera K; Major G; March L; O’Neill S; Scholte-Voshaar M; Sinnathurai P; Sumpton D; Teixeira-Pinto A; Tugwell P; van den Bemt B; Tong A, 2020, 'Patient and Caregiver Priorities for Medication Adherence in Gout, Osteoporosis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Nominal Group Technique', Arthritis Care and Research, 72, pp. 1410 - 1419,

Kelly A; Crimston-Smith L; Tong A; Bartlett SJ; Bekker CL; Christensen R; de Vera MA; de Wit M; Evans V; Gill M; March L; Manera K; Nieuwlaat R; Salmasi S; Scholte-Voshaar M; Singh JA; Sumpton D; Toupin-April K; Tugwell P; van den Bemt B; Verstappen S; Tymms K, 2020, 'Scope of outcomes in trials and observational studies of interventions targeting medication adherence in rheumatic conditions: A systematic review', Journal of Rheumatology, 47, pp. 1565 - 1574,

Hanson CS; Craig JC; Logeman C; Sinha A; Dart A; Eddy AA; Guha C; Gipson DS; Bockenhauer D; Yap HK; Groothoff J; Zappitelli M; Webb NJA; Alexander SI; Furth SL; Samuel S; Neu A; Viecelli AK; Ju A; Sharma A; Au EH; Desmond H; Shen JI; Manera KE; Azukaitis K; Dunn L; Carter SA; Gutman T; Cho Y; Walker A; Francis A; Sanchez-Kazi C; Kausman J; Pearl M; Benador N; Sahney S; Tong A; Guha A; Solarin A; Platona A; Hamilton A; Woods-Barnard A; Karathanas A; Baumgart A; Fielding A; LePage A; Bernier-Jean A; Kelly A; Teixeira A; Matus A; Narva A; Wang AYM; Fielding A; Meza A; Fielding A; Teixeira-Pinto A; Bagga A; Jankauskiene A; Kelly A; Gillespie B; Sautenet B; Vogt B; Foster B; Warady B; Dixon B; Manns B; Hemmelgarn B; Bscardark B; Romeo B; Meza C; Brockett C; Prestidge C; Green C; Perkins C; Schmitt CP; Fielding C; Settee C; Sumpton D; Meza D; Karathanas D; Harris D; Wheeler D; Hooper D; Geary D; Haffner D; Mekahli D; Drozdz D; Romeo E; Ku E; Urbina E; Levtchenko E; Balovlenkov E; Hodson E; Morales E; O'Lone E; Machuca E; Carlton E; Olver E; Morales E; Mirza F, 2020, 'Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops', Kidney International, 98, pp. 553 - 565,

Sumpton D; Kelly A; Tunnicliffe DJ; Craig JC; Hassett G; Chessman D; Tong A, 2020, 'Patients’ Perspectives and Experience of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies', Arthritis Care and Research, 72, pp. 711 - 722,

Frost SA; Kelly A; Gaudin J; Evoy LM; Wilson C; Marov L; El Haddad C; Center J; Eisman JA; Nguyen TV; Hassett G; El-Haddad C, 2020, 'Establishing baseline absolute risk of subsequent fracture among adults presenting to hospital with a minimal-trauma-fracture', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21, pp. 133,

Salmasi S; Kelly A; Bartlett SJ; De Wit M; March L; Tong A; Tugwell P; Tymms K; Verstappen S; De Vera M, 2020, 'THU0565 RESEARCHERS' PERSPECTIVES ON ADHERENCE INTERVENTION RESEARCH AND OUTCOMES IN RHEUMATOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL QUALITATIVE STUDY', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 79, pp. 524 - 524,

Kelly A; Bartlett SJ; De Wit MP; Beaton DE; Dawson T; Evans V; Gill M; Hassett G; March L; Scholte-Voshaar M; Singh JA; Tong A; Tugwell P; Wong P; Tymms K, 2019, 'Addressing challenges in developing a core domain set in adherence interventions in rheumatology: A report from the OMERACT-Adherence Group', Journal of Rheumatology, 46, pp. 1202 - 1206,

Andersen KM; Kelly A; Lyddiatt A; Bingham CO; Bykerk VP; Batterman A; Westreich J; Jones MK; Cross M; Brooks PM; March L; Shea B; Tugwell P; Simon LS; Christensen R; Bartlett SJ, 2019, 'Patient perspectives on DMARD safety concerns in rheumatology trials: Results from inflammatory arthritis patient focus groups and OMERACT attendees discussion', Journal of Rheumatology, 46, pp. 1168 - 1172,

Toupin-April K; Barton JL; Fraenkel L; Meara A; Li LC; Brooks P; de Wit M; Stacey D; Légaré F; Shea B; Lyddiatt A; Hofstetter C; Christensen R; Scholte Voshaar M; Suarez-Almazor ME; Boonen A; Meade T; March L; Jull JE; Campbell W; Alten R; Karuranga S; Morgan EM; Kelly A; Kaufman J; Hill S; Maxwell LJ; Beaton D; El-Miedany Y; Mittoo S; Bartlett SJ; Singh JA; Tugwell PS, 2019, 'OMERACT Development of a Core Domain Set of Outcomes for Shared Decision-making Interventions', Journal of Rheumatology, 46, pp. 1409 - 1414,

Major G; Ling R; Searles A; Niddrie F; Kelly A; Holliday E; Attia J; Bogduk N, 2019, 'The Costs of Confronting Osteoporosis: Cost Study of an Australian Fracture Liaison Service', JBMR Plus, 3, pp. 56 - 63,

Tong A; Manns B; Wang AYM; Hemmelgarn B; Wheeler DC; Gill J; Tugwell P; Pecoits-Filho R; Crowe S; Harris T; Van Biesen W; Winkelmayer WC; Levin A; Thompson A; Perkovic V; Ju A; Gutman T; Bernier-Jean A; Viecelli AK; O'Lone E; Shen J; Josephson MA; Cho Y; Johnson DW; Sautenet B; Tonelli M; Craig JC; Sinha A; Ong A; Denny A; Dart A; Eddy A; Kelly A; Davenport A; Narva A; Sharma A; Warrens A; Chapman A; Teixeira-Pinto A; Murphy B; Padilla B; Canaud B; Pullin B; Schiller B; Robinson B; Hanson C; Hawley C; Logeman C; Lok C; Wanner C; Herzog C; Rutherford C; Ahn C; Sumpton D; Rosenbloom D; Harris D; Baron D; White D; Gipson D; Fouque D; Eilers D; Bockenhauer D; O'Donoghue D; Chen D; Dunning D; Brown E; Bavlovlenkov E; Mannon E; Poggio E; Chemla E; Dobbels F; Zannad F; Caskey F; Tentori F; Hurst F; Schaefer F; Wong G; Brunier G; Strippoli G; Rangan G; Knoll G; Obrador G; Feldman H; Coolican H; Yap HK; Groothoff J; Sloand J; Tan J; Locke J; Perl J; Chapman J; Dong J; Malyszko J; Fox J; Dapueto J; Tze-Wah Kao J; Chow KM; Manera K; Azukaitis K; Polkinghorne K, 2018, 'Implementing core outcomes in kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology (SONG) implementation workshop', Kidney International, 94, pp. 1053 - 1068,

Kelly A; Tymms K; Tunnicliffe DJ; Sumpton D; Perera C; Fallon K; Craig JC; Abhayaratna W; Tong A, 2018, 'Patients’ Attitudes and Experiences of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis: A Qualitative Synthesis', Arthritis Care and Research, 70, pp. 525 - 532,

Kelly A; Tong A; Tymms K; March L; Craig JC; De Vera M; Evans V; Hassett G; Toupin-April K; van den Bemt B; Teixeira-Pinto A; Alten R; Bartlett SJ; Campbell W; Dawson T; Gill M; Hebing R; Meara A; Nieuwlaat R; Shaw Y; Singh JA; Suarez-Almazor M; Sumpton D; Wong P; Christensen R; Beaton D; de Wit M; Tugwell P; Scholte-Voshaar M; AlMaqbali K; Barcinella-Wong A; Cheung P; Crimston-Smith L; Cross M; Davey R; Emery P; Fallon K; Flint S; Graham D; Hall S; Hermann S; Keen H; Koutsogianni K; Lim I; Nantel F; O'Neill S; O'Sullivan C; Sinnathurai P; Zeljkovic B, 2018, 'Outcome Measures in Rheumatology - Interventions for medication Adherence (OMERACT-Adherence) Core Domain Set for Trials of Interventions for Medication Adherence in Rheumatology: 5 Phase Study Protocol', Trials, 19,

Morrisroe K; Nakayama A; Soon J; Arnold M; Barnsley L; Barrett C; Brooks PM; Hall S; Hanrahan P; Hissaria P; Jones G; Katikireddi VS; Keen H; Laurent R; Nikpour M; Poulsen K; Robinson P; Soden M; Wood N; Cook N; Hill C; Buchbinder R, 2018, 'EVOLVE: The Australian Rheumatology Association’s ‘top five’ list of investigations and interventions doctors and patients should question', Internal Medicine Journal, 48, pp. 135 - 143,

Tymms K; Kelly A; Bird P; Griffiths H; de Jager J; Littlejohn G; Louw S; Roberts L; Youssef P; Zochling J; Nichols D, 2018, 'Psoriatic arthritis treatment regimens, therapy duration and reasons for cessation in the biologics era: A multi-centre Australian study', International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 21, pp. 510 - 516,

Nakayama A; Tunnicliffe DJ; Thakkar V; Singh-Grewal D; O'Neill S; Craig JC; Tong A, 2016, 'Patients' perspectives and experiences living with systemic sclerosis: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies', Journal of Rheumatology, 43, pp. 1363 - 1375,

Nakayama A; Major G; Holliday E; Attia J; Bogduk N, 2016, 'Evidence of effectiveness of a fracture liaison service to reduce the re-fracture rate', OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL, 27, pp. 873 - 879,

Conference Papers

Cazzolli R; Sluiter A; Bateman S; Candler H; Cho Y; Cooper T; Craig JC; Dominello A; Duncanson E; Guha C; Hawley CM; Hewawasam E; Hickey L; Hill K; Howard K; Howell M; Huuskes BM; Irish GL; Jesudason S; Johnson DW; Kelly A; Leary D; Manera K; Mazis J; McDonald S; McLennan H; Muthuramalingam S; Pummeroy M; Scholes-Robertson N; Teixeira-Pinto A; Tunnicliffe DJ; van Zwieten A; Viecelli AK; Wong G; Jaure A, 2024, 'Improving Diverse and Equitable Involvement of Patients and Caregivers in Research in CKD: Report of a Better Evidence and Translation–Chronic Kidney Disease (BEAT-CKD) Workshop', in American Journal of Kidney Diseases, pp. 482 - 494,

Kelly A; Bossina S; Chan L; Frade S; Rezae F; Shakir M; Schneider M, 2023, 'A contextual analysis and implementation plan for a pharmacist-led medication adherence program', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, SPRINGER

Dey S; Spratt G; Koobasi M; Vleeskens C; Rezae F; Jaure A; El-Haddad C; Kelly A, 2023, 'Patients' Perspectives and Experiences of Medication Use in Osteoporosis: Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, SPRINGER

Bossina S; Faasse K; Kelly A, 2023, 'Pre-implementation qualitative interviews of patient/carers for an interdisciplinary gout clinic', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, SPRINGER



Jiang I; Major G; Singh-Grewal D; Teng C; Kelly A; Niddrie F; Chaitow J; O'Neill S; Hassett G; Damodaran A; Bernays S; Manera K; Tong A; Tunnicliffe DJ, 2021, 'Patient and parent perspectives on transition from paediatric to adult healthcare in rheumatic diseases: An interview study', in BMJ Open,


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