Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, '"Introduction: Staging Asylum, Again"', in Cañas T; Wake C (ed.), Staging Asylum, Again, Currency Press, Surry Hills, pp. 1 - 8
,2024, '"Introduction: Tribunal"', in Cañas T; Wake C (ed.), Staging Asylum, Again, pp. 9 - 15
,2023, 'Introduction: Performance, Refuge and Resistance', in Little S; Suliman S; Wake C (ed.), Performance, Resistance and Refugees, Routledge, London, pp. 1 - 16,
,2023, 'Offshore Onstage: Refugee Policies, Media Ecologies and Migrant Dramaturgies in Australia, 2001–2021', in Little S; Suliman S (ed.), Performance, Resistance and Refugees, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 84 - 98,
,2023, 'Performance and Asylum Seekers in Australia (2000–2020)', in The Palgrave Handbook of Theatre and Migration, pp. 549 - 560,
,2018, 'Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Liveworks 2017', in Khan J; Pearce T; Winten K (ed.), Performance Space Reflections on Liveworks 2017, Performance Space, Sydney, pp. 10 - 12,
,2015, 'Performing Authenticity in the Refugee Determination Process', in Cox E (ed.), Staging Asylum Contemporary Australian Plays about Refugees, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills
,2014, '"Story, Silence, Song and Site: The Multiplicity of Testimony in The Fence"', in Forsyth A (ed.), The Methuen Drama Anthology of Testimonial Plays, Bloomsbury, London, pp. 75 - 82,
,2014, 'The Complexity of Courage: Roslyn Oades' Headphone Verbatim Trilogy', in Acts of Courage: Three Headphone Verbatim Play, Currency Press, Sydney, pp. vii - xviii
,2013, 'From Sight to Site: Performance in Memory and Trauma Studies', in Trezise B; Wake C (ed.), Visions and Revisions: Performance, Memory, Trauma, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, pp. 11 - 28,
,2013, 'Disabling Spectacle: Curiosity, Contempt and Collapse in Performance Theatre', in Eckersall P; Grehan H (ed.), ‘We're People Who Do Shows’: Back to Back Theatre - Performance Politics Visibility, Performance Research Books, Aberystwyth, pp. 118 - 131
,2013, 'The Accident and the Account: Towards a Taxonomy of Spectatorial Witness in Theatre and Performance Studies', in Trezise B; Wake C (ed.), Visions and Revisions: Performance, Memory, Trauma, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, pp. 33 - 56,
,2012, 'Interrogating Theatre: Version 1.0's War on Terror Trilogy', in Remixing Politics: 3 Documentary Theatre Works, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, N.S.W., pp. vii - xxii
,2010, 'A Short History of Verbatim Theatre', in Brown P (ed.), Verbatim: Staging Memory and Community, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, NSW, pp. 9 - 17
,2010, 'The Future of Verbatim Theatre: Truthfulness in a New Era', in Brown P (ed.), Verbatim: Staging Memory and Community, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, Sydney, pp. 18 - 21
,2010, 'The Laramie Project: Performing the Play in the USA and Australia', in Brown P (ed.), Verbatim: Staging Memory and Community, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, Sydney, pp. 25 - 36
,2010, 'Towards a Working Definition of Verbatim Theatre', in Brown P (ed.), Verbatim: Staging Memory and Community, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, Sydney, pp. 2 - 5
,2010, 'Verbatim Theatre Within a Spectrum of Practices', in Brown P (ed.), Verbatim: Staging Memory and Community, Currency Press, Strawberry Hills, Sydney, pp. 6 - 8