Journal articles
Anpalagan K; Bowen AC; Lamborn L; Roebuck D; Carter T; Cannon JW; Symons C; McNally J; Woods G; McMullan B; Gwee A; Tong SYC; Davis JS; Campbell AJ, 2025, 'Optimising detection of thrombosis in paediatric Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: A prospective interventional sub-study protocol', Infectious Diseases Now, 55,
Ozturk A; Chan M; Khan JR; Hu N; Mcmullan B; Britton PN; Bartlett A; Kandasamy R; Saravanos GL; Prentice B; Shi T; Jaffe A; Owens L; Homaira N, 2024, 'Clinical Characteristics and In-hospital Outcomes Associated With Respiratory Syncytial Virus vs Other Viral Acute Lower Respiratory Infections in Hospitalized Children Younger Than 2 Years', JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
Haeusler GM; Dashti SG; James F; Babl FE; Borland ML; Clark JE; Padhye B; Tapp H; Alvaro F; Raj TS; Walwyn T; Ziegler DS; Super L; Hall L; Yeoh DK; Butters C; McMullan B; Hanna DMT; De Abreu Lourenco R; Slavin MA; Phillips B; Thursky KA, 2024, 'Impact of time to antibiotics on clinical outcome in paediatric febrile neutropenia: a target trial emulation of 1685 episodes', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 53,
Berkhout A; Clark JE; Jones CA; Grimwood K; McMullan B; Britton PN; Palasanthiran P; Lim S; Yeoh DK; Wong S; Cheng DR; Gwee A; Cross J; Nguyen T; Jeffs E; Walls T; Mahony M; Yan J; Nourse C, 2024, 'Parenteral aciclovir for suspected herpes simplex virus infection in children: 0-18 years.', J Antimicrob Chemother,
Hannah R; Mitri E; Katelaris CH; O'Hern J; Avent M; Valoppi G; Rawlins M; Frith C; McMullan B; Kong D; Chua K; Legg A; James R; Janson S; Hawkins C; Randall K; Ierano C; Thursky K; Trubiano JA, 2024, 'Adult penicillin allergy programmes in Australian hospitals: a practical guide from the National Antibiotic Allergy Network', Internal Medicine Journal, 54, pp. 1883 - 1893,
Tio SY; Chen SCA; Heath CH; Pradhan A; Morris AJ; Korman TM; Morrissey CO; Halliday CL; Kidd S; Spelman T; Brell N; McMullan B; Clark JE; Mitsakos K; Hardiman RP; Williams PCM; Campbell AJ; Beardsley J; Van Hal S; Yong MK; Worth LJ; Slavin MA, 2024, 'Identifying Gaps in the International Consensus Case Definitions for Invasive Aspergillosis: A Review of Clinical Cases Not Meeting These Definitions', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 11,
Williams A; Coombs GW; Bell JM; Daley DA; Mowlaboccus S; Bryant P; Campbell A; Cooley L; Iredell J; Irwin AD; Kesson A; McMullan B; Warner MS; Williams P; Blyth CC, 2024, 'Antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci spp. isolates from bloodstream infections in Australian children, 2013 - 2021.', J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc,
Williams A; Coombs GW; Bell JM; Daley DA; Mowlaboccus S; Bryant P; Campbell A; Cooley L; Iredell J; Irwin AD; Kesson A; McMullan B; Warner MS; Williams P; Blyth CC, 2024, 'Antimicrobial resistance in Enterobacterales, Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from bloodstream infections in Australian children, 2013-2021.', J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc,
Campbell AJ; Anpalagan K; Best EJ; Britton PN; Gwee A; Hatcher J; Manley BJ; Marsh J; Webb RH; Davis JS; Mahar RK; Mcglothlin A; Mcmullan B; Meyer M; Mora J; Murthy S; Nourse C; Papenburg J; Schwartz KL; Scheuerman O; Snelling T; Strunk T; Stark M; Voss L; Tong SYC; Bowen AC, 2024, 'Whole-of-Life Inclusion in Bayesian Adaptive Platform Clinical Trials', JAMA Pediatrics, 178, pp. 1066 - 1071,
Campbell AJ; Russell FM; Marais BJ; Britton PN; Bowen AC; Blyth CC; Flanagan KL; Khatami A; Koirala A; Mahony M; Phuong LK; Vasilunas N; Webb RH; Williams PCM; McMullan BJ, 2024, 'Widening the lens for pandemic preparedness: children must be seen and heard', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 51,
Wen SCH; Harris PNA; Forde B; Permana B; Chatfield MD; Lau CL; Spurling G; Bauer MJ; Balch R; Chambers H; Schlapbach LJ; Clark JE; Dougherty S; Blyth CC; Britton PN; Clifford V; Haeusler GM; McMullan B; Wadia U; Paterson DL; Irwin AD, 2024, 'Characterization of Gram-negative Bloodstream Infections in Hospitalized Australian Children and Their Clinical Outcomes', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 79, pp. 734 - 743,
Koirala A; McRae J; Britton PN; Downes M; Prasad SA; Nicholson S; Winkler NE; O'Sullivan MVN; Gondalwala F; Castellano C; Carey E; Hendry A; Crawford N; Wadia U; Richmond P; Marshall HS; Clark JE; Francis JR; Carr J; Bartlett A; McMullan B; Skowno J; Hannah D; Davidson A; von Ungern-Sternberg BS; Lee-Archer P; Burgoyne LL; Waugh EB; Carlin JB; Naing Z; Kerly N; McMinn A; Hunter G; Heath C; D'Angelo N; Finucane C; Francis LA; Dougherty S; Rawlinson W; Karapanagiotidis T; Cain N; Brizuela R; Blyth CC; Wood N; Macartney K, 2024, 'The seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in Australian children: A crosssectional study', PLoS ONE, 19,
Williams A; Coombs GW; Bell J; Daley DA; Mowlaboccus S; Bryant PA; Campbell AJ; Cooley L; Iredell J; Irwin AD; Kesson A; McMullan B; Warner MS; Williams P; Blyth CC, 2024, 'Australian Group on Antimicrobial Research surveillance outcome programs - bloodstream infections and antimicrobial resistance patterns from patients less than 18 years of age, January 2020 - December 2021', Communicable diseases intelligence (2018), 48,
Chang CC; Harrison TS; Bicanic TA; Chayakulkeeree M; Sorrell TC; Warris A; Hagen F; Spec A; Oladele R; Govender NP; Chen SC; Mody CH; Groll AH; Chen YC; Lionakis MS; Alanio A; Castañeda E; Lizarazo J; Vidal JE; Takazono T; Hoenigl M; Alffenaar JW; Gangneux JP; Soman R; Zhu LP; Bonifaz A; Jarvis JN; Day JN; Klimko N; Salmanton-García J; Jouvion G; Meya DB; Lawrence D; Rahn S; Bongomin F; McMullan BJ; Sprute R; Nyazika TK; Beardsley J; Carlesse F; Heath CH; Ayanlowo OO; Mashedi OM; Queiroz-Telles Filho F; Hosseinipour MC; Patel AK; Temfack E; Singh N; Cornely OA; Boulware DR; Lortholary O; Pappas PG; Perfect JR, 2024, 'Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of cryptococcosis: an initiative of the ECMM and ISHAM in cooperation with the ASM', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 24, pp. e495 - e512,
Tanti DC; Spellberg B; McMullan BJ, 2024, 'Challenging Dogma in the Treatment of Childhood Infections: Oral Antibiotics and Shorter Durations', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 43, pp. e235 - e239,
Jain N; Ryan AL; Haeusler GM; McMullan BJ; Moore AS; Bartlett AW; Blyth CC; Kotecha RS; Yeoh DK; Clark JE, 2024, 'Invasive fungal disease in children with solid tumors: An Australian multicenter 10-year review', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 71,
Pittet LF; Messina NL; McDonald E; Orsini F; Barry S; Bonten M; Campbell J; Croda J; Croda MG; Dalcolmo M; Gardiner K; Gwee A; Jardim B; Lacerda MVG; Lucas M; Lynn DJ; Manning L; Perrett KP; Post JJ; Prat-Aymerich C; Richmond PC; Rocha JL; Rodriguez-Baño J; Warris A; Wood NJ; Davidson A; Curtis N; Jamieson T; Morawakage T; Perlen S; Sastry A; Teo JW; Lee K; Moore C; Vidmar S; Ali R; Dunn R; Edler P; Gell G; Goodall C; Hall R; Krastev A; La N; McPhate N; Nguyen T; Ren J; Stevens L; Alamrousi A; Bonnici R; Dang T; Germano S; Hua J; McElroy R; Razmovska M; Reddiex S; Wang X; Anderson J; Azzopardi K; Bennett-Wood V; Czajko A; Mazarakis N; McCafferty C; Oppedisano F; Ortika B; Pell C; Spry L; Toh R; Velagapudi S; Vlahos A; Wee-Hee A; Ramos P; De La Cruz K; Gamage D; Karunanayake A; Mezzetti I; Ong B; Singh R; Sooriyarachchi E; Nicholson S; Cain N; Brizuela R; Huang H; Abruzzo V; Bealing M; Bimboese P; Bowes K; Burrell E; Chan J; Cushnahan J; Elborough H; Elkington O; Fahey K; Fernandez M; Flynn C; Fowler S; Andrit MG; Gladanac B; Hammond C; Ma N, 2024, 'Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccination to prevent febrile and respiratory illness in adults (BRACE): secondary outcomes of a randomised controlled phase 3 trial', eClinicalMedicine, 72,
McMullan B; Govender N; Carlesse F; Singhal T; Sati H; Warris A, 2024, 'Children and fungal priority pathogens', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 8, pp. 390 - 392,
Schults JA; Charles KR; Millar J; Rickard CM; Chopra V; Lake A; Gibbons K; Long D; Rahiman S; Hutching K; Winderlich J; Spotswood NE; Johansen A; Secombe P; Pizimolas GA; Tu Q; Waak M; Allen M; McMullan B; Hall L, 2024, 'Establishing a paediatric critical care core quality measure set using a multistakeholder, consensus-driven process', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26, pp. 71 - 79,
Clark JE; Kim HY; van de Sande WWJ; McMullan B; Verweij P; Alastruey-Izquierdo A; Chakrabarti A; Harrison TS; Bongomin F; Hay RJ; Oladele R; Heim J; Beyer P; Galas M; Siswanto S; Dagne DA; Roitberg F; Gigante V; Beardsley J; Sati H; Alffenaar JW; Morrissey CO, 2024, 'Eumycetoma causative agents: A systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens', Medical Mycology, 62,
McMullan B; Kim HY; Alastruey-Izquierdo A; Tacconelli E; Dao A; Oladele R; Tanti D; Govender NP; Shin JH; Heim J; Ford NP; Huttner B; Galas M; Nahrgang SA; Gigante V; Sati H; Alffenaar JW; Morrissey CO; Beardsley J, 2024, 'Features and global impact of invasive fungal infections caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii: A systematic review to inform the World Health Organization fungal priority pathogens list', Medical Mycology, 62,
Lim SA; Chan M; Hu N; McMullan B; Britton PN; Bartlett A; Kandasamy R; Saravanos GL; Prentice B; Jaffe A; Owens L; Homaira N, 2024, 'Risk Factors and Clinical Prognosis Associated with RSV-ALRI Intensive Care Unit Admission in Children <2 Years of Age: A Multicenter Study', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 43, pp. 511 - 517,
Morris AJ; Kim HY; Nield B; Dao A; McMullan B; Alastruey-Izquierdo A; Colombo AL; Heim J; Wahyuningsih R; Le T; Chiller TM; Forastiero A; Chakrabarti A; Harrison TS; Bongomin F; Galas M; Siswanto S; Dagne DA; Roitberg F; Gigante V; Beardsley J; Sati H; Alffenaar JW; Morrissey CO, 2024, 'Talaromyces marneffei, Coccidioides species, and Paracoccidioides species-a systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens', Medical Mycology, 62,
Messina NL; Germano S; McElroy R; Bonnici R; Grubor-Bauk B; Lynn DJ; McDonald E; Nicholson S; Perrett KP; Pittet LF; Rudraraju R; Stevens NE; Subbarao K; Curtis N; Davidson A; Gardiner K; Gwee A; Jamieson T; Morawakage T; Perlen S; Sastry A; Teo JW; Orsini F; Lee K; Moore C; Vidmar S; Ali R; Dunn R; Edler P; Gell G; Goodall C; Hall R; Krastev A; La N; McPhate N; Nguyen T; Ren J; Stevens L; Alamrousi A; Dang T; Hua J; Razmovska M; Reddiex S; Wang X; Anderson J; Azzopardi K; Bennett-Wood V; Czajko A; Mazarakis N; McCafferty C; Oppedisano F; Ortika B; Pell C; Spry L; Toh R; Velagapudi S; Vlahos A; Wee-Hee A; Ramos P; De La Cruz K; Gamage D; Karunanayake A; Mezzetti I; Ong B; Singh R; Sooriyarachchi E; Cain N; Brizuela R; Huang H; Abruzzo V; Bealing M; Bimboese P; Bowes K; Burrell E; Chan J; Cushnahan J; Elborough H; Elkington O; Fahey K; Fernandez M; Flynn C; Fowler S; Andrit MG; Gladanac B; Hammond C; Ma N; Macalister S; Milojevic E; Mojeed J; Nguyen J; O'Donnell L; Olivier N; Ooi I; Reynolds S; Shen L; Sherry B; Spotswood J; Wedderburn J; Younes A, 2024, 'Specific and off-target immune responses following COVID-19 vaccination with ChAdOx1-S and BNT162b2 vaccines—an exploratory sub-study of the BRACE trial', eBioMedicine, 103,
Gifford A; Jayawardena N; Carlesse F; Lizarazo J; McMullan B; Groll AH; Warris A, 2024, 'Pediatric Cryptococcosis', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 43, pp. 307 - 312,
Phuong LK; Cheung A; Templeton T; Abebe T; Ademi Z; Buttery J; Clark J; Cole T; Curtis N; Dobinson H; Shahul Hameed N; Hernstadt H; Ojaimi S; Sharp EG; Sinnaparajar P; Wen S; Daley A; McMullan B; Gwee A, 2024, 'Epidemiology of childhood invasive pneumococcal disease in Australia: A prospective cohort study', Archives of Disease in Childhood,
Britton PN; Burrell R; Chapman E; Boyle J; Alexander S; Belessis Y; Dalby-Payne J; Knight K; Lau C; McMullan B; Milne B; Paull M; Nguyen J; Selvadurai H; Dale R; Baillie A, 2024, 'Post COVID-19 conditions in an Australian pediatric cohort, 3 months following a Delta outbreak', Pediatric Research,
Giang V; McMullan B, 2024, 'Treatment of toxic shock in children', Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education and Practice Edition,
Duguid RC; Tanti D; Elvy JA; Outhred AC; McMullan BJ, 2024, 'Assessing paediatric blood culture quality: surveys of clinician and laboratory practices in Australia and New Zealand', Pathology,
Berkhout A; Clark J; Jones C; McMullan B; Lim S; Yeoh D; Britton P; Wong S; Grimwood K; Cheng D; Palasanthiran P; Gwee A; Cross J; Nguyen T; Jeffs E; Walls T; Mahony M; Yan J; Nourse C, 2023, '1640. Acyclovir use in infants and children (0-18 years) in Pediatric hospitals in Australia and New Zealand for suspected herpes simplex virus infection', Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 10,
Loprete J; Richardson R; Bramah V; Comben S; Li T; Beiglari L; O'Neill R; McEwan C; Carr A; Tong W; Campbell D; Wong M; Evans L; Post J; Torda A; Kane A; Kelleher A; Wainstein B; McMullan B; Law M, 2023, 'Delabeling, safety, and impact of β-lactam allergy testing: A systematic review', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global, 2,
Tio SY; Chen SCA; Hamilton K; Heath CH; Pradhan A; Morris AJ; Korman TM; Morrissey O; Halliday CL; Kidd S; Spelman T; Brell N; McMullan B; Clark JE; Mitsakos K; Hardiman RP; Williams P; Campbell AJ; Beardsley J; Van Hal S; Yong MK; Worth LJ; Slavin MA, 2023, 'Invasive aspergillosis in adult patients in Australia and New Zealand: 2017–2020', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 40,
Pittet LF; Moore CL; McDonald E; Barry S; Bonten M; Campbell J; Croda J; Dalcolmo M; Davidson A; Douglas MW; Gardiner K; Gwee A; Jardim B; Lacerda MVG; Lucas M; Lynn DJ; Manning L; de Oliveira RD; Perrett KP; Prat-Aymerich C; Richmond PC; Rocha JL; Rodriguez-Baño J; Warris A; Wood NJ; Messina NL; Curtis N; Jamieson T; Morawakage T; Perlen S; Sastry A; Teo JW; Orsini F; Lee K; Vidmar S; Ali R; Dunn R; Edler P; Gell G; Goodall C; Hall R; Krastev A; La N; McPhate N; Nguyen T; Ren J; Stevens L; Alamrousi A; Bonnici R; Dang T; Germano S; Hua J; McElroy R; Razmovska M; Reddiex S; Wang X; Anderson J; Azzopardi K; Bennett-Wood V; Czajko A; Mazarakis N; McCafferty C; Oppedisano F; Ortika B; Pell C; Spry L; Toh R; Velagapudi S; Vlahos A; Wee-Hee A; Ramos P; De La Cruz K; Gamage D; Karunanayake A; Mezzetti I; Ong B; Singh R; Sooriyarachchi E; Nicholson S; Cain N; Brizuela R; Huang H; Abruzzo V; Bealing M; Bimboese P; Bowes K; Burrell E; Chan J; Cushnahan J; Elborough H; Elkington O; Fahey K; Fernandez M; Flynn C; Fowler S; Andrit MG; Gladanac B; Hammond C, 2023, 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination for protection against recurrent herpes labialis: a nested randomised controlled trial', eClinicalMedicine, 64,
Phuong LK; Cheung A; Agrawal R; Butters C; Buttery J; Clark J; Connell T; Curtis N; Daley AJ; Dobinson HC; Frith C; Hameed NS; Hernstadt H; Krieser DM; Loke P; Ojaimi S; McMullan B; Pinzon-Charry A; Sharp EG; Sinnappurajar P; Templeton T; Wen S; Cole T; Gwee A, 2023, 'Inborn Errors of Immunity in Children With Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: A Multicenter Prospective Study', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 42, pp. 908 - 913,
Yeoh DK; McMullan BJ; Clark JE; Slavin MA; Haeusler GM; Blyth CC, 2023, 'The Challenge of Diagnosing Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Children: A Review of Existing and Emerging Tools', Mycopathologia, 188, pp. 731 - 743,
Henderson A; Cheng MP; Chew KL; Coombs GW; Davis JS; Grant JM; Gregson D; Giulieri SG; Howden BP; Lee TC; Nguyen V; Mora JM; Morpeth SC; Robinson JO; Tong SYC; Van Hal SJ, 2023, 'A multi-site, international laboratory study to assess the performance of penicillin susceptibility testing of Staphylococcus aureus', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 78, pp. 1499 - 1504,
Nguyen TA; Kirubakaran R; Schultz HB; Wong S; Reuter SE; McMullan B; Bolisetty S; Campbell C; Horvath AR; Stocker SL, 2023, 'Analytical and Non-Analytical Variation May Lead to Inappropriate Antimicrobial Dosing in Neonates: An In Silico Study', Clinical Chemistry, 69, pp. 637 - 648,
Lopez L; Burgner D; Glover C; Carr J; Clark J; Boast A; Vasilunas N; McMullan B; Francis JR; Bowen AC; Blyth CC; Macartney K; Crawford NW; Carey E; Wood N; Britton PN, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “Lower risk of multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) with the Omicron variant” [The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific 27 (2022) 100604] (The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific (2022) 27, (S266660652200219X), (10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100604))', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 35,
McMullan B; Bryant PA; Duffy E; Bielicki J; De Cock P; Science M; Zembles T; Timberlake K; Monsees E; Hamdy RF; Tribble AC; Newland J; Patel S, 2023, 'Multinational consensus antimicrobial stewardship recommendations for children managed in hospital settings', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 23, pp. e199 - e207,
Keighley C; Pope AL; Marriott D; Chen SCA; Slavin MA, 2023, 'Time-to-positivity in bloodstream infection for Candida species as a prognostic marker for mortality', Medical Mycology, 61,
Eldredge JA; Stormon MO; Clark JE; Nightingale S; McMullan B; Andersen B; Travers C; Hardikar W, 2023, 'Direct-acting antiviral treatments in Australia for children with chronic hepatitis C virus infection', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 229 - 230,
Anagnostou N; Archuleta S; Athan E; Barina L; Best E; Bloomfield M; Bostock J; Botheras C; Bowen A; Britton P; Burden H; Campbell A; Carter H; Cheng M; Chew KL; Chong IRLM; Coombs G; Daley P; Daneman N; Davies J; Davis J; Dishon-Benattar Y; Dotel R; Dunlop A; Flack F; Flanagan K; Foo H; Ghanem-Zoubi N; Giulieri S; Goodman A; Grant J; Gregson D; Guy S; Gwee A; Hardy E; Henderson A; Heriot G; Howden B; Hudson F; Johnstone J; Kalimuddin S; de Kretser D; Kwa A; Lee T; Legg A; Lewis R; Llewelyn M; Lumley T; Lye D; MacFadden D; Mahar R; Malhame I; Marks M; Marsh J; Martinello M; Matthews G; McArthur C; McGlothlin A; McKew G; McMullan B; McQuilten Z; Milliken E; Mora J; Morpeth S; Murthy S; Nourse C; O'Sullivan M; Paterson D; Paul M; Petersiel N; Petrella L; Pett S; Price D; Roberts J; Robinson JO; Rogers B; Saville B; Scarborough M; Scheetz M; Scheuerman O; Schwartz K; Smith S; Snelling T; Soares M; Sommerville C; Stewardson A; Stone N; Sud A; Tilley R; Tong S; Turner R; Underwood J; van Hal S; Voss L; Walls G; Webb R; Webb S; Whiteway L; Wilson H; Wuerz T; Yahav D, 2023, 'The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial Protocol: New Tools for an Old Foe (vol 75, pg 2027, 2022)', CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
Wilkins AL; Lai T; Zhu X; Bolisetty S; Chiletti R; Cranswick N; Gardiner K; Hunt R; Malhotra A; McMullan B; Mehta B; Michalowski J; Popat H; Ward M; Duffull S; Curtis N; Gwee A, 2023, 'Individualized vancomycin dosing in infants: prospective evaluation of an online dose calculator', International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 61,
Hurley S; Eden JS; Bingham J; Rodriguez M; Neave MJ; Johnson A; Howard-Jones AR; Kok J; Anazodo A; McMullan B; Williams DT; Watson J; Solinas A; Kim KW; Rawlinson W, 2023, 'Fatal Human Neurologic Infection Caused by Pigeon Avian Paramyxovirus-1, Australia', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29, pp. 2482 - 2487,
Dedrick RM; Smith BE; Cristinziano M; Freeman KG; Jacobs-Sera D; Belessis Y; Brown AW; Cohen KA; Davidson RM; van Duin D; Gainey A; Garcia CB; George CRR; Haidar G; Ip W; Iredell J; Khatami A; Little JS; Malmivaara K; McMullan BJ; Michalik DE; Moscatelli A; Nick JA; Tupayachi Ortiz MG; Polenakovik HM; Robinson PD; Skurnik M; Solomon DA; Soothill J; Spencer H; Wark P; Worth A; Schooley RT; Benson CA; Hatfull GF, 2023, 'Phage Therapy of Mycobacterium Infections: Compassionate Use of Phages in 20 Patients With Drug-Resistant Mycobacterial Disease', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 76, pp. 103 - 112,
Lopez L; Burgner D; Glover C; Carr J; Clark J; Boast A; Vasilunas N; McMullan B; Francis JR; Bowen AC; Blyth CC; Macartney K; Crawford NW; Carey E; Wood N; Britton PN, 2022, 'Lower risk of Multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) with the omicron variant', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 27, pp. 100604,
Williams P; Koirala A; Saravanos GL; Lopez LK; Glover C; Sharma K; Williams T; Carey E; Shaw N; Dickens E; Sitaram N; Ging J; Bray P; Crawford NW; McMullan B; Macartney K; Wood N; Fulton EL; Lau C; Britton PN, 2022, 'COVID-19 in New South Wales children during 2021: severity and clinical spectrum', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 303 - 310,
McMullan BJ; Valentine JC; Hall L; Thursky K, 2022, 'Disease and economic burden of infections in hospitalised children in New South Wales, Australia', Australian Health Review, 46, pp. 471 - 477,
Loprete J; Katelaris CH; Evans L; Kane A; McMullan B; Wainstein B; Wong M; Post J; Suan D; Swaminathan S; Richardson R; Rogers J; Torda A; Campbell DE; Kelleher AD; Law M; Carr A; Tong WWY, 2022, 'Standardized testing and written communication improve patient understanding of beta-lactam allergy testing outcomes: A multicenter, prospective study', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global, 1, pp. 99 - 105,
Yeoh DK; Haeusler GM; Mcmullan BJ; Butters C; Bryant PA; Clark JE; Cooper CM; Gwee A; Kotecha RS; Lai T; Slavin MA; Thursky KA; Blyth CC, 2022, 'Antifungal use in children with acute leukaemia: state of current evidence and directions for future research', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 77, pp. 1508 - 1524,
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