Select Publications

Journal articles

Simpson S; Harris E; Harris-Roxas B, 2004, 'Health impact assessment: an introduction to the what, why and how', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 15, pp. 150 - 151,

Conference Posters

O'Callaghan C; Van Gessel S; Harris-Roxas B, 2020, 'Practice Nurse and Clinical Nurse Consultant Peer Led Collaborative Group: Challenges and Opportunities', Australia, presented at Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care 2020, Australia, 14 August 2020 - 15 August 2020,

Blunden L-A; Lloyd J; Barr M; Welberry H; Comino E; Harris-Roxas B; Jackson T; Donnelly D; Harris E; Harris M, 2019, 'Understanding the medical determinants and health service needs of older people who experience loneliness in Sydney', San Sebastian, Spain, Vol. 19, pp. 160, presented at 19th International Conference for Integrated Care, San Sebastian, Spain, 01 April 2019 - 03 April 2019,

Liaw S-T; Ansari S; Jonnagaddala J; Narasimhan P; Ashraf MM; Harris-Roxas B; Harris M, 2019, 'Use of mHealth to promote healthy ageing and support delivery of Heading age-friendly placement health and long-term care services: A systematic review', San Sebastian, Basque Country, presented at 19th International Conference on Integrated Care, San Sebastian, Basque Country, 01 April 2019 - 03 April 2019,

Jaques K; Hasan I; Harris-Roxas B; Harris M, 2018, 'Patient perceptions and experiences of after-hours primary health care in outer Sydney: a mixed methods study', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 01 August 2018 - 03 August 2018,

Tran A; Harris-Roxas B; Chapman T; Dennis S; Harris M; Wood T, 2018, 'Using the Patient Activation Measure to tailor care and enhance self-management capacity', Melbourne, presented at Primary Health Care Research Information Service (PHCRIS) Conference, Melbourne, 01 August 2018,

Hasan I; Jaques K; Harris-Roxas B; Harris M, 2018, 'Can co-located after-hours general practice clinics affect emergency department workloads? (Poster)', Melbourne, Australia, presented at 2018 Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 01 August 2018 - 03 August 2018

Barr M; Welberry H; Hall J; Comino E; Harris-Roxas B; Harris MF, 2018, 'General Practitioner follow-up after hospitalisation: access and impact on health services', Melbourne, presented at Primary Health Care Research and Information Service (PHCRIS), Melbourne, -

Harris PJ; Harris-Roxas BF, 2010, 'A framework to understand how health can contribute to the assessment of extractive industry project impacts', Geneva, Switzerland, presented at World Health Organization and IAIA One Day Conference - Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Conference: Urban development and extractive industries: What can HIA offer?, Geneva, Switzerland, 07 April 2010

Harris PJ; Harris-Roxas BF, 2010, 'The health sector’s use of Health Impact Assessment to inform land use planning in Australia', Geneva, Switzerland, presented at World Health Organization and IAIA One Day Conference - Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Conference: Urban development and extractive industries: What can HIA offer?, Geneva, Switzerland, 07 April 2010

Conference Presentations

Harris-Roxas B, 2024, 'Tide players surf the currents: Twenty years of the development of health impact assessment in Australia [Invited talk]', presented at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 17 September 2024

Harris-Roxas B; Woodlands E; Corcoran J; Lloyd J; Harris M; Kearns R; Hasan I, 2024, 'Exploring the potential equity implications of the use of machine translation in health services in Sydney, Australia', presented at International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Zaragoza, Spain, 09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024,

Harris-Roxas B; Seale H; Heywood A; Abdi I; Mahimbo A; Chauhan A; Woodlands E, 2024, 'Speaking COVID: The role of community connectors during the COVID-19 pandemic', presented at International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Zaragoza, Spain, 09 September 2024 - 13 September 2024,

Harris-Roxas B; Parker S; Wright S; Barr M; Sharma A; Haigh F; Levesque J; Harris M; Harris E; Wright M, (eds.), 2023, 'Community Health Navigator assisted transition of care from hospital to community: A randomised control trial', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Intergated Care Conference, Sydney, 13 November 2023 - 15 November 2023,

Harris-Roxas B; Spooner C; Li X; Jun S; Portillo B; Harris M, (eds.), 2023, 'Electronic shared care between consumers, mental health services, and general practitioners: Lessons from a pragmatic randomised controlled trial', presented at 3rd Asia Pacific Intergated Care Conference, Sydney, 13 November 2023 - 15 November 2023,

Cotterell S; Burgess K; Mackean T; McBride T; Harris-Roxas B, (eds.), 2023, 'The Lessons from Community Health for the Future of Australian Health Policy [Invited Panel]', presented at Policy Forum: Celebrating the WhitlamCommunity Health Program - Lessons for the Future, Parramatta, 03 November 2023 - 03 November 2023

El Haddad N; Harris-Roxas B, (ed.), 2023, 'The Shisha No Thanks project', presented at Shisha and Vaping No Thanks! Research to Practice Forum, Sydney, 18 October 2023 - 18 October 2023,

Harris-Roxas B, (ed.), 2023, 'Increasing access to equitable, affordable primary care for all Australians [Invited Workshop]', presented at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Primary Care Conference, Sydney, 27 September 2023 - 29 September 2023

Harris-Roxas B, (ed.), 2023, '“Rich people get lots of it. Poor people don’t get any of it!” Fifty years of tackling the Inverse Care Law [Invited Keynote]', presented at South Western Sydney Local Health District Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, Campbelltown, 06 September 2023 - 08 September 2023,

Haigh F; Crimeen A; Harris-Roxas B, 2020, 'Addressing Climate Change Vulnerability through Health Impact Assessment: A framework for Health Services', presented at Australian Public Health Conference 2020, Virtual, 19 October 2020 - 30 October 2020

Harris-Roxas B; Woodlands E; Harris M, (eds.), 2020, '“Agreeing machines instead of thinking machines”: Exploring the potential equity implications of the use of machine translation and neural networks in health and social services [Invited Seminar]', presented at Invited Seminar - Flinders Medical Research Institute, Flinders Medical Research Institute - Adelaide, 22 September 2020 - 23 September 2022,

Harris-Roxas B, 2019, 'Quality in general practice: An Australian perspective [Invited Keynote]', presented at Shanghai Medical Association Annual General Practice Conference, Shanghai, 21 November 2019 - 22 November 2019

O'Callaghan C; Hua M; Woodland L; Harris-Roxas B; Tam N; Reid K; Koh S; Wen L; Tran A; Jones H, 2019, 'Using a participatory approach to assess the effectiveness of the Get Healthy Service among Chinese communities in Sydney', presented at 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care, Melbourne, 11 November 2019 - 13 November 2018,

Dragoje V; Harris-Roxas B; Woodland L; Corcoran J; Lloyd J; Harris M; Kearns R; Hasan I, 2019, 'Use of translation apps and websites in the health care setting. Presented at the , Hobart.', presented at Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) National Conference 2019, Hobart, 18 October 2019 - 19 October 2019,

Harris-Roxas B; Woodland L; Corcoran J; Lloyd J; Harris M; Kearns R; Hasan I, 2019, 'It’s already happening: Use of translation apps and websites in health care settings: Results of a study across five NSW Local Health Districts [Plenary]', presented at Research to Practice Forum: Can Technology Speak my Language? The role of technology in health translation and interpreting, Sydney, 25 September 2019 - 25 September 2019,

Harris-Roxas B; Webster G; Woodland L, 2019, '“I'm beginning to realise that I am doing it tough”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Information Needs of New Carers', presented at South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Allied Health Research Forum - Illuminating Ideas Together, Sydney, 05 September 2019 - 05 September 2019,

Harris-Roxas B; Woodland L; Corcoran J; Lloyd J; Harris M; Kearns R; Hasan I, 2019, 'Use of translation apps and websites in health care settings: Results of a survey across five NSW Local Health Districts', presented at 2019 Australasian Association for Academic Primary Care Conference, Adelaide, 12 July 2019 - 13 July 2019,

Harper J; Harris-Roxas B; Woodlands E; Webster G, 2019, 'Who Cares? Exploring Qualitative Recruitment Methods with a Hard to Reach Carer Group', presented at International Institute for Qualitative Methodology 17th Qualitative Methods Conference, Brisbane, 01 May 2019 - 03 May 2019,

Wanjohi N; Harris-Roxas B; Harrison R, 2019, 'Health impact assessments of health sector proposals: A review and narrative synthesis', presented at 39th International Association for Impact Assessment Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 29 April 2019 - 02 May 2019,

Zapart S; Kim J; Safi M; Fatema K; de Leeuw E; Harris-Roxas B; Gulis G; Reid A, 2019, 'The rhetoric of locational disadvantage: International perspectives.', presented at 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, New Zealand., 07 April 2019 - 11 April 2019

Ansari S; Harris-Roxas B; Woodland L; Corcoran J; Lloyd J; Harris MF, 2018, 'Investigating the Use of Translation Apps and Websites in Health Care Settings: Study Protocol', presented at 2018 Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 01 August 2018 - 03 August 2018,

Hasan I; Jaques K; Harris-Roxas B; Harris M, 2018, 'Can co-located after-hours general practice clinics affect emergency department workloads? [Presentation]', presented at 2018 Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne Australia, 01 August 2018 - 03 August 2018

Barr M; Harris MF; Welberry H; Hall J; Harris-Roxas B; Comino E, 2018, 'GP follow-up within 2 weeks of hospital discharge in a community dwelling population of residents in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia', presented at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG), Chicago USA,, -

Harris-Roxas BF; Cipants J; Stewart G, 2017, 'Evaluating adaptive local partnerships for social and health service integration: developing a program logic for local Health Justice Partnerships in New South Wales, Australia', presented at APIC1 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care, Brisbane, 06 November 2017 - 15 November 2017,

Harris-Roxas BF, 2017, 'Embedding knowledge translation in a research Centre', presented at Research Impact Summit, 09 October 2017 - 11 October 2017,

Harris-Roxas BF; Gallego G; Harris E; Lloyd J, 2017, 'Creating health and community in Australia's most high density brownfield development: The Green Square Health impact Assessment', presented at 54th International Making Cities Liveable Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A., 02 October 2017 - 06 October 2017,

Crimeen AD; de Leeuw E; Hirono K; Jalaludin B; Beer, M; Freestone R; Harris-Roxas B; Millen E; Sainsbury P; Fletcher S; Conaty S, 2017, 'Creating a Healthy Airport: Building health promoting complex infrastructure', presented at Emerging Health Policy Research Conference (Annual), Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, 27 July 2017 - 27 July 2017,

Hirono KT; Haigh F; Fletcher-Lartey S; Millen E; Calalang C; Jaques K; Harris-Roxas B; de Leeuw E, 2017, 'Improving community engagement in aerotropolis development to promote health', presented at WCPH 2017 10th Making Cities Liveable Conference, Brisbane, 10 May 2017 - 11 May 2017

Hirono K; Haigh F; Fletcher-Lartey S; Millen E; Calalang C; Jaques K; Harris-Roxas B; de Leeuw E, 2017, 'Using health impact assessment to increase wellbeing through improved stakeholder engagement in the Western Sydney Airport', presented at WCPH 2017 15th World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, 03 April 2017 - 07 April 2017

Alford K; Grant W; Carruthers K; Harris-Roxas BF, 2012, 'Sophisticated uses of social media', presented at Australian Science Communicators National Conference, Sydney, 27 February 2012 - 29 February 2012

Harris-Roxas BF, 2010, 'Butting our heads against a wall? or, Moving beyond what we’ve always sone in order to get health meaningfully considered [Invited Presentation]', presented at HIA 2010 3rd Asia and Pacific Regional Health Impact Assessment Conference - "Health, wellbeing, and HIA: Working better, working smarter", University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 17 November 2010 - 19 November 2010

Harris-Roxas BF; Harris PJ, 2010, '[DUPLICATE] Current Challenges in Health Impact Assessment Practice', presented at International Association for Impact Assessment, Geneva, 06 April 2010 - 11 April 2010

Harris-Roxas BF; Harris PJ, 2010, 'Current challenges in HIA practice [Conference Workshop Presentation]', presented at IAIA10 - International Association for Impact Assessment 30th Annual Conference "The role of impact assessment in Transitioning to the Green Economy", Geneva, Switzerland, 06 April 2010 - 11 April 2010

Harris-Roxas BF; Bazeley P; Kemp LA, 2010, 'Impact Evaluation of Three Health Equity Impact Assessments', presented at IAIA10 - International Association for Impact Assessment 30th Annual Conference "The role of impact assessment in Transitioning to the Green Economy", Geneva, Switzerland, 06 April 2010 - 11 April 2010

Harris-Roxas BF; Harris PJ, 2010, 'The role of conceptual learning in HIA', presented at IAIA10 - International Association for Impact Assessment 30th Annual Conference "The role of impact assessment in Transitioning to the Green Economy", Geneva, Switzerland, 06 April 2010 - 11 April 2010

Harris-Roxas BF, 2009, 'Evaluating Health Impact Assessments: Lessons and challenges', presented at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton NJ, USA, 14 December 2009

Harris-Roxas BF; Harris P, 2009, 'Health Impact Assessment and Web 2.0', presented at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton NJ, USA, 14 December 2009,

Harris-Roxas BF, 2009, 'Health Impact Assessment: The State of the Field or Are we ready for the unanticipated impacts of success?: An Australian Perspective', presented at School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, Calif., 11 December 2009

Harris PJ; Harris-Roxas BF; Harris E; Wise M, 2009, 'Equity-focused health impact assessment: lessons from practice', presented at HIA`09: The 10th International Health Impact Assessment Conference - `On the Move`, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14 October 2009 - 16 October 2009

Harris-Roxas BF; Bazeley P; Kemp LA; bazeley , 2009, 'Impact Evaluation of Three Health Equity Impact Assessments', presented at HIA`09: The 10th International Health Impact Assessment Conference - `On the Move`, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 14 October 2009 - 16 October 2009

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