Select Publications

Conference Papers

Yi Z; Chen H; Sun K; Fletcher J; Konstantinou G; Hredzak B, 2019, 'Analysis and Mitigation of Oscillations in Bi-directional CLLC Resonant Converters', in ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia - 10th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia, Busan, Korea, pp. 1736 - 1742, presented at ICPE, Busan, Korea, 27 May 2019 - 30 May 2019

Zhang R; Hredzak B; Konstantinou G, 2019, 'Distributed Control for Microgrid Batteries Communicating over Network with Aperiodically Sampled Data with Time Delays', in ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia - 10th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia, Busan, Korea, pp. 2629 - 2634, presented at 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia), Busan, Korea, 27 May 2019

Momayyezan M; Hredzak B; Fletcher J; Sun K, 2019, 'A reconfigurable converter with bidirectional energy transfer', in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 355 - 360,

Lu N; Hredzak B, 2018, 'Current Ripple Reduction for Photovoltaic Powered Single-Phase Buck-Boost Differential Inverter under Nonlinear Loads', in 7th International IEEE Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2018, pp. 544 - 548,

Wickramasinghe Abeywardana DB; Hredzak B; Fletcher JE, 2018, 'An Interleaved Boost Inverter Based Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System with a Reduced Number of Current Sensors', in IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Cairns, QLD, Australia, pp. 476 - 481, presented at 2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Cairns, QLD, Australia, 13 June 2018 - 15 June 2018,

Abeywardana DBW; Hredzak B; Fletcher JE, 2018, 'An Interleaved Boost Inverter Based Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System with a Reduced Number of Current Sensors', in 2018 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISIE), IEEE, AUSTRALIA, Cairns, pp. 476 - 481, presented at 27th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), AUSTRALIA, Cairns, 13 June 2018 - 15 June 2018,

Zhang R; Hredzak B; Morstyn T, 2018, 'Cooperative control of distributed heterogeneous energy storage devices with virtual impedance', in 2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia: Smart Grid for Smart Community, ISGT-Asia 2017, pp. 1 - 6,

Song R; Hredzak B; Karanayil B; Phung T, 2018, 'Fuzzy logic improved washout filter-based method for voltage restoration in DC microgrids', in 2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia: Smart Grid for Smart Community, ISGT-Asia 2017, pp. 1 - 5,

Abeywardana DBW; Hredzak B; Fletcher JE; Konstantinou G, 2017, 'A cascaded boost inverter based battery energy storage system with reduced battery ripple current', in Proceedings IECON 2017 - 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 2733 - 2738,

Zhang R; Hredzak B; Morstyn T, 2017, 'Cooperative Control of Distributed Heterogeneous Energy Storage Devices with Virtual Impedance', in 2017 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT-ASIA), IEEE, NEW ZEALAND, Univ Auckland, Auckland, pp. 21 - 26, presented at 7th IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia), NEW ZEALAND, Univ Auckland, Auckland, 04 December 2017 - 07 December 2017,

Song R; Hredzak B; Karanayil B; Phung T, 2017, 'Fuzzy Logic Improved Washout Filter-Based Method for Voltage Restoration in DC Microgrids', in 2017 IEEE INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES - ASIA (ISGT-ASIA), IEEE, NEW ZEALAND, Univ Auckland, Auckland, pp. 458 - 462, presented at 7th IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT-Asia), NEW ZEALAND, Univ Auckland, Auckland, 04 December 2017 - 07 December 2017,

Abeywardana DBW; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2016, 'DC side ripple current reduction method for three-phase boost inverter with mismatched output capacitors', in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, pp. 208 - 213,

Morstyn T; Savkin AV; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2016, 'Distributed sliding mode control for multi-module battery energy storage system state of charge balancing', in 2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA 2016, pp. 47 - 51,

Lystianingrum V; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2016, 'Abnormal overheating detectability analysis based on cross Gramian for a supercapacitors string', in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, presented at 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, 17 July 2016 - 21 July 2016,

Morstyn T; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2016, 'Dynamic optimal power flow for DC microgrids with distributed battery energy storage systems', in ECCE 2016 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Proceedings,

Abeywardana DW; Hredzak B; Agelidis V, 2015, 'Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System with Reduced Low Frequency Input Current Ripple', Palermo, Italy, presented at IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Palermo, Italy, 22 November 2015 - 25 November 2015

Yu Y; Konstantinou G; Townsend C; Aguilera R; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2015, 'Delta-connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel photovoltaic converters', IEEE, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 002229 - 002234, presented at 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015, Yokohama, Japan, 09 November 2015 - 12 November 2015,

Momayyezan M; Hredzak B; Agelidis V, 2015, 'A New Multiple Converter Topology for Battery/Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy System', Yokohama, Japan, presented at IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Conference - IECON, Yokohama, Japan, 09 November 2015 - 12 November 2015,

Yu Y; Konstantinou G; Townsend CD; Aguilera RP; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2015, 'Delta-connected Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Photovoltaic Converters', in IECON 2015 - 41ST ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY, IEEE, JAPAN, Yokohama, pp. 2229 - 2234, presented at 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE-Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON), JAPAN, Yokohama, 09 November 2015 - 12 November 2015,

Morstyn T; Hredzak B; Agelidis V, 2015, 'Communication Delay Robustness for Multi-Agent State of Charge Balancing Between Distributed AC Microgrid Storage Systems', Sydney, Australia, presented at IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Sydney, Australia, 21 September 2015 - 23 September 2015

Morstyn T; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG; Demetriades G, 2014, 'Cooperative control of DC microgrid storage for energy balancing and equal power sharing', in AbuSiada A; Masoum MAS (ed.), Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2014 Australasian Universities, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), AUSTRALIA, Perth, pp. 1 - 5, presented at Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUSTRALIA, Perth, 28 September 2014 - 01 October 2014,

Abeywardana DBW; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2014, 'A single phase grid integration scheme for battery-supercapacitor AC line hybrid storage system', in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, pp. 235 - 240,

Farivar G; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2014, 'A generalized capacitors voltage estimation scheme for multilevel converters', in 2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), IEEE, presented at European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 26 August 2014 - 28 August 2014,

Farivar G; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2014, 'A fast filtering scheme for capacitor voltages of a cascaded H-bridge multilevel converter based STATCOM', in Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe), 2014 16th European Conference, IEEE, presented at European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 26 August 2014 - 28 August 2014,

Yu Y; Konstantinou G; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2014, 'Optimal zero sequence injection in multilevel cascaded H-bridge converter under unbalanced photovoltaic power generation', in 2014 International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-Hiroshima - ECCE Asia 2014, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), JAPAN, Hiroshima, pp. 1458 - 1465, presented at 2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014 - ECCE ASIA), JAPAN, Hiroshima, 18 May 2014 - 21 May 2014,

Farivar G; Agelidis VG; Hredzak B, 2014, 'Fuzzy logic based control system for cascaded H-bridge converter', in Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, pp. 3006 - 3010,

Lystianingrum V; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG; Djanali VS, 2014, 'Observability degree criteria evaluation for temperature observability in a battery string towards optimal thermal sensors placement', in IEEE ISSNIP 2014 - 2014 IEEE 9th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Conference Proceedings,

Farivar G; Agelidis VG; Hredzak B, 2013, 'A simple perturb and observe MPPT scheme for cascaded H-bridge based photovoltaic system', in 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), IEEE, Hobart, TAS, presented at 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Hobart, TAS, 29 September 2013 - 03 October 2014,

Abeywardana DBW; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2013, 'An integration scheme for a direct AC line battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system', in 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), IEEE, Hobart, TAS, presented at 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Hobart, TAS, 29 September 2013 - 03 October 2013,

Lystianingrum V; Agelidis VG; Hredzak B, 2013, 'State of health and life estimation methods for supercapacitors', in 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), IEEE, Hobart, TAS, pp. 1 - 7, presented at 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Hobart, TAS, 29 September 2013 - 03 October 2013,

Yu Y; Konstantinou G; Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2013, 'On extending the energy balancing limit of multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters for large-scale photovoltaic farms', in 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), IEEE, Hobart, TAS, presented at 2013 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), Hobart, TAS, 29 September 2013 - 02 October 2013,

Hredzak B; Agelidis VG; Demetriades G, 2013, 'A low complexity control system for a hybrid battery-ultracapacitor power source', in 2013 IEEE ECCE Asia Downunder - 5th IEEE Annual International Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition, IEEE ECCE Asia 2013, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), AUSTRALIA, RMIT Univ, Melbourne, pp. 770 - 775, presented at 2013 IEEE ECCE Asia Downunder, AUSTRALIA, RMIT Univ, Melbourne, 03 June 2013 - 06 June 2013,

Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2012, 'Direct Current Control of a Battery-Ultracapacitor Power Supply', IEEE, Montreal, Canada, pp. 4024 - 4028, presented at 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON, Montreal, Canada, 25 October 2012 - 28 October 2012,

Hredzak B; Agelidis VG, 2012, 'Model predictive control of a hybrid battery-ultracapacitor power source', IEEE, Harbin, pp. 2294 - 2299, presented at 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, Harbin, 02 June 2012 - 05 June 2012,

Hredzak B; Diessel OF, 2011, 'Optimization of Placement of Dynamic Network-on-chip Cores Using Simulated Annealing', in IEEE, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Australia, pp. 2400 - 2405, presented at 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2011, Melbourne, VIC., Australia, 07 November 2011 - 10 November 2011,

Hredzak B, 2010, 'Improvement of Short-Span Seeking Performance in a Dual-Stage Hard Disk Drive Actuator', in 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics and Vision, IEEE, Singapore, pp. 2221 - 2226, presented at Eleventh International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2010), Singapore, 07 December 2010 - 10 December 2010

Hredzak B, 2009, 'Control and Performance Evaluation of Switch Mode Amplifier for Actuator Array', in Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), USA, presented at IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Singapore, 14 July 2009 - 17 July 2009

Hredzak B, 2007, 'A discrete-time sliding mode scheme with constrained inputs', in 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2007), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, presented at 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 12 December 2007 - 14 December 2007

Hredzak B, 2007, 'Adaptive Neural Network Compensation of Pivot Nonlinearity in Hard Disk Drives', in 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2007), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, presented at 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 12 December 2007 - 14 December 2007

Zhang J; Hredzak B; Du C; Guo G, 2007, 'High density servo track writing using two-stage configuration', in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pp. 124 - 129,

Hredzak B; Herrmann G; Edwards CR; Spurgeon S, 2007, 'Application of a discrete sliding mode technique to a HDD dual-stage track-seek and track following servo system', in 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Singapore, presented at 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Singapore, 01 October 2007 - 03 October 2007

Hredzak B; Hong F; Ge S; Zhang J; He Z, 2007, 'Modeling and Compensation of Pivot Nonlineraity in Hard Disk Drives', in 16th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Singapore, presented at 16th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Singapore, 01 October 2007 - 03 October 2007

Zhang J; Hredzak B; Du C; Guo G, 2007, 'High density servo track writing using two-stage configuration', in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 787 - 792, presented at IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Singapore, SINGAPORE, 01 October 2007 - 03 October 2007,

Zhang J; Hredzak B; Du C; Guo G, 2007, 'High density servo track writing using two-stage configuration', in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 IEEE CONFERENCE ON CONTROL APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, SINGAPORE, Singapore, pp. 787 - +, presented at IEEE Conference on Control Applications, SINGAPORE, Singapore, 01 October 2007 - 03 October 2007,

Hredzak B; Hong F; Ge SS; Zhang J; He Z, 2007, 'Modeling and compensation of pivot nonlinearity in hard disk drives', in PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2007 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL, VOLS 1-3, IEEE, Singapore, SINGAPORE, pp. 1558 - 1563, presented at IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Singapore, SINGAPORE, 01 October 2007 - 03 October 2007,

Du C; Xie L; Guo X; Zhang J; Li Q; Hredzak B; Teoh JN, 2006, 'A generalized KYP lemma based control design and application for 425 kTPI servo track writing', in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 1303 - 1308

Hredzak B; Herrmann G; Du C, 2006, 'Enhancement of short-span seeking in a dual-stage seek-track following control using variable saturation', in 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, 2006, ICARCV '06,

Herrmann G; Hredzak B; Turner MC; Postlethwaite I; Guo G, 2006, 'Improvement of a novel dual-stage large-span track-seeking and track-following method using anti-windup compensation', in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 1990 - 1997

Zheng J; Du C; Guo X; Wang Y; Zhang J; Li Q; Hredzak B, 2006, 'Phase lead peak filter method to high TPI servo track writer with microactuators', in Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 1309 - 1314

Li Q; Zhang J; Hredzak B; Guo G, 2006, 'Use of command input shaping method to compensate clock/seed timing track closure in phase lock loop', in 2006 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications,

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