Select Publications


Parmenter B; Burley C; Stewart C; Whife J; Champion K; Osman B; Newton N; Green O; Wescott AB; Gardner LA; Visontay R; Birrell L; Bryant Z; Chapman C; Lubans DR; Sunderland M; Slade T; Thornton L, 2022, How well can your smartphone measure your physical activity levels? A systematic review of the measurement properties of smartphone approaches to assess physical activity in healthy young people. (Preprint),

Thornton L; Osman B; Champion K; Green O; Wescott AB; Gardner LA; Stewart C; Visontay R; Whife J; Parmenter B; Birrell L; Bryant Z; Chapman C; Lubans D; Slade T; Torous J; Teesson M; Van de Ven P, 2021, Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review (Preprint),

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