Select Publications


Foster C; Donoghoe MW; Battisti A; D'Eugenio F; Harborne K; Venville T; Lagos CDP; Mendel JT; Bagge R; Barsanti S; Bellstedt S; Boecker A; Chen Q; Derkenne C; Ferre-Matteu A; Gjergo E; Gupta A; Muller EGM; Santucci G; Park H-J; Remus R-S; Thater S; Sande JVD; Vaughan S; Brough S; Croom SM; Valenzuela LM; Wisnioski E; Team TMAGPI, 2025, The MAGPI Survey: the kinematic morphology-density relation (or lack thereof) and the Hubble sequence at $z\sim0.3$,

Foster C; Bellstedt S; DEugenio F; Poci A; Bagge R; Harborne K; Venville T; Mendel JT; Lagos CDP; Wisnioski E; Barone TM; Battisti AJ; Barsanti S; Brough S; Croom SM; Derkenne C; Kimmig LC; Mailvaganam A; Remus R-S; Sharma G; Sweet SM; Thater S; Valenzuela LM; Sande JVD; Vaughan SP; Ziegler B, 2025, The MAGPI Survey: the subtle role of environment and not-so-subtle impact of generations of stars on galaxy dynamics,

Mun M; Wisnioski E; Harborne KE; Lagos CDP; Valenzuela LM; Remus R-S; Mendel JT; Battisti AJ; Ellison SL; Foster C; Bravo M; Brough S; Croom SM; Gao T; Grasha K; Gupta A; Mai Y; Mailvaganam A; Muller EGM; Sharma G; Sweet SM; Taylor EN; Zafar T, 2024, The MAGPI Survey: radial trends in star formation across different cosmological simulations in comparison with observations at $z \sim$ 0.3,

Mukherjee T; Zafar T; Nanayakkara T; Gupta A; Gurung-Lopez S; Battisti A; Wisnioski E; Foster C; Mendel JT; Harborne KE; Lagos CDP; Kodama T; Croom SM; Thater S; Webb J; Barsanti S; Sweet SM; Prathap J; Valenzuela LM; Mailvaganam A; Martinez JLC, 2024, The MAGPI Survey: Insights into the Lyman-alpha line widths and the size of ionized bubbles at the edge of cosmic reionization,

Derkenne C; McDermid RM; Santucci G; Poci A; Thater S; Bellstedt S; Mendel JT; Foster C; Harborne KE; Lagos CDP; Wisnioski E; Croom S; Remus R-S; Valenzuela LM; Sande JVD; Sweet SM; Ziegler B, 2024, The MAGPI Survey: Evidence Against the Bulge-Halo Conspiracy,

Mun M; Wisnioski E; Battisti AJ; Mendel JT; Ellison SL; Taylor EN; Lagos CDP; Harborne KE; Foster C; Croom SM; Bellstedt S; Barsanti S; Gupta A; Valenzuela LM; Chen Q-H; Grasha K; Mukherjee T; Park H-J; Sharda P; Sweet SM; Remus R-S; Zafar T, 2024, The MAGPI Survey: Evolution of radial trends in star formation activity across cosmic time,

Foster C; Vaughan S; Fraser-McKelvie A; Brough S; Bryant JJ; Croom SM; D'Eugenio F; Groves B; Konstantopoulos IS; López-Sánchez ÁR; Oh S; Owers MS; Sweet SM; Sande JVD; Wisnioski E; Yi SK; Zovaro HRM, 2023, The SAMI Survey: Evidence for dynamical coupling of ionised gas and young stellar populations,

Taylor EN; Hopkins AM; Baldry IK; Bland-Hawthorn J; Brown MJI; Colless M; Driver S; Norberg P; Robotham ASG; Alpaslan M; Brough S; Cluver ME; Gunawhardhana M; Kelvin LS; Liske J; Conselice CJ; Croom S; Foster C; Jarrett TH; Lopez ML; Loveday J, 2014, Galaxy And Mass Assembly: Deconstructing Bimodality - I. Red ones and blue ones,

Brodie JP; Romanowsky AJ; Strader J; Forbes DA; Foster C; Jennings ZG; Pastorello N; Pota V; Usher C; Blom C; Kader J; Roediger JC; Spitler LR; Villaume A; Arnold JA; Kartha SS; Woodley KA, 2014, The SAGES Legacy Unifying Globulars and GalaxieS Survey (SLUGGS): Sample definition, methods, and initial results,

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