Select Publications

Journal articles

Lin B; Li A; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Jia M; Lee YX; Yuen ACY; Wang C; Wang W; Yeoh GH, 2024, 'MXene Based Flame Retardant and Electrically Conductive Polymer Coatings', Polymers, 16,

Wang W; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Li A; Lin B; Yuan Y; Ma C; Han Y; Yeoh GH, 2023, '3D MXene frameworks for flame retardant hydrophobic polymer nanocomposites', Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 173, pp. 107673,

De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Li A; Lin B; Ma DX; Xu L; Eh ALS; Wang W, 2023, 'Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Zinc-Ion Batteries', Batteries, 9,

Lin B; Yuen ACY; Oliver S; Liu J; Yu B; Yang W; Wu S; Yeoh GH; Wang CH, 2022, 'Dual functionalisation of polyurethane foam for unprecedented flame retardancy and antibacterial properties using layer-by-layer assembly of MXene chitosan with antibacterial metal particles', Composites Part B: Engineering, 244,

Yang WJ; Wei CX; Yuen ACY; Lin B; Yeoh GH; Lu HD; Yang W, 2022, 'Fire-retarded nanocomposite aerogels for multifunctional applications: A review', Composites Part B: Engineering, 237,

Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; Lin B; Yang W; Kabir II; De Cachinho Cordeiro IM; Whitten AE; Mata J; Yu B; Lu HD; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'Study of structure morphology and layer thickness of Ti3C2 MXene with Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)', Composites Part C: Open Access, 5,

Lin B; Yuen ACY; Chen TBY; Yu B; Yang W; Zhang J; Yao Y; Wu S; Wang CH; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'Experimental and numerical perspective on the fire performance of MXene/Chitosan/Phytic acid coated flexible polyurethane foam', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 4684,

Liu L; Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Doley PM; Wang C; Lin B; Liang J; Yeoh GH, 2021, 'A systematic approach to formulate numerical kinetics for furnishing materials fire simulation with validation procedure using cone/FT-IR data', Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung,

Lin B; Yuen ACY; Li A; Zhang Y; Chen TBY; Yu B; Lee EWM; Peng S; Yang W; Lu HD; Chan QN; Yeoh GH; Wang CH, 2020, 'MXene/chitosan nanocoating for flexible polyurethane foam towards remarkable fire hazards reductions', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381,

Chen TBY; Yuen ACY; Lin B; Liu L; Lo ALP; Chan QN; Zhang J; Cheung SCP; Yeoh GH, 2020, 'Characterisation of pyrolysis kinetics and detailed gas species formations of engineering polymers via reactive molecular dynamics (ReaxFF)', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 153,

Yang WJ; Yuen ACY; Li A; Lin B; Chen TBY; Yang W; Lu HD; Yeoh GH, 2019, 'Recent progress in bio-based aerogel absorbents for oil/water separation', Cellulose, 26, pp. 6449 - 6476,

Yu B; Tawiah B; Wang LQ; Yin Yuen AC; Zhang ZC; Shen LL; Lin B; Fei B; Yang W; Li A; Zhu SE; Hu EZ; Lu HD; Yeoh GH; Yuen ACY; Yang W, 2019, 'Interface decoration of exfoliated MXene ultra-thin nanosheets for fire and smoke suppressions of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 374, pp. 110 - 119,

Si JY; Tawiah B; Sun WL; Lin B; Wang C; Yuen ACY; Yu B; Li A; Yang W; Lu HD; Chan QN; Yeoh GH, 2019, 'Functionalization of MXene nanosheets for polystyrene towards high thermal stability and flame retardant properties', Polymers, 11, pp. 976,

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