
My Expertise

Galaxy formation and evolution

  • Galaxy dynamics
  • Stellar populations and dynamics of extragalactic globular clusters
  • Discrete tracers of galaxy dynamics


Optical astronomy and telescope facilities

  • Observational techniques
  • Astronomical data reduction and analysis

Fields of Research (FoR)

Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy

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Welcome to my homepage. My name is Dr Caroline Foster (most people just call me Caro) and I am an astronomer. I have spent hundreds of nights at remote astronomical sites under pristine skies. I collect data from the largest optical telescopes in the world to study the motions and chemistry of stars in galaxies and unravel the history of their formation.

Above: Rainbow over the dome of the Anglo-Australian Telescope in the Warrumbungle...view more


Old Main Building, Room 129


+61-2-9348 0982